Documentary: The autism plague that affects Somalis

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They hide other mild mental defects but this one no Somali mother can hide it. This sickness is hell on earth to a mother. I met a mother with 2 autistic kids. I was close to asking her "what did you do to deserve this, yaa ku habaarey"

Don't many cadaans do abortions when they find out their baby will have Downs syndrome or autism or something like that?
I seen many somali mothers refusing to vaccinate their kids because they believe that's what's causing autism, xoolonimo

That's because it's proven that vaccination particularly the MMR jab causes it, Japan banned it as did many other countries, not a single case of autism that I have ever known about in my travels to Somalia which is over 10 times and a 6 year stay.

Even Trump appointed a dude to investigate this and let's not forget all the falsely discredited scientist that warned about this link, Tony blair that fucking c*nt when Prime-minister used the single Jab instead of the MMR for his children which made big news.

The elitist themselves don't use it for their kids, while they preach the opposite to you. Then again I forgot your nothing more then a conformist quickademic Europhile brainless sheep following it's designated herder blindly.

This is message not for you, but for the passive readers.
Notice how the lady says she NEVER SAW ANYTHING like this in her life in Somalia, you get the same answer from any other elderly Somalia, the same across Africa. But people are just too stupid to connect the dots, until it happens to them, humanity thrived without this poison for thousands of years.

How they let new born kid whose immune system hasn't even developed properly yet, take several unnatural toxic vaccinations is beyond me, it's only a miracle only about 1/4 are affected but it's growing rapidly and reaching the 1/3 stage.

Even this lady smart enough to make the connection to the West, but she is unsure were exactly it's coming from.

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Notice how the lady says she NEVER SAW ANYTHING like this in her life in Somalia, you get the same answer from any other elderly Somalia, the same across Africa. But people are just too stupid to connect the dots, until it happens to them.

How they let new born kid whose immune system hasn't even developed properly yet, take several unnatural toxic vaccinations is beyond me, it's only a miracle only about 1/4 are affected but it's growing rapidly and reaching the 1/3 stage.
Somalis hid this stuff back home so of course people didn't see it. It may be vaccinations along with the fact that Somali women give birth well into their 40s. For example, a Somali mother who's overwhelmed as it is with 10 children at the age of 42 will have their 11th child. That will increase the chances of disability in your offspring. Autism is genetic too, so if a relative has autism the chances are higher their close relative will have it too.
Somalis hid this stuff back home so of course people didn't see it. It may be vaccinations along with the fact that Somali women give birth well into their 40s. For example, a Somali mother who's overwhelmed as it is with 10 children at the age of 42 will have their 11th child. That will increase the chances of disability in your offspring. Autism is genetic too, so if a relative has autism the chances are higher their close relative will have it too.

Pure quickademic crap, I cannot believe the extend people are willing to go to, in order to blindly conform to Europhile doctrines, orad bring your children just born for several cocktail of toxic vaccinations.

Ilaahey ba mahad leh I didn't come out of your womb, the more I read you people on here and how blind sided most of you are, even willing to gamble with your children life, the more I praise Allah.

That lady in the video probably not educated is a 1000x smarted then you, she made the connection almost 80%, unlike you I have been to Somalia, been to camps with over 100.000 people, travelled all regions, didn't find a single such person.

If you watch the videos of mothers or read their blogs how before the vaccines their children were healthy and this only happened after, the same stories with most somali mother's cognisant of it, it's gut wrenching. There is a whole movement on this.

To argue it's genetics seeing a Somali community almost 1/3 of newborn becoming autistic in the west, is moronic type of argumentation, nacalad ba kugo taalo, caqli xuma wuxu


Pure quickademic crap, I cannot believe the extend people are willing to go to, in order to blindly conform to Europhile doctrines, orad bring your children just born for several cocktail of toxic vaccinations.

Ilaahey ba mahad leh I didn't come out of your womb, the more I read you people on here and how blind sided most of you are, even willing to gamble with your children life, the more I praise Allah.

That lady in the video probably not educated is a 1000x smarted then you, she made the connection almost 80%, unlike you I have been to Somalia, been to camps with over 100.000 people, travelled all regions, didn't find a single such person.

