Does Life after Death Exist?.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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Ofc it does. Atheists like you are dammed to hell
Close one of your eyes and try to look out of it

You wont see black, youll just see Nothing

thats what I think will happen after death


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
How was life when you were uncousous after a surgery you fucking retard

I had surgery when I was 15 and all I remember was being given a mask to breath in and out of and then next thing I know I'm awake in a bed.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I believe in no god but allah and that prophet muhammed saw was his messenger. Just go outside and see how can you think that does not have a creator, the sun was the perfect distance from earth for the perfect temperture. Alxamdulilah I was born a muslim and but even if I wasn't I would 100% know there is a god who created all of this. Unless if you choose to be ignorant and not care.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
This is talk of kufr and shaitan is behind it. The Quran is a miracle and there is proof of its preservation and verification as word of Allah. Even if you’re thinking logically, it’d make the most sense to follow the religion which has the most likelihood of being true. Even if you’re a hardcore atheist, there’d be solace in knowing that your loved ones would go somewhere nice where you could possibly see them again. Wandering aimlessly and creating your own rules can negative result depending on the individual, Islam’s set of morals keeps us on a straight path. All they can bring to Islam is slander, as all their arguments against it get shut down.