Don't you dare waste your opportunity in the West and don't get too comfortable!!

That's one thing some people forget. That someone back home, are living better and more comfortable lives then women in the west.

Who is living more comfortable the woman who has her bills paid, as well as having a maid to help with housework. Or the women living in the west working full time and having to pay 50/50 with her partner. I personally would say the one back home in Africa with the maid and all bills paid.

This idea women back home are oppressed isn't neccerally true. Yes oppression does exist but many women live very comfortable lives where they are treated very well by their husnands
@Angelina and her sorority group believe they are impoverished women, they look down on them without even realising it
Ah but your gen were mostly born back home? I’m more than half a decade younger.

I’m a late millennial, 10 years ago I was in sixth form going to uni. You’re telling me teen years or early twenties were asking their counterpart boys for money when working and studying at the same time was normal for my generation?

Young man, I’ve seen you in threads for years as a teen talking about things I wouldn’t have thought about at 16. You’re deffo older. You’ve been on here for at least nearly 10 yrs and a twenty yr old man won’t be talking the way you’re talking about.

My writing has shrunk considerably due to disbelief. You want me to believe say Wallahi UK girls are asking money like fob women?

you’re around 36 to 40. I’ve nailed you. Most of your gen are semi fobs.
This post made my day, I am younger then that but you are verrry close almost nailed it, so your intuition is definitely sound.

I have been a member of Somali forum from the age of 14, those popular Somali websites don't exist anymore, so yes a long veteran in this grind, I care about the community you see even from a young age when you was mostly disinterested and disconnected, even though the gap between us is no more then 3 years if not less.

Technically and biologically the female matures quicker, but this is the overall problem I have with diaspora, they mature to late, sometimes close to menopausal age.


Plotting world domination
My honest opinion when it comes to living there as a woman:

The pros:

Back home really isn’t that bad for middle class diaspora women even if you’re very pro-women’s rights. Somalis don’t have the overly rigid patriarchy found amongst Asiatics and you’re free to study, work and open businesses. As for hijab? That’s a must and tbh as a Muslim you shouldn’t be opposing this. Wear your abaya and be quiet. Every society has a right to have a bench marker for modesty. With regards to male attitudes, Is it a lot more sexist than the West? Yes, but Somali women on a day to day basis are able to get on with their lives and are able to tell random men who come with unsolicited energy to stuff themselves. Being opinionated isn’t condemned in women in Somali culture which is one of our saving graces. As women we can be bold and fight back verbally and make strides in businesses.

The cons:
What I find terrible is the lack of applications of laws. Everything I note I’ve ever seen with my own eyes or the experiences of close family members who’ve seen it with their own eyes. This isn’t even about liberalism at this point. You can’t even send your daughters to school without being afraid that a male macaalin isn’t going to try and hit on her when she turns 12. If you try and report him, the police don’t even care enough to keep him in prison and will make you pay for his food and water whilst he is in prison. Yes you, will have to pay for upkeep in prison Bruce you’re the one that wants him there. No joke. Dugsi in which all children go to, girls aren’t even safe there. It is a society devoid of accountability. Someone can steal your land, try and groom your daughter and they will mostly get away with it. It’s a nightmare in this regard and back home is a predators heaven. You need to be vigilant as a mother there and watch daughters like a hawk.

Marriage is another issue. There are hardly any courts that implement order when it comes to men abandoning women and concepts like child support can’t even be enforced which is why it’s common to see a crying woman with 5 kids asking for handouts on social media who is desperate. Very evil men can literally get rid of a woman and then blackmail her into giving up her children via money and even place those kids with strangers. I know of a case in which a dispora male made his ex give up her kids and then placed the kids with his second cousin who he was paying. So now, the kids have no mother and a father chilling in the West but under the care of randoms because dad wanted to punish wife but not deal with the kids.

The issue is more than liberalism, even a religious conservative person who isn’t a hypocrite can see that it’s no man’s land there. But hypocrites will lie and say this isn’t an issue since they like the chaos or are fools in denial.

In saying that, if you’re a self sufficient middle class woman can you live there in relative decency? Yes. These are the pros and cons.

To sum up: On a cultural level Somalis allow women relative independence if the women have money which diaspora woman do, but local laws aren’t enforced and men can get with nearly everything.

