DR Osman Sound Cloud - Somalia Mess Plus Solution


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Sorry everyone he’s already cussed out the Dhulbahante.
This guy has so much faan and pride subhanallah, you can seen the arrogance from his voice. He thinks hes made of gold because hes Majeerteen hahah/


Guul Ama Geeri
So because he is mentally ill he isn’t allowed to share his thoughts? Some of what he said was dead on point, I listened to the whole entire podcast. So what Qabil are you then?
He is not on point he is suffering he has been suffering from psychosis under an extended period of time. The guy is clearly in need of medical attention i bet his relatives probably consider him sane. Don't be fuel for his madness May Allah cure him. And for your information I'm mj if really matters


Eel eh?
Unfortunately if it was that easy it would've been done already.

Wind turbines, desalination etc only make sense at larger scale.

That $50k wind turbine would barely provide 20 kwh and have lower performance throughout the year... Instead of over 40-50% you'll get less than 20%.

Currently the rate in those villages is around $0.50 per kWh.

I don't even know how city dwellers could afford 10 cents in Somalia ... Not sure how many villagers could spend $40+ per month in electricity bills just for the essentials (5 kW per day).

Even at $0.25 you won't breakeven for 5 years.

That would've been OK for massive power projects with expected long life cycles.

However it wouldn't work in the plan you had in mind where you quickly print money and scale up.

Same with the desalination.

At scale it only costs 5 kW/m^3 of water.

That comes down to 50 cents -to 1 dollar per cubic meter of clean water.

That's before adding minerals to the water.

There are other costs involved in this so that why only rich countries could subsidize the water.

However at smaller scales for a village you won't be able to get those efficiencies.

At least you'd spend $3-4 per cubic meter.

A family in Somalia uses around 200-1,000 liters a day. Can they really afford to pay $30/m when barely make a couple dollars every few days selling milk, meat etc.

Even those remittance queens in cities would struggle to pay $70/month for water and electricity.

Btw you can't really farm with desalinated water.

Each hectare requires thousands of cubic meters of water...

It just won't be viable unless you're growing gold or something as valuable

Main point is..... Thinking small doesn't work.

If it did then someone would've provided those services by now...

The only option is to go all out and build massive projects that provide lower prices.

Large wind turbines could provide power at 4-5 cents per kWh.

Wind farms could push it down to 2-3 cents.

Cutting costs would make it affordable to millions of Somalis...

That means a family of four could spend less than $10/month and have enough electricity to power most modern devices and appliances.

Each of those appliances is it's own new industry that could potentially employ thousands of Somalis.

Reason why no one setup a fridge freezer factory yet? No domestic demand. Why... Power is too expensive.

The reason why most remittance houses in Somalia don't have all these appliances isn't because the devices are expensive... it's because the electricity is.

If they can afford to power it then they'll get their family in the west to pay for the actual device initially.

However if a small percentage of those products are made in Somalia then more and more Somalis could purchase it themselves and we'll finally have a start of some sort of real economy.
I agree, except for the large wind turbineso_O HUGE waste of money and time. I suggest we go to oil and gas then move to thorium reactor power plants (no it isn't just a fantasy concept concocted for ted talk0


Eel eh?
It depends on what you want to do.

If your plan is to make a personal profit then there are plenty of opportunities out there that only require a small investment.

If you want to kickstart development using as little money as possible then it's best to tackle the fundamental problems we face when someone wants to start some sort of development project or business in Somalia.

What I'm talking about is the lack of rule of law in property rights, contracts and other commerce laws.

Once you have a safe and secure environment to do business and the laws are stable then it would be super easy to attract investments and insurance.

Every new business will lead to domino effect of social mobility.

You don't need to worry about development when everyone and their cat is trying to get rich.

That's why the west is such as awesome place to be.

Anyone could create a business without fearing that some warlord is going to rob them like in most the third world.


