Drake is not black

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
Islam is not an ethnicity whereas Jewishness is. Right wing Christians don't believe in shariah but everyone believes in the Jewish maternity. Get off 6jews dick, your leaf boy isn't even black
I don't even like Drake that much, but lets be real here. Even if their mom is Jewish, half Jews aren't excepted as real Jews by many in the community. Ask one of them how they're treated when they walk into a synagogue.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I don't even like Drake that much, but lets be real here. Even if their mom is Jewish, half Jews aren't excepted as real Jews by many in the community. Ask one of them how they're treated when they walk into a synagogue.
There isn't no such thing as a half Jew. If your mum is english and your dad is jewish then you're not a jew. If your mum is jewish and your dad is english then you're a jew.
I don't even like Drake that much, but lets be real here. Even if their mom is Jewish, half Jews aren't excepted as real Jews by many in the community. Ask one of them how they're treated when they walk into a synagogue.
That's the general consensus on mixed people (excluding AAs) around the world, but many rabbis use this maternal rule. So a Jew is a jew, no matter how many shades darker they are


Gaalkacyo Gangster
There isn't no such thing as a half Jew. If your mum is english and your dad is jewish then you're not a jew. If your mum is jewish and your dad is english then you're a jew.
According to Jewish law, yes. But in practice it doesn't work that way. Do you seriously think most Jewish people will accept a Jewish guy who's dad is black? Hell no.:icon lol:

That's the general consensus on mixed people (excluding AAs) around the world, but many rabbis use this maternal rule. So a Jew is a jew, no matter how many shades darker they are
Rabbis =/= the Jewish community. They're still treated as second class citizens.
this niggas mum is Jewish. Jewishness in maternal, so that means Aubrey is yahuud. What is he doing hanging out and rapping with shvartza goys, he's meant to be doing my taxes or planning the next banking collapse. Drake isn't black.
Jews are the complete opposite of gangsta because most of them can read.
Can beesha yibir claim drake?
לחזור לפורום, אין מה לקרוא כאן. ללכת לעשות משהו מועיל במקום.
Black is a social construct


Your superior
Stop hating on Jews. Can't be as successful as them in your dreams let alone In reality. God bless the chosen race


Wow did you just say niggas?:ooh:
I'm in one of the semi rap-riddled sections of my playlist. I've come to accept a dusting of my usual lexicon with the occasional "hoes", "es", and esp "niggas" sometimes comes with the territory.
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