Dowladiid militias from Galmudug start clashes in PL (East Gaalkacyo)

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Sxb stop lying there have been fights in mudug since time immemorial

In fact the 2011 wars were much more vicious and it was pretty much a stalemate (sacad vs MJs) stop acting like anything will change when fat boy Gaas leaves.

Correction: dacas vs Reer Mahad, not even Cumar Maxamud.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
stfu u langaab all of mjs were facing sacad, actually scratch that yall niggas were facing reer jalaf

I will go even further down and say Reer Adan vs dacas. Cumar Maxamud is equal to HG in terms of numbers.

Know your place, my “client”



Keepin Southies in check since 1998
Because Galmudug has been recognised as a state, prior to their state recognition in 2014 where in their founding documents it mentioned that all of mudug was part of galmudug, this was a blatant threat to PL controlled mudug, this lead to many clashes in 2015 and 2016, although PL pressured them to remove the claim of northern mudug in their constitution in 2015, they're nomads and militia have not stopped attacking northern mudug. Tensions reached its peak in 2015 galkacyo war in which the PL army fought back and attacked them, and the same again in the galkacyo clashes of october/november 2016, the 2016 clashes abdiwelli gaas lost all his patience and ordered a full scale military clearup in galkacyo, the fighting took place for about 2 months and on november 6th 2016 PL destroyed them and completely removed galmudug militia from Galkacyo and they were pushed back to the outskirts, a few days latter Gaas signed a peace treaty with them and subsequently allowed their milita to move in to Galkacyo again as per the agreement, ever since this war they've taking the clashes outside the city of galkacyo because they know they'll lose a head to head, so they took their fighting to eastern mudug.

Jeexdin is a puntland controlled tuulo in eastern galkacyo district, PL has a military base there, this is where the fighting OP has posted took place. Again PL and GL have a history in jeexdin, in september 2016 PL government informed US that alshabab were hiding in jeexdin pretending to be nomads from galmudug side (which turned out to be true) and US bombed them.

But in more recent times (2017) Gaas has taken a softer approach, he wants to be president of somalia, and wants hawiye votes so he's been pushing this ridiculous laughable "agreements" between PL GL to make it look like he's a problem solver. In short Gaas will continue to paper the cracks until his term is over
WTF?! I'm officially done with Humpty Dumpty Gaas!
The treacherous galmudugian dowladiid terrorists will be exiled from the holy gaalkacyo land like the banu qurayza. If they do not stop fighting us after we welcomed, fed and clothed them, we will be left with no choice.
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