If you watch the videos of mothers or read their blogs how before the vaccines their children were healthy and this only happened after, the same stories with most somali mother's cognisant of it, it's gut wrenching. There is a whole movement on this.

To argue it's genetics seeing a Somali community almost 1/3 of newborn becoming autistic in the west, is moronic type of argumentation, nacalad ba kugo taalo, caqli xumo wuxu
You believe in conspiracy theories. I think I'm going to go with scientific research rather than conspiracy theories from those who believe mental illness is caused by possessions. I have been to Somalia as well where public health is elementary at best and people have to be told to stop openly defacating. Ma adaa wax ii sheegi karo ninyahow?
You believe in conspiracy theories. I think I'm going to go with scientific research rather than conspiracy theories from those who believe mental illness is caused by possessions. I have been to Somalia as well where public health is elementary at best and people have to be told to stop openly defacating. Ma adaa wax ii sheegi karo ninyahow?

Your an absolute bakhti equating child autism, to some dude gone mental due to post traumatic stress from the civil-war or some 4 decade non-stop khaat addiction, apples and oranges.

A young child with autism is totally unheard off in Somalia just as that lady says and just as anyone else you can ask, abaha your scientistyaasha iyo bakhtiga
Dofaarka Gaalka aad caabudid ku yaale.

Xataa caqli aad ku fakartid ma lehid you zombie gaal raac trash, humanity lived for more then tens of thousand of years without any vaccinations and survived perfectly fine, much of Africa and Asia with no vaccinations don't see this kind of shocking levels of autism and it's unheard of in history even in Europe

In their own reports it states they use mercury in their vaccines just as they used mercury for tooth filling (which they later banned) mercury is a highly toxic substance, if you had any brains and wasn't a sheep you would know this, bakhtiyahow.
That's because it's proven that vaccination particularly the MMR jab causes it, Japan banned it as did many other countries, not a single case of autism that I have ever known about in my travels to Somalia which is over 10 times and a 6 year stay.

Even Trump appointed a dude to investigate this and let's not forget all the falsely discredited scientist that warned about this link, Tony blair that fucking c*nt when Prime-minister used the single Jab instead of the MMR for his children which made big news.

The elitist themselves don't use it for their kids, while they preach the opposite to you. Then again I forgot your nothing more then a conformist quickademic Europhile brainless sheep following it's designated herder blindly.

This is message not for you, but for the passive readers.

You think the earth is flat, you'd never be able to grasp the intricacies of vaccines and why they're essential


Your an absolute bakhti equating child autism, to some dude gone mental due to post traumatic stress from the civil-war or some 4 decade non-stop khaat addiction, apples and oranges.

A young child with autism is totally unheard off in Somalia just as that lady says and just as anyone else you can ask, abaha your scientistyaasha iyo bakhtiga
Dofaarka Gaalka aad caabudid ku yaale.

Xataa caqli aad ku fakartid ma lehid you zombie gaal raac trash, humanity lived for more then tens of thousand of years without any vaccinations and survived perfectly fine, much of Africa and Asia with no vaccinations don't see this kind of shocking levels of autism and it's unheard of in history even in Europe

In their own reports it states they use mercury in their vaccines just as they used mercury for tooth filling (which they later banned) mercury is a highly toxic substance, if you had any brains and wasn't a sheep you would know this, bakhtiyahow.
Seed uu oogaan karta haday lahayeen autism iyo in kale? Somalis hide their children, it's a fact. If a child is considered different or not normal in any way they would hide the child so how can anybody be sure that Somali children did not have autism until now? Bal suuashas uun ka jawab intaad cayda iga daysid.
You think the earth is flat, you'd never be able to grasp the intricacies of vaccines and why they're essential

So do 1000 of other scientists throughout history (forbidden scientists from you), so did all the wonder complex ancient civilisations that knew the cosmos from the palm of their hands, so did a dozen of other cosmologist, astrologists etc. unlike a blind following peasant like you that never looks up in the sky.

What exactly is your point ? if I was to ask you to explain very simple stuff such as lunar eclipses, basic college level trigonometry how to work out the curvature on a slope or a ball, you wouldn't know, your blind deaf and dumb.

You follow what you are told without thinking, I know how this feels because I was like you at one point in my life, until I began to use my brain, I know how it feels being a sheep.

