Does Somaliland existence threaten the safety of the people of Somalia?

Does Somaliland existence threaten the safety of the people of Somalia?

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  • No

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  • I'm not sure

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With the latest research and reports we can really conclude that Somaliland funds Al Shabaab.

So does its existence threaten Somalia?
The Nexus between Somaliland and Al-Shabaab

Written By Swedish Investigative Journalists Peter Wolfson & Greta Backstrom

Many accounts misapprehend the nature of the relationship between Somaliland and al-Shabaab. The relationship, in fact, goes far beyond contact and coexistence, with significant financial assistance by Somaliland’s Ministry of Interior and Intelligence Agency providing the bulk of al-Shabaab’s financing and weapons, according to sources and al-Shabaab captured leaders. Somaliland intelligence is directly funded by foreign intelligence agencies, according to reports.

Somaliland Minister of Interior Ali Waran-Ade and other senior political, military, and business leaders including former ministers Mohamed Bihi Yonis, Hirsi Ali Hassan, and Suleiman Esa Ahmed as well as Colonel Muse Bihi Abdi and Abdirashid Duale, the CEO of Dahabshiil have actively financed and supported al-Shabaab as part of a strategy to undermine political and security progress in Somalia and boost support for Somaliland recognition.

Somaliland uses western economic development and security funds to finance al-Shabaab operations in Somalia. Waran-Ade, a former senior intelligence officer for the Siyad Barre’s National Security Services (NSS) directed financing and provided material support to al-Shabaab operations.

Al-Shabaab has a strong support in Somaliland, according to captured senior al-Shabaab commander and the government orchestrates, sustains as well as strongly influences the movement operations in Somalia. Somaliland also gives sanctuary to the families of senior al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida leaders, and provides support in terms of training, funding, munitions, and supplies for al-Shabaab. In their words, this is ‘as clear as the sun in the sky’.

Directly or indirectly Somaliland appears to exert significant influence on the strategic decision-making and field operations of al-Shabaab; and has greater away over operatives. According to recently defected al-Shabaab commander, Somaliland intelligence controls al-Shabaab’s counterintelligence units “Amniyat”, who are recruited from radical mosques in Hargeisa, Burco, Berbera Gabiley and Borama.

Former al-Shabaab operatives confirmed that the Somaliland Intelligence was represented on the al-Shabaab leadership council, known as the Shura, and the Security Council. Indeed, the agency appears to have circumscribed the al-Shabaab’s strategic autonomy.

Waran-Ade himself has apparently assured senior al-Shabaab leaders that they are ‘our people’ and have his backing. He has also apparently authorized al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida fighters and supporters release from Somaliland prisons, including senior al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula operative who was captured in Berbera on his way to Lower Shebelle to meet with al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Umar.

In 2012, Somaliland police detained and released al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Godane, al-Shabaab external operation leader Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir (Ikrima) and operative Ismail Muse, reportedly now head of al-Shabaab Mogadishu operations, who is one of the highest ranking in the movement below al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Umar. The group was in Burco to meet with al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula emissaries and Dahabshiil and other al-Shabaab financiers.

Somaliland’s involvement with al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula is having a major implication for the international community. The governments of Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti have all been alarmed by the Somaliland, al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida nexus. Ethiopia and Djibouti have restricted borders with Somaliland.

Diplomatic outposts and international organizations have been instructed to relocate from Hargeisa to Mogadishu and limit contacts with senior Somaliland government officials.

Somaliland Strategy

Through providing sanctuary and support to al-Shabaab, Somaliland appears to be able to exert significant influence on al-Shabaab strategy. As a Somaliland political figure summarized: ‘Somaliland has some control “over the al-Shabaab”. They have influence in al-Shabaab’s decision-making. Sure, they have dominated the movement, but al-Shabaab has some independence. Likewise, a security analyst said: ‘al-Shabaab is obliged to accept Somaliland demands – it needs their support.’

The Somaliland-al-Shabaab relationship is founded on mutual benefits. Al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida need external sanctuary, as well as military and logistical support to sustain their insurgency in Somalia and Yemen. As a former al-Shabaab operative put it: ‘Somaliland are helping al-Shabaab a lot, but they only give for their own gain. According to the conflict analyst: ‘there is not an equal relationship between Somaliland and al-Shabaab – Somaliland is far more powerful. Al-Shabaab doesn’t have any choice except to live in Somaliland; where else can they go?’