"You can’t even send your daughters to school without being afraid that a male macaalin isn’t going to try and hit on her when she turns 12. If you try and report him, the police don’t even care enough to keep him in prison and will make you pay for his food and water whilst he is in prison. Yes you, will have to pay for upkeep in prison Bruce you’re the one that wants him there. No joke. Dugsi in which all children go to, girls aren’t even safe there. It is a society devoid of accountability. Someone can steal your land, try and groom your daughter and they will mostly get away with it. It’s a nightmare in this regard and back home is a predators heaven. You need to be vigilant as a mother there and watch daughters like a hawk."

:faysalwtf: wtf. This paragraph was a horrible read. I'm not surprised by the teacher and macaalin stories. We had a 23 year old teacher in hargeisa openly admit to searching for a wife at school.

I hope you kill yourself @mohammdov
@Angelina and her sorority group believe they are impoverished women, they look down on them without even realising it

This post made my day, I am younger then that but you are verrry close almost nailed it, so your intuition is definitely sound.

I have been a member of Somali forum from the age of 14, those popular Somali websites don't exist anymore, so yes a long veteran in this grind, I care about the community you see even from a young age when you was mostly disinterested and disconnected, even though the gap between us is no more then 3 years if not less.
At age 14 you were talking about the issues of women and women being the reason for divorce? What women were you talking about? Gen X and boomer mothers. You obviously weren’t talking about little 14 yr old girls in your class.
Technically and biologically the female matures quicker, but this is the overall problem I have with diaspora, they mature to late, sometimes close to menopausal age.
There is no biological argument for women maturing faster. That the point older Somali men make to rob girls childhoods and marry them. Funny how boys are allowed to be children. Get out of here with that. You’re definitely semi raised back home and around odeys who say this to prey on 12 yr olds.

Another contradiction, what street smarts and qualities would a woman raised back home from an affluent family who had maids and hardly any responsibilities have that’s different from a Western women if not worse? What gives women in Somalia their edge and street smarts which you seem to like is the responsibilities given to them from early and other things mostly associated with their working class or lower middle class upbringing. My cousins in Xamar raised in an upper middle class home even like the same K-pop as my younger sisters and hardly venture out and don’t even do any housework.

A girl in the West who studied and worked from 18 probably has more smarts and then one who has two maids at home.

Your constant contraction is fascinating to behold. The very qualities you love about back home people and you marry someone shielded from truly having any of that. Furthermore, those qualities you like comes from having to graft hence I can imagine that your wife has similar levels of daacadnimo of a Western raised one which is why you took the plunge to bring her.
The one I married didn't have a maid, usually maids don't do the cooking, they only clean because no one trusts them to cook like they do in Saudi, their work is minimal and only fools hire them, they bring more harm then good. (dabble in sixir a lot)

I do agree with you the next generation coming up in Somalia, that great advantage no longer exists, you will always find small pockets but its globalised now and feminism has reached their.

I really feel sorry for Gen Z Somali males because I thought the millennial girls were bad, but if you compare them to Gen Z girls, they are angels, those women are aging at a rate that's unprecedented, this was big trending topic on social media some time ago.
"You can’t even send your daughters to school without being afraid that a male macaalin isn’t going to try and hit on her when she turns 12. If you try and report him, the police don’t even care enough to keep him in prison and will make you pay for his food and water whilst he is in prison. Yes you, will have to pay for upkeep in prison Bruce you’re the one that wants him there. No joke. Dugsi in which all children go to, girls aren’t even safe there. It is a society devoid of accountability. Someone can steal your land, try and groom your daughter and they will mostly get away with it. It’s a nightmare in this regard and back home is a predators heaven. You need to be vigilant as a mother there and watch daughters like a hawk."

:faysalwtf: wtf. This paragraph was a horrible read. I'm not surprised by the teacher and macaalin stories. We had a 23 year old teacher in hargeisa openly admit to searching for a wife at school.

I hope you kill yourself @mohammdov
This is the mentality that many from back home have and the reason why it’s an issue is because they believe girls mature faster as @Inquisitive_ tried to peddle. This Jahiliya is why a teen girl can’t even study in peace by these men.