Vaccines in fact are very easy to grasp in comparison to this, but since you are a blind sheeple follower, your too stupid to see it until your Europhiles God's point them out to you, the real joke is you
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So do 1000 of other scientists throughout history (forbidden scientists from you), so did all the wonder complex ancient civilisations that knew the cosmos from the palm of their hands, so did a dozen of other cosmologist, astrologists etc.

What exactly is your point ? if I was to ask you to explain very simple stuff such as lunar eclipses, basic college level trigonometry how to work out the curvature on a slope or a ball, you wouldn't know, your blind deaf and dumb.

You follow what you are told without thinking, I know how this feels because I was like you at one point in my life, until I began to use my brain, I know how it feels being a sheep.

Vaccines in fact are very easy to grasp in comparison to this, but since you are a blind sheeple follower, your too stupid to see it until your Europhiles God's point them out to you, the real joke is you




I have an IQ of 300
So do 1000 of other scientists throughout history (forbidden scientists from you), so did all the wonder complex ancient civilisations that knew the cosmos from the palm of their hands, so did a dozen of other cosmologist, astrologists etc. unlike a blind following peasant like you that never looks up in the sky.

What exactly is your point ? if I was to ask you to explain very simple stuff such as lunar eclipses, basic college level trigonometry how to work out the curvature on a slope or a ball, you wouldn't know, your blind deaf and dumb.

You follow what you are told without thinking, I know how this feels because I was like you at one point in my life, until I began to use my brain, I know how it feels being a sheep.

Vaccines in fact are very easy to grasp in comparison to this, but since you are a blind sheeple follower, your too stupid to see it until your Europhiles God's point them out to you, the real joke is you
Inna lillah :snoop:
How big is your tinfoil hat my man?
You believe the earth is flat, use this strange "Europhile" term for anyone who disagrees with you, and believe vaccines cause autism. Wow.
I learnt this trick from Somali mothers, vaccinate your kids later, for example 2 months vaccine delayed it till 5 months or 4,..... I remembered taking my vaccines till up to my middle school. The government paid for them in that Arabic country all we have to do is bring the needle. Taking all these vaccines at very young age (2 months to 18 months)
Its the vaccination especially the one given at 2 years old. There has been too many cases of babies able to speak but after getting the dose they acquire autism. Obviously drug companies are gonna pay scientist millions to say there is no connection to it, otherwise they'd be sued to bankruptcy. They've taken notice and have pushed the vaccine to 4 years old.
This is a good question. I know one kid who is autistic.
@Inquisitive_ care to explain why not all kids become autistic as a result of the vaccines since all somali kids get it? If you argued that some kids are particularly vulnerable because of their genes, I wouldn't completely discount it. I was listening the other day about a study where people who had cancer also had a gene for autism. It is hard to pin point but I think the dietry change is also there.
This is a good question. I know one kid who is autistic.
@Inquisitive_ care to explain why not all kids become autistic as a result of the vaccines since all somali kids get it? If you argued that some kids are particularly vulnerable because of their genes, I wouldn't completely discount it. I was listening the other day about a study where people who had cancer also had a gene for autism. It is hard to pin point but I think the dietry change is also there.

Many mothers as Canuck posted leave it much later giving the child's immune system enough chance to build up, rather then giving them the entire cock tail between a period 0-18 months.

Then you have a small percentage that don't do it or leave it until the kid is early teens, all the kids born in the west suffer from all kinds of hay fever, allergies and have sensitive guts, were as many of us grew up back home have a beast of a immune system, because we were never vaccinated.

I remember eating the same bad food as a friend, but he became critically ill hospitalized were as I had a very minor rumble in my stomach. It's really a lottery ticket with a combination of many factors, genetics, immune system maturity, parental dietary while you were in the womb, type of vaccine (single jab/MMR jab), incubation period of vaccine (how long did the parents wait) and Qadr of Allah

But regardless of factors, even if the kid doesn't develop autism, vaccinated kids are just plain weak everywhere, something afflicts them, whether it's allergy, hay fever, gut sensitivity, learning difficulties etc. They add fucking mercury to these vaccines which is a known toxic just as they used to do mercury fillings in people's teeth until they outlawed it.

These along with the other arsenic chemicals in vaccines weaken your immune system, some survive the stress others don't, but regardless the effect and damage has been done.
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