Somaliland Leadership Collusion with Foreign Terrorist Organization’s

Security experts are divided on the extent to which Somaliland policy towards al-Shabaab insurgents is determined independently of civilian officials. Somaliland officials were aware of Waran-Ade’s and Somaliland intelligence role in supporting al-Shabaab and were actively encouraging it.’

The Daallo Airlines terrorist incident in early February and the bombing of seafood restaurant in Mogadishu suggest that the policy is approved at the highest level of Somaliland government. Al-Shabaab senior operative Ismail Muse, who planned, coordinated and financed both Daallo Airline and Mogadishu seafood restaurant attacks made several trips to Hargeisa, Burco and Borama to meet with Dahabshiil and senior Somaliland intelligence officer code name “Dagaxbuur”.

According to western intelligence source Dahabshiil deposited $50,000.00 monthly to secret account at the banks main office in Mogadishu to support Ismail Muse. Dahabshiil also deposited $18,000.00 to the bank account of senior Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) who was recently implicated and arrested for the Daallo Airline attack.

Somaliland Intelligence Operations in Somalia

Al-Shabaab commanders believe Somaliland shapes their operations in Somalia in a powerful, surreptitious and coercive way. Somaliland intelligence is part of Amniyat operational command. Certainly, insurgent skills and capabilities at the operational and tactical level suggest the involvement of trained professional military personnel. As a former security official said: ‘they give them the plans, the strategy and new techniques. The chain goes back to Somaliland.

Al-Shabaab Sanctuary, Funding, Munitions and Supplies

Al-Shabaab has a number of sources of external support, and there is little doubt that Somaliland is increasing the arms, funding and training they provide to the insurgents. Somaliland involvement in the early stages of the insurgency has been widely acknowledged. Somaliland were operating training camps for al-Shabaab recruits, and facilitating the supply of funds, equipment and arms.

Dahabshiil the Terror Bank of Choice for al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida

Dahabshiil financial support for al-Shabaab is diverse as confirmed by western intelligence officials. Dahabshiil collects al-Shabaab funds from charitable donations, applied to businessmen or farmers, especially traffickers; ransom from kidnappings; protection money from contractors or officials. Al-Shabaab funds are deposited to Dahabshiil in Hargeisa. A selected al-Shabaab financiers and facilitators have access to the funds and they manage the group’s funding, munitions and supplies.

As al-Shabaab military commander put it: ‘we receive salary, training, weapons, ammunition and expenses from Somaliland. … Everyone knows Somaliland gives money; it goes centrally, and then flows down. Another al-Shabaab commander said: ‘Of course, it’s a huge project, the insurgency needs huge funding, IEDs [improvised explosive devices], ammunition, training, needs everything, all of this has been given by Somaliland. We do not have facilities to produce any of this.


Somaliland will continue its terrorist-related activities, including support for al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida. Somaliland views al-Shabaab terrorism and insurgency as a crucial in its recognition strategy. The more Somalia suffers, the better chances for Somaliland becoming independent state. Somaliland has continued to generate significant concern regarding the role it plays in terrorist financing.

Dahabshiil continues to operate in vast black market and unregulated economy of Somalia. The hawala networks remained intertwined with terrorism financing, smuggling and transaction-based money laundering. This raises significant concerns that some members of the Somaliland government and the business elite were complicit in terrorist finance schemes.

The international community is working with the Somali Federal Government on sanctions to stop Somaliland support of foreign terrorist organization. The international community and the Somali government are also working on financial, military, and economic sanctions as well travel restriction and terrorist designation for Waran-Ade, Dagaxbuur, Dahabshiil and several other senior Somaliland officials, according to credible source.

