Dozens DROWN after Tunisians REFUSE to allow Africans onboard fishing trawler

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No, you're a psychopath.

Don't beg/bootyclap. Many media are reporting them as Tunisians. That very video even proves it.
They knew that trip was basically suicide. and instead of fighting to fix their own countries they chose to go to europe of all places who want nothing to do with them. i feel no sympathy tbh. none. f*ck neandrathals and them niggas who want the white man to save them. the only exception of course is if there is an ongoing war currently which as far as i know there is none. it also pissed me off that they sunk their own ship endangering the other passengers in hopes of getting rescued when they were in no danger.
I was listening to the radio as I was going home today and the news lady said those people were Somalis. She was talking about this incident.

Very sad.


Stroking my Australinimo

This amateur footage, taken by a Tunisian crewman of a fishing ship, shows the disastrous consequences of the EU's open border policy that permits and encourages the continued scam of illegal African immigrants that deliberately sink their own boats near coast guard vessels to receive a shuttle service to Europe under the disguise of so-called "Syrian refugees". As the African males approach the ship, they capsize their own boats, pretending to be in distress at sea because they assume the ship is equipped to pick up refugees. Is it only after they realize the crew atop the fishing boat is physically unable to provide help that the situation escalates and the Africans start screaming for their life as they drown.

The sailor repeatedly shouts "calma" (stay calm) in Italian in the hope that the immigrants heading for Italy prepared with some basic Italian and understand him. The crew were reluctant to help since letting them on board would have been a serious security risk as it would have them outnumbered 10 to 1. There is also the risk of piracy with hijackers posing as refugees as camouflage. They also appear to only have two lifeboats, so throwing one down just so the migrants would sink it would have made no sense for the crew.

The only way to help would be individuals of the crew rappelling down to to the sea line, which would most likely result in their own death as the immigrants would drag them down.

The EU politicians and all the Leftists supporting the human traffickers and mass invasion of African males by sea are directly responsible for every single death by drowning. If the EU were to pursue a "NO WAY" policy that denies citizenship to anybody illegally approaching the country b boat, such as Australia has done, Europe could successfully reduce the total amount of illegal immigrants coming by sea to zero.


Stroking my Australinimo
After 4 years of mass exodus into Italy that resulted into more than 20,000 drowning and mass traficking in the war-torn Libya. Yet, they continue to migrate into the Mediterranean en masse. Don't they have radios, TVs or hear about all the incidents in the last 4 years? Do they not realize Europe doesn't want them anymore and are becoming increasingly xenophobic?

Am I missing


Relevant to the topic: I was listening to a backlog of This American Life episodes throughout the day yesterday. One of them was about refugees, Eritrean in this case, and how Sinai Bedouins hold them hostage for ransoms. It's worth a listen. They know all the risks, but it's worth it to them.


Accomplished Saaxir
That was a risk they took which became a reality. Life is full of risks and deaths and personal tragedy and this case was no exception.

But it is unjust to let these economic migrants influence European policy. It isn't Europe's responsibility to take in economic migrants that's just the hard reality. Syrian refugees of course I can understand (many previously being Engineers etc) but these Afghans and Somalis...



They knew that trip was basically suicide. and instead of fighting to fix their own countries they chose to go to europe of all places who want nothing to do with them. i feel no sympathy tbh. none. f*ck neandrathals and them niggas who want the white man to save them. the only exception of course is if there is an ongoing war currently which as far as i know there is none. it also pissed me off that they sunk their own ship endangering the other passengers in hopes of getting rescued when they were in no danger.
That was a risk they took which became a reality. Life is full of risks and deaths and personal tragedy and this case was no exception.

But it is unjust to let these economic migrants influence European policy. It isn't Europe's responsibility to take in economic migrants that's just the hard reality. Syrian refugees of course I can understand (many previously being Engineers etc) but these Afghans and Somalis...

All too easy to say from an opportune position.


So you suggest all these people should be admitted into Europe?

We elect our politicians in the hope that they make rational decisions not emotional ones.
I'm was underlining the cosmetic nature of the remarks. They're superficial to the discourse.
I didn't feel anything when I watched this too.... It amazes me that they capsized their own boat.

They should've left Gaddfi alone and Libya alone... Now they have this mess on their hands, karma.

If a war is going on it's nesscary for those peoples inhabitants to go seek refuge elsewhere, these other economic migrants are taking advantage when no European government wants them.

I doubt they were Somalis, there's a lot of Eriteans and Ethiopians posing as us.
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