What I'm getting to is that you should use the little money you can organize to lobby current businessmen and people with money in and out of Somalia to get with your agenda because it's in their interest.

The reason why the west is stable is because businesses have more power than politicians.

If the government gets to greedy and starts to f*ck around you'll see businesses donate to political lobby's that would lead to a new government.

We need to build up the businessmen in Somalia to have the same power.

Ever heard of ALEC? It'd be a similar organization where you draft the laws and lobby the government to pass them.

They just need to fund it.

Al Shabaab is nothing once you organize these millionaires and SME's.

They don't only have the money to get shit done but also have political and clan credibility.

One phonecall from them and a whole sub clans will rally for them.

No point in creating a grassroots organization to rally the common folk for development.

Only these moneyed elites have the foresight to see any value in this.

Once you have a thousand if them you can fix the laws overnight and they won't even have to donate much.

However you'll need to get them to take you seriously.
You incredible bright, what do you do/study?


It's all so tiresome
I agree, except for the large wind turbineso_O HUGE waste of money and time. I suggest we go to oil and gas then move to thorium reactor power plants (no it isn't just a fantasy concept concocted for ted talk0

All other power sources require hundreds of millions of dollars at min and that's if you outsource everything to some Chinese or German engineering firm.

A 5 million dollar wind turbine provides the best ROI at those project sizes.

No thermal power plant of that scale would be come anywhere near the output of those turbines.

Solar could but only if we import them... I don't see us manufacturing them competitively. Far too complex for our current industrial capacity.

Wind turbines is simple tech that us geeljire have a chance of understanding.

It's really just dead simple material science, college level aerodynamics and some basic electrical engineering.

Get a couple engineers and a cad drafter in a room and you'd be able to design a domestic version of those latest generation wind turbines.

My hope is to source all the materials 100% domestically and design and manufacture our own wind turbines and the infrastructure involved (from kilns to transmission infrastructure).


Main goal is to reduce the costs of electrify to a level that we could give it away.

Everytime you decrease electricity rates by a cent you employ another million people in an economy.

That's why I'm so interested in manufacturing them ourselves so we could use our cheap currency to make that possible.

We also won't need to depend on foreign supplies of oil or use foreign currencies to pay Siemens and co if we go with homegrown energy sources and suppliers.

Not only would we be able to shore up our own economy with cheap power... It's also the easiest energy project to export after solar panels.
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We are the Burbur Generation. The key criteria I will use is you never seen a working government in Somalia, irrespective of age in order to be classed this generation as you lack anything to look back on beyond 'conjecture and division' of the past. As long as you do not remember a working Somalia, I consider us the same generation. I am proposing we form a Diaspora group. The HQ will be Garowe, the land of free independent thought. We do not mind you provide 'historical perspective of Somalia' and the previous generation solution, but if it has failed and not worked, it will be disregarded as unworkable and no emotional attachment to unworkable solution is allowed in this new group.

I am not here trying to win the old generation hearts, remember my purpose is to 'lead' my generation when the old generation is out of the picture and we are up for leadership. Hence I am not the only one who has begun work, there is that Iman Ali kid on youtube who is also beginning.

While other people in our generation are not preparing themselves and busy with worldly desires or playing around like kids, they will end up like yarisow engineer or nacnac oday in somaliland or farmaajo which is 'cheese' loooool, he spent his time on useless thing while they were young which is the message while others spent they're time on useful progress things. That is the only difference, in our generation we have many nacnac types or emotional types or FKD types also, this is the generation who will never lead since they haven't learned the art of developing yourself and leading the generation you apart of, they are busy trying to change the older generation who have a different story and time period to us. They can talk on similarities, we can talk on similarities of never seeing government also.

Anyways here iss the sound-cloud. It's raw and brutal I can't be 'jileec' cuz it will mean I actually am happy with burburka dalka ka muqdo, burburka dalka ka muqdo brings out the rawness and brutality in me since the nations looks raw n brutal.

this link is not working can you send me this podcast please?


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