Peter Wolfson & Greta Backstrom

Investigative Journalists

Nairobi, Kenya & Stockholm, Sweden​
I've asked OP to provide evidence for the existence of these 'swedish investigative journalists', he has yet to, and will likely not be able to.
Instead he said he will look into it but then ran away and made a new thread with similar intentions to his first.
I've asked OP to provide evidence for the existence of these 'swedish investigative journalists', he has yet to, and will likely not be able to.
Instead he said he will look into it but then ran away and made a new thread with similar intentions to his first.
I just spread the news if you really want to know their existence don't go after me go after the news agency.
everything they shared was factual, but you don't really want to believe your clan enclave supports the death of Somalis in Somalia
I just spread the news if you really want to know their existence don't go after me go after the news agency.
I asked you to show which news agency they work(ed) for, and you didn't. This isn't written on reputable news agency websites, just somali/african blog type news websites. They're not the same thing and not worth my/your time.
everything they shared was factual, but you don't really want to believe your clan enclave supports the death of Somalis in Somalia
Facts have evidence to support them. Not anonymous quotes sxb. I'm serious. It is not in the interests of Somalis to make up lies like this, if you were worried about Somali lives you would know this kind of shit is dangerous.
Facts have evidence to support them. Not anonymous quotes sxb. I'm serious. It is not in the interests of Somalis to make up lies like this, if you were worried about Somali lives you would know this kind of shit is dangerous.
Somalilanders support the suffering of Somalis in Somalia
But Somaliland news agencies are?

Your whataboutism is getting tiring. If this was written on a Somaliland blog news website I would say the exact same thing.
There are plenty of things to criticse the SL gov over, you can make decent arguments in favor of unity, you dont have to believe lies that are written for no other reason than to incite violence and hatred.
Facts have evidence to support them. Not anonymous quotes sxb. I'm serious. It is not in the interests of Somalis to make up lies like this, if you were worried about Somali lives you would know this kind of shit is dangerous.

Check Somnet they have been provided, but that's besides the point, Siilaanyo has publically said that Dahabshiil has helped them out with a lot, a lot of your politicians have also admitted to this and receiving funds from dahabshiiil, this is irrefutable, I'll post the video of it shortly if you insist.

Look, 2x Jazeera hotel bombings were done by a ictiraaf seekers from Somaliland, the German media exposed one that flew from their country to bomb one of our best hotels is a wooqoyi guy, the guy that bombed daalo airline is Isaaq Somaliland, so is the one that bombed SYL and 2x Ahmed village sea side restaurant, the guys that killed Saado Ali are Haber jelco both were caught but released after dahabshiil paid heavy bribes, the guy that master-minded Liido attacks is also Ictiraaf seeker, all of this caught on camera all irrefutable facts.

Dahabshiil assistant manager for south africa was arrested by Kikuyu recently for recruiting Al-shabab to bring devastation to both Kenya & Somalia, I'll post the video of that one eyed terrorist scum in a new thread, because of al-shabab/ISIS, Puntland, Jubaland, South-West, Benadir, Hiiraan & Kenya all suffering from bombings, but the financiers and directors in Ethiopia and Somaliland NOT a single bombing or attack
Check Somnet they have been provided, but that's besides the point, Siilaanyo has publically said that Dahabshiil has helped them out with a lot, a lot of your politicians have also admitted to this and receiving funds from dahabshiiil, this is irrefutable, I'll post the video of it shortly if you insist.

Look, 2x Jazeera hotel bombings were done by a ictiraaf seekers from Somaliland, the German media exposed one that flew from their country to bomb one of our best hotels is a wooqoyi guy, the guy that bombed daalo airline is Isaaq Somaliland, so is the one that bombed SYL and 2x Ahmed village sea side restaurant, the guys that killed Saado Ali are Haber jelco both were caught but released after dahabshiil paid heavy bribes, the guy that master-minded Liido attacks is also Ictiraaf seeker, all of this caught on camera all irrefutable facts.

Dahabshiil assistant manager for south africa was arrested by Kikuyu recently for recruiting Al-shabab to bring devastation to both Kenya & Somalia, I'll post the video of that one eyed terrorist scum in a new thread, because of al-shabab/ISIS, Puntland, Jubaland, South-West, Benadir, Hiiraan & Kenya all suffering from bombings, but the financiers and directors in Ethiopia and Somaliland NOT a single bombing or attack

I'm not on that other website, can you put it here?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I've been saying this for the longest just look at @waraabe @7ONE7 they rejoice at the death of innocent women & children from Somalia, they hate us more than Ethiopia, Kenya, Israel put together. But hawiye will watch them massacre their people in xamar all in the name of irir.
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