Dozens of Oromo militia massacred in Liibaan zone

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Reer Xasan fought Oromos last year and were given a district before. But you tryna say we don't live there.

You have a severe case of Tiny-Tooth-Syndrome
bring proof. u can't just say things and expect me to believe it.
Don't make up lies about us or try to lecture us about our own clan's movements.
lool where is your proof mise u made up another lie and u thought I'd buy it.

not today waryaa.:ufdup:

U got kicked out of nageele. losing lands to boran:ohlord:

"Similarly, Liban/Filtu district is the home area of diverse Somali clans. The southern part of this socially mixed district adjoining Doollo district is an extension of Digodia territory, while the northern part starting from Xey Sufto village as far as Negelle town and its surroundings form the traditional territories of four Somali clans: Mareexaan (displaced since 1992), Gurre (dispossessed of its stocks), Ajuran and Karanle"
This is the problem when dealing with someone who has a severe case of Tiny Tooth Syndrome/Anti Sadetism with an obsession of bringing up lies about where we have been "displaced from". @Ferrari has some sort of obsession with Marehan where he lives. From Galgaduud to Gedo to even Liibaan. :snoop:

Beelaha Sade iyo Dagoodiye oo ku dagaalamay deegaanka Waleysolamaan oo ka tirsan Ismaamulka dhulka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya.

Second in importance are different Somali clans. The Gerri, Degodia and Marehan clans are the important ones.
This concentration is specifically high in markets near to the border. Along the Ethio‐Kenyan border the Oromos (the Boran) and the Somalis (Gerri, Degodia and to some extent Marehan), dominate the cross‐border trade.
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Tiny Tooth Syndrome/Anti Sadetism


This illness has been in existence since days of Futuhul Habash no bigy

You should collect the hate like medals of honour mate lol

Somalia went into civil war for 28 years to oust you and your Ilkoyar ass is back again in Villa Somalia



Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
stop lying, there are no marehan in libaan, typical geeljire claiming other mans lands, war marehan have never had a single councillor or mayor or mp or governor in libaan,

these brave people are dagodia and garre fighting boran off, as an Ogaden i can attest no marehan has ever lived in libaan except few refugees that went there around 2006-2007 ethiopian invasion,

marehan should focuas on galgaduud and built that instead of day dreaming of other mans lands, cayr has to give marehan permission before marehan enters cabudwaq,

You stop lying you low IQ 68 cagdheer. There are many Marehan in Liibaan region those Marehan libaaxs are Reer Hassan. Your the one claiming another man's lands. Marehan have always inhabited Liibaan.

Those brave people in Liibaan that are fighting are Marehan Reer Hassan landeeres.

Marehan are focusing on Jubbada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe, Gedo, Liibaan (DDSI), NFD, GG, and building them. You need to stop day dreaming about our lands you ilkodheer. The Welfare clan are futile and we own them. Same way with you. Any Marehan landeere has their own permission to enter their city Cabudwaaq.
f*ck cagdheer and f*ck ilkoyar afweyne worshippers

Both of you are useless qabiils now stfu so we can have some peace on this god forsaken site.

Thank you.
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