Joe turned on Kamala Harris. The democrats know she can't beat trump they even said it themselves. Like you said if you ask her what will you do different than Joe she has no answer. she's there to do the same thing she has done in the past few years in office blame trump on everything but now if she get in shell blame Joe on everything. She will be a sock puppet and just get paid to live. while Trump will make American lives cheaper and stop the war Israel is doing and give Palestine the own country with boarders. Even dear born Muslim resident are dropping the Democrats and switching to Republicans“Why do young men all support trump??!???”
because he’s charismatic and knows the language of the masses. whatever young men are into, you will find trump. His campaign is light years ahead of the democrats, it’s crazy because a politicians only job is to get votes and they’re getting demolished by a real estate mogul.
what is Kamala even running on? No one knows. Is she even running because I’m not seeing her anywhere, i see Obama campaigning for her a lot more they keep trutting his ass out (and it’s visible that he doesn’t even believe what he’s saying)
It’ll be very interesting what he does and who he appoints when he wins, first term he was very cautious and prioritised survival which explains why he appointed neoliberal lizards like Bolton (he gets into this in the interview it’s quite interesting how he talks about it).
In my view I have the hunch the ruling establishment has found a way to contain and eventually co-opt the MAGA movement and trump. Its truly hard to imagine the world getting out of this perma “post war” stasis but deep down we all know it’s gotta end
Its golden hour 24/7Why is he orange like a tangerine?
Nope, he’ll do the opposite. Trump is a man who respects “power”, his world view is to let the strong do what they want and he views Israel as the stronger nation against weak Palestinian. This also extends to bibi who he respects as a skilled politician and powerful leader. As for Iran he sees them as america and by extension a personal enemy and he’ll “bomb them back to the Stone Age” as revenge for past diplomatic crises. Putin can take Ukraine as long as he wins it deservedly,stop the war Israel is doing and give Palestine the own country with boarders
What I don't understand is are the Muslims stupid? This nigga Trump literally gave Israel Jerusalem...... He's been one of the best presidents to Israel. Two state solution is lip service and will never happen, specially under trumpJoe turned on Kamala Harris. The democrats know she can't beat trump they even said it themselves. Like you said if you ask her what will you do different than Joe she has no answer. she's there to do the same thing she has done in the past few years in office blame trump on everything but now if she get in shell blame Joe on everything. She will be a sock puppet and just get paid to live. while Trump will make American lives cheaper and stop the war Israel is doing and give Palestine the own country with boarders. Even dear born Muslim resident are dropping the Democrats and switching to Republicans
It's almost a week till the election, so I understand why the interview was so chill. Joe just let him "Weave" aka ramble, and didn't throw any curve balls his way. It was a boring watch. I gave up at the windmills and whales part.Donny has been on every podcast. But he saved the best for last, gave him 3 hours.
Trump knows how to sell himself he went from rich playboy in the 90s to real estate mogul on the apprentice in the 2000s and now he’s the most popular president of the 21st centuryThis guy's honestly kinda cool. I wouldn't mind befriending him if he was some oday at an old people home. I'd show up sometimes and listen to him ramble, but God help me if he's the President of my country of citizenship. Prayers up to these 'Mericans, wallahi.
Trump knows how to sell himself he went from rich playboy in the 90s to real estate mogul on the apprentice in the 2000s and now he’s the most popular president of the 21st century
Western leaders are way to soft ,obsessed with identity politics instead of improving standard of living , and think human history started in 1945 and that Putin or Xi take the UN seriously
I mean to be fair mark was sticking his nose were it did not belong a general shouldn't make public statements picking sides in politics thank the lord they got rid of that weirdo@ approximately 1 hour and 30 mins he says:
"He was so stupid. He was unwise, he was like an unwise... man." - POTUS assessment of now retired Army General Mark Milley.
I mean to be fair mark was sticking his nose were it did not belong a general shouldn't make public statements picking sides in politics thank the lord they got rid of that weirdo
Confidence can get you far in lifeIt's just the way he speaks, walaal. He legit sounds like a kid there. "You're... you're just... dumb." energy.
@ShimbirisConfidence can get you far in lifeno matter how stupid you are. I work in the tech field and the amount of stupidity I see from specialised fields is ridiculous.
Trump treats the American people like they're stupid. Which is good because they are stupid. He shortens complex economic policy in to a few word slogan like "Make America Great Again". How will he do that? Don't worry, you'll see. The Average american isn't going to listen to policy, just vibes. The Democrats talk more while the average American has gotten dumber and more politically unaware. It wouldn've flown under the obama era where people were willing to listen, but now, the average American's attention span is garbage but the Democrats still yap while the Republicans have adapted.“Why do young men all support trump??!???”
because he’s charismatic and knows the language of the masses. whatever young men are into, you will find trump. His campaign is light years ahead of the democrats, it’s crazy because a politicians only job is to get votes and they’re getting demolished by a real estate mogul.
what is Kamala even running on? No one knows. Is she even running because I’m not seeing her anywhere, i see Obama campaigning for her a lot more they keep trutting his ass out (and it’s visible that he doesn’t even believe what he’s saying)
It’ll be very interesting what he does and who he appoints when he wins, first term he was very cautious and prioritised survival which explains why he appointed neoliberal lizards like Bolton (he gets into this in the interview it’s quite interesting how he talks about it).
In my view I have the hunch the ruling establishment has found a way to contain and eventually co-opt the MAGA movement and trump. Its truly hard to imagine the world getting out of this perma “post war” stasis but deep down we all know it’s gotta end