Donald Trump is actually hilariously unhinged : Insults American cities

Donald Trump in a speech in front of house republicans he called Milwaukee the biggest city in the state Wisconsin ''a horrible city'' and now his campaign is scrambling to come up with damage control. Why is this significant? it's because it's the city in which they are hosting the Republican National Convention and he lost the state of Wisconsin to Biden in 2020 by a very narrow margin of 0.06%

This is the most unhinged idiotic self-sabotage i have ever seen in a presidential candidate , never seen another politician insult an American city he hopes to be elected in.

This not a one of , he regularly insults American cities as part of his campaign. He even insults his hometown of New York and says he hates it.

Op-Ed: If Trump loves America, why does he call our cities ‘disgusting’ and ‘embarrassing’?​

Here is America’s president commenting on America’s most populous city and fourth most populous state: “So sad to see that New York City and State are falling apart.” He said he hates them “even more than I should.”
This month, Trump has called San Francisco “filthy dirty,” “disgusting” and “a disgrace.” Last year, he called California “a disgrace to our country.” And over the summer, he called Baltimore a “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and a “very dangerous & filthy place” where “no human being would want to live.” This, mind you, about a city where some 600,000 Americans do live.
Atlanta is “in horrible shape and falling apart” and “crime infested,” according to Trump. And Chicago? A city “totally out of control” and “embarrassing to us as a nation.” He concluded that Tallahassee was “poorly run” and “one of the most corrupt cities in the Country!”
In each of these cases, Trump isn’t merely citing crime statistics or pointing out problems. Instead, he is going out of his way to smear parts of America that he personally dislikes.
Before Trump, presidents and presidential candidates were careful to compliment every nook and cranny of the country, even when the praise stretched credulity. Walter Mondale went so far as to say, “I love New Jersey.” And in 2015, Hillary Clinton extolled the “wisdom of Iowans” in an op-ed for the Des Moines Register.

And Trump? Instead of pretending to love New Jersey, he called it “deeply troubled.” Instead of telling Iowans they were wise, he did the opposite. After a poll showed him in second place behind Ben Carson, Trump asked Iowans, “How stupid are the people of Iowa?”
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Even Mayor of Maliwaukee waa la yaabey. Very baffled.

“If Donald Trump wants to talk about things that he thinks are horrible, all of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy,” Johnson said.
“Look, obviously Donald Trump is wrong about something, yet again,” he continued. “I find it kind of perplexing, I find it kind of strange that he would insult the largest city in Wisconsin because he’s running for president, he obviously wants to win Wisconsin, win the election, and so to insult the state that’s hosting your convention, I think it’s kind of bizarre, actually, kind of unhinged, in a way.”

He could have complimented the city for it's overral crime reduction by a whooping 50% under the current Mayor.

Or the increase of employment, job creation and the growth of the private sector.

Milwaukee's job market kicked off 2024 with a robust performance, adding 11,100 total non-farm jobs compared to December 2023. This positive trend reflects a statewide improvement, with Wisconsin experiencing a net gain of 7,000 private-sector jobs during the same period.
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What zoo was making Dua all night

What zoo was making Dua all night

View attachment 331674

It's not a post praying on his downfall, Genocide Joe Biden is not good candidate either. There both crap tbh, one is just crappier than the other. Old and senile dirtbags. It won't make too much difference if he gets elected or not, other than cause big infighting among the two party system.

I just find it hilarious because it show's one glaring truth which is that ''Facists'' and ''right-wingers'' don't actually love their country, they hate it but in-love what they want it be in their minds. They are just filled hate/rage at the world/country they feel alienated from that they can't self-contain it to their own detriment.

But they love to put on this performative ''patriotism'' , it's all an act, hardly in practice.
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The performative patriotism of the American GOP you can sort of compare them to the past miltia groups in Somalia with ''Somali National'' ''Somali Defense'' United Somali'' in their names that attacked their own country ,citizens and government with the aid of an enemy country(Ethiopia) . (Trump himself colluded with Russia who was undermining them, an enemy country). (Encouraged violent insurrection against the capital)
They all proclaim to be nationalist or patriots or defenders, but are just hate/rage, violence, disinformation in practice and their membership scope is built on exclusion rather than mutual cooperation and integration. They all just service the elites rather than ordinary citizens. They have very little to no policy agenda other than derision. Just like the far-right.

The democrats in the US found this as a golden opportunity to run an ad to draw in Wisconsin voters: Hilarious move

The comments are pretty telling:
Why does someone who claims to love America hate Americans so much?
No surprise that donald insults America and Americans every chance he gets and calls us failures. I'm sick of the insults and childish name calling too. He should have been in prison years ago.
''I Don't Care About You, I Just Want Your Vote'' Convicted Felon Donald John Trump.....What Else Do You Need to Hear....Vote Blue..
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Donald Trump in a speech in front of house republicans he called Milwaukee the biggest city in the state Wisconsin ''a horrible city'' and now his campaign is scrambling to come up with damage control. Why is this significant? it's because it's the city in which they are hosting the Republican National Convention and he lost the state of Wisconsin to Biden in 2020 by a very narrow margin of 0.06%

This is the most unhinged idiotic self-sabotage i have ever seen in a presidential candidate , never seen another politician insult an American city he hopes to be elected in.

This not a one of , he regularly insults American cities as part of his campaign. He even insults his hometown of New York and says he hates it.

Op-Ed: If Trump loves America, why does he call our cities ‘disgusting’ and ‘embarrassing’?​

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Trump can f*ck a pig on live television and he will still win the presidency against Biden. Biden was literally on drugs on there CNN debate anyone noticed how he was rarely blinking? Making him run again is elder abuse. [

He is old and senile no doubt everyone can see that . If he was on drugs he would do way better than that pathetic display lmaao.

I don't think Trump will win, because they did polls after the debate and Biden got him slightly beat
He could have complimented the city for it's overral crime reduction by a whooping 50% under the current Mayor.

Also just to mention the crime rate has gone down nationally and it's even hit historic lows. But Trump and his Republican cohorts are pushing false crime narratives. He tries to justify smearing Milwaukee with it.

Highest crimes are in republican cities but when they point to crime in democrat run cities they leave out it is due to guns being funneled from Republican run cities, like 90% of it.

“It's almost as though Republicans must have a secret plan for this, funded by their billionaires, to flood our cities with illegal, undocumented guns, pouring them over our state borders in the hopes of killing off reliable Democratic voters,” Stewart said, calling it, mockingly, the “great displacement theory



Donald Trump in a speech in front of house republicans he called Milwaukee the biggest city in the state Wisconsin ''a horrible city'' and now his campaign is scrambling to come up with damage control. Why is this significant? it's because it's the city in which they are hosting the Republican National Convention and he lost the state of Wisconsin to Biden in 2020 by a very narrow margin of 0.06%

This is the most unhinged idiotic self-sabotage i have ever seen in a presidential candidate , never seen another politician insult an American city he hopes to be elected in.

This not a one of , he regularly insults American cities as part of his campaign. He even insults his hometown of New York and says he hates it.

Op-Ed: If Trump loves America, why does he call our cities ‘disgusting’ and ‘embarrassing’?​

He'll win most likely unless the elections are thwarted

