Does wearing makeup and posting selfies online contradict the whole point of hijab?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There are some that do that. But, from the one's I knew, they were scared. So they would wear tight clothing or something that is not 'modest' that their parents didn't care. Some parents only cared if their daughters only wore the hijab, but didn't care about the way they did it.
What has that got to do with what she asked you? And I'm the one with the lowest iq :snoop:

In this day & age no girl in the west is forced to wear hijab :idontlike:

I'll bet my last pretty penny that you're an apostate :mjohreally:


Not your typical Farah
I don't smoke hookah :drakewtf:

Your iq is higher than mine? How do you figure :sass2:

Let me get this straight you're spewing all these profanities cause I implied you read the daily mail :umad:
You came at me first, by trying to insult me as some crazy right winger who reads Fox News and the Daily Mail. Don't try to play the victim, when you started it. Maybe next time don't quote me unless you have a serious intelligent reply to comments.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You came at me first, by trying to insult me as some crazy right winger who reads Fox News and the Daily Mail. Don't try to play the victim, when you started it. Maybe next time don't quote me unless you have a serious intelligent reply to comments.
:mjlaugh: My nigga needs a tampon how is that a diss? Stop watching Fox News bill O'Reilly :mjpls:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You mean khaldaan. Im not khaldaan anyways walal lakiin caadi iska dhig. Shaydanka iska naar.
On one of your previous comments you said "Dee" my qaldan radar is strong besides you even spell qaldan like a qaldan :chrisfreshhah:
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