Donald Trump's team 'discussing plans for Muslim registration system'

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Pepe Trump
I'm not talking about the ones in America, but the 1.8 billion all over the world.
Again like I said before, I'm pretty sure muslim countries all over the world would react harshly to the US if they actually started rounding up and registering Muslims

Why would they do anything?! Their incompetence and inability to deal with (what is clearly also an ideological issue) has led to these measures being taken place. Of course, I disagree with this method because it opens doors for the government (as we've seen with bush) to use this to enhance 'national security' when in reality they're simply trying to poke into your life.

Furthermore, this system is just an upgraded version of what Bush implemented when he was president. Although it was supposedly general rather than specific, it targeted mostly Muslims.

When liberals (I'd cast myself as one although I'm excluding myself from this) refuse to address the problem with terrorism (which has a hell of a lot more to it then just 'politics') you end up with cunts like Trump. You can only feed people the same shit for so long before they had enough of it. says the gas station story is not true. His father owned a few gas stations but they were not white only. Be careful of left-wing media; they are known for lying

Did the Liberal media photoshop the image of his parent's gas station? Considering America's racial divisions and segregation, I believe it.
Why would they do anything?! Their incompetence and inability to deal with (what is clearly also an ideological issue) has led to these measures being taken place. Of course, I disagree with this method because it opens doors for the government (as we've seen with bush) to use this to enhance 'national security' when in reality they're simply trying to poke into your life.

Furthermore, this system is just an upgraded version of what Bush implemented when he was president. Although it was supposedly general rather than specific, it targeted mostly Muslims.

When liberals (I'd cast myself as one although I'm excluding myself from this) refuse to address the problem with terrorism (which has a hell of a lot more to it then just 'politics') you end up with cunts like Trump. You can only feed people the same shit for so long before they had enough of it.

Totally agree, this is not any different than what bush did, and muslim nations never gave a shit.
But I meant if the US started doing unconstitutional things like registering all Muslims in the country in a registry and banning Muslims from entering the US "till they figure out what's going on".
If that happened I'm pretty sure that Muslim countries would do similarly things to what they did in the early 70s. Which was put an oil embargo on Western nations for giving weapons to Isreal.


Pepe Trump
Totally agree, this is not any different than what bush did, and muslim nations never gave a shit.
But I meant if the US started doing unconstitutional things like registering all Muslims in the country in a registry and banning Muslims from entering the US "till they figure out what's going on".
If that happened I'm pretty sure that Muslim countries would do similarly things to what they did in the early 70s. Which was put an oil embargo on Western nations for giving weapons to Isreal.

I disagree, such an embatgo wouldn't work today. The West learned its lesson.


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
Somalis living in the west need to learn to defend themselves. Krav Maga and/or Wing Chun are your best bet. With these fighting styles, you can disarm a gun or knife from a wacko trying to attack you.
If you're an American, legally buy a firearm to protect you and your loved ones.


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
What the Trump admin going to do about Muslims from non-Islamic countries like France, Belgium, Russia, Philippines, etc? :gnzbryw:
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