I have seen this first hand with my own cousin back home anxious of her marks being docked because she spurned the advances of her much older teacher. That is the interaction a society that believe girls mature fast produces. They can’t even leave girls in peace.
The one I married didn't have a maid, usually maids don't do the cooking, they only clean because no one trusts them to cook like they do in Saudi, their work is minimal and only fools hire them, they bring more harm then good. (dabble in sixir a lot)

I do agree with you the next generation coming up in Somalia, that great advantage no longer exists, you will always find small pockets but its globalised now and feminism has reached their.

I really feel sorry for Gen Z Somali males because I thought the millennial girls were bad, but if you compare them to Gen Z girls, they are angels, those women are aging at a rate that's unprecedented, this was big trending topic on social media some time ago.
Every middle upper class family in Xamar and Hargeisa has them. It’s one of the first things women who marry diaspora men also hire; A maid. And the ones with rich fathers tend to grow up with them. Also, no many actually hire poorer distant relatives

Cooking isn’t a hard chore if your house is being cleaned for you and veg being chopped up.

My family back home would cook sometimes but the maid would also cook and but do all the cleaning. They do less work than any diaspora woman.
@Angelina and her sorority group believe they are impoverished women, they look down on them without even realising it

This post made my day, I am younger then that but you are verrry close almost nailed it, so your intuition is definitely sound.

I have been a member of Somali forum from the age of 14, those popular Somali websites don't exist anymore, so yes a long veteran in this grind, I care about the community you see even from a young age when you was mostly disinterested and disconnected, even though the gap between us is no more then 3 years if not less.

Technically and biologically the female matures quicker, but this is the overall problem I have with diaspora, they mature to late, sometimes close to menopausal age.
lol our gap is at least 6 years. The youngest you are is 34-37.

You were born back home and came around 10.

I was born in the UK.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Yeah no doubt i have family who live in the gulf so I'm considering that as an option incase things go left in England.
Economic prospects in Western Europe look worse than Canada taxes are 40%+and there generous welfare will soon collapse due to aging population and to much immigrants

I always laugh when Europeans think America is backwards for not having free healthcare and everything else they got .They have been living good for to long they’ll be in for a rude awaking soon enough

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Yeah no doubt i have family who live in the gulf so I'm considering that as an option incase things go left in England.
America is for work places like Italy , Greece ,and Croatia are for vacation and travel

Thankfully the migrant crisis is mainly a Western European problem
At age 14 you were talking about the issues of women and women being the reason for divorce? What women were you talking about? Gen X and boomer mothers. You obviously weren’t talking about little 14 yr old girls in your class.

There is no biological argument for women maturing faster. That the point older Somali men make to rob girls childhoods and marry them. Funny how boys are allowed to be children. Get out of here with that. You’re definitely semi raised back home and around odeys who say this to prey on 12 yr olds.
I can't recall those topics but I do now it was around the time you was playing hopscotch

You took the women maturing faster comment to a very dark place that I don't advocate for which is cheeky, but its a fact you can't hide and all the studies proof this, a simple google search will tell you everything you need to know.

Even as toddlers they speak far earlier then males and also walk at an earlier age, this is established facts.

I haven't forgotten until this time the most embarrassing moment for us, just to highlight how far ahead the female's were at the age of 14 in the same class.

Some girl hooked up with an older male, as a group of 14 year old male's in the same class as her, we were told by the female's in the class "he taught her how to ride" and we literally thought he was teaching her how to drive his, all the girls in the class laughed at us and we didn't realise why.
lol our gap is at least 6 years. The youngest you are is 34-37.

You were born back home and came around 10.

I was born in the UK.
I was born back home but came to Europe at the age of 2 months. This is very easy to tell if you analyse language, but your hung up on the experience, no wonder why you are so desperate to extend the age gap
Last edited:
I can't recall those topics but I do now it was around the time you was playing hopscotch

You took the women maturing faster comment to a very dark place that I don't advocate for which is cheeky, but its a fact you can't hide and all the studies proof this, a simple google search will tell you everything you need to know.

Even as toddlers they speak far earlier then males and also walk at an earlier age, this is established facts.

I haven't forgotten until this time the most embarrassing moment for us, just to highlight how far ahead the female's were at the age of 14 in the same class.

