Does your family pressure you to marry?


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Why dont u wanna marry
I think of my self as a free spirit and marriage forces me to take someone else’s feelings into consideration when I make decisions for myself which I hate cause I cherish my freedom I don’t want someone else tryna tell me I can’t do something that ultimately is my decision and affects me all because they wouldn’t like it. I’m also bad at taking advice or suggestions unless I agree with said advice I’m just gonna look at the girl like she’s stupid and get pissed she even suggested something stupid which isn’t necessarily her fault. I don’t like arguments and fighting but with a wife it’s bound to happen. A lot less stress in the single life.

I also don’t want to give myself any more responsibilities then the ones I already have im the type of person that would never have pets or plants because it’s something you have to tend to and take care of imagine how much worse it is with a wife much less children. I’m very good at taking care of and providing for myself but with others in the equation it’s a different story plus the money I would spend on a family of my own i would much rather use to help the current family I have like my mother and siblings.

To put it in simple terms there’s too much compromise in marriage and I don’t like it. I find that it’s much easier and simpler to live on my own not only commitment wise but financially. I also don’t do well with disagreements I will always end up doing what i want and that could be problematic in a marriage because you can’t always have your way.
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ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Marriage is only worth it today while young if you got a respectful and loyal ride or die. Otherwise, don't get married. If you badly want kids but can't find the perfect woman, wait until your 40s with a decent enough one to leave a legacy. People are working until their 60s and 70s anyways. Quality of spouse material has really gone downhill.
Marriage is only worth it today while young if you got a respectful and loyal ride or die. Otherwise, don't get married. If you badly want kids but can't find the perfect woman, wait until your 40s with a decent enough one to leave a legacy. People are working until their 60s and 70s anyways. Quality of spouse material has really gone downhill.
Marriage is worth it at any age. People shouldn't deprive themselves of its blessings. They should see what they're missing out on.


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Marriage is worth it at any age. People shouldn't deprive themselves of its blessings. They should see what they're missing out on.

I'm in my early 30s and I think I'm around the age where we are the last ones to have widespread quality spouses. The quality of spouses has gone downhill for people alot younger than me. The situation is dire.
I'm in my early 30s and I think I'm around the age where we are the last ones to have widespread quality spouses. The quality of spouses has gone downhill for people alot younger than me. The situation is dire.
People just aren't looking in the right places at the right time, I reckon. To find a good quality spouse one must become one. Water seeks its level.

You word things in a way that can inspire despair in singles. I believe people should not give up so easily in the search if it's really something they want.


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
People just aren't looking in the right places at the right time, I reckon. To find a good quality spouse one must become one. Water seeks its level.

Tell that to my 20 year old cousin who I knew since he was born. One of the most decent and kind and considerate men I know and is recently married to an evil monster. Good people regularly marry horrible people who have unmasked themselves when it's too late and it's worse now for Gen Z.
Tell that to my 20 year old cousin who I knew since he was born. One of the most decent and kind and considerate men I know and is recently married to an evil monster. Good people regularly marry horrible people who have unmasked themselves when it's too late and it's worse now for Gen Z.
Being good doesn't mean you're guaranteed someone good. You still have to spend time investigating them or have your network investigate for you. Masks slip, it's up to the person to be paying attention to the inconsistencies or change in behavior. It happens but hopefully since they're married now he can work on helping her to fix her issues.

Is he married to someone in the same age rank? Cause then maturity is a concern. People need to take marriage more seriously all around. Spouses have rights.

Garaad Awal

Former African
I'm in my early 30s and I think I'm around the age where we are the last ones to have widespread quality spouses. The quality of spouses has gone downhill for people alot younger than me. The situation is dire.
It isn’t dire. You are just continuing the same cycle the older generations have said to the newer generations.

It is dire among the Westerners as they shun the institution of marriage. Their fertility will continue to plummet till it reaches South Korea & Japan levels