Some girl hooked up with an older male in college, as a group of 14 year old male's, we were told by the female's in the class "he taught her how to ride" and we literally thought he was teaching her how to drive his, all the girls in the class laughed at us and we didn't realise why.

I was born back home but came to Europe at the age of 2 months. This is very easy to tell if you analyse language, but your hung up on the experience, no wonder why you are so desperate to extend the age gap
These girls were groomed and you can’t even understand that. I’m astounded.

They mature faster at a rate of 1-2 yrs in early adolescence, it doesn’t mean that a 14 yr old girl is mentally leaps ahead as suggested by you. Thats my point.



Plotting world domination
I can't recall those topics but I do now it was around the time you was playing hopscotch

You took the women maturing faster comment to a very dark place that I don't advocate for which is cheeky, but its a fact you can't hide and all the studies proof this, a simple google search will tell you everything you need to know.

Even as toddlers they speak far earlier then males and also walk at an earlier age, this is established facts.

I haven't forgotten until this time the most embarrassing moment for us, just to highlight how far ahead the female's were at the age of 14 in the same class.

Some girl hooked up with an older male in college, as a group of 14 year old male's, we were told by the female's in the class "he taught her how to ride" and we literally thought he was teaching her how to drive his, all the girls in the class laughed at us and we didn't realise why.

I was born back home but came to Europe at the age of 2 months. This is very easy to tell if you analyse language, but your hung up on the experience, no wonder why you are so desperate to extend the age gap"

"Some girl hooked up with an older male in college, as a group of 14 year old male's, we were told by the female's in the class "he taught her how to ride" and we literally thought he was teaching her how to drive his, all the girls in the class laughed at us and we didn't realise why."

:faysalwtf: bro.. this chick got groomed. No college aged male should be flirting with anyone under the age of 18.

You can literally go to prison over this here in america.
"Some girl hooked up with an older male in college, as a group of 14 year old male's, we were told by the female's in the class "he taught her how to ride" and we literally thought he was teaching her how to drive his, all the girls in the class laughed at us and we didn't realise why."

:faysalwtf: bro.. this chick got groomed. No college aged male should be flirting with anyone under the age of 18.

You can literally go to prison over this here in america.
He literally proved my point with that argument of his and I’m shocked.

He thinks a 14 yr old girl getting into puberty a little faster at a rate of 1-2 yrs of that of a boy means she’s the same as man over the age of 18 and don’t get me started on the fact that some girls don’t even get their first period until 14-15 anyway.
These girls were groomed and you can’t even understand that. I’m astounded.

They mature faster at a rate of 1-2 yrs in early adolescence, it doesn’t mean that a 14 yr old girl is mentally leaps ahead as suggested by you. Thats my point.

You didn't get the point, these were loose chicks doing all sorts of things within the school itself with older guys and we as men of the same age and class were so clueless and innocent at that time that even when they describe what they did, we didn't know and were mocked, showcasing the gap in maturity that existed between us.

Yet your focus was on the guys that were pumping them and their age, not the actual point I was making, you have one hell of an imaginations, not the first time you lead the conversation into a dark path.

As for the grooming argument these girls were known for their sexual promiscuity inside the school with older pupils, they definitely reached the age of maturity were Islamic-ally they are accountable.

They went out to build those relationships, had we not been so immature and innocent, they would have propositioned us as well.

To call this grooming is downplaying the real grooming crimes were innocent girls are manipulated or coerced into it, these girls were down for it and made it clear, they boasted about it, they approached the men.
You didn't get the point, these were loose chicks doing all sorts of things within the school itself with older guys and we as men of the same age and class were so clueless and innocent at that time that even when they describe what they did, we didn't know and were mocked, showcasing the gap in maturity that existed between us.

Yet your focus was on the guys that were pumping them and their age, not the actual point I was making, you have one hell of an imaginations, not the first time you lead the conversation into a dark path.

As for the grooming argument these girls were known for their sexual promiscuity inside the school with older pupils, they definitely reached the age of maturity were Islamic-ally they are accountable.

They went out to build those relationships, had we not been so immature and innocent, they would have propositioned us as well.

To call this grooming is downplaying the real grooming crimes were innocent girls are manipulated or coerced into it, these girls were down for it and made it clear, they boasted about it, they approached the men.
This whole story sounds made up tbh.

