Dreaming about Marriage

nah there is a lady i have in mind (we will never get married lol 😂) but I can’t lust for her. It’s like I have to put her in a tier above lust which consequently happens to be marriage
I understand was in the same bout a few years ago, she had a horrible downgrade though. She came into the hospital I was working at and wallahi I took my 15 and got up outta there.
I’d say for the past few weeks, marriage has been on my mind 24/7. When I go to sleep, I always dream about my idealised marriage with a beautiful wife I love and that my parents are proud of. Having multiple kids and thus providing my parents with their own grandchildren. The thought brings me such joy.

And then I wake up in a cold sweat and I come to terms with my life. I’m just another cog in the academic machine. I’m only 18 but my newfound loneliness just seems to submerge me in a cold bath of despair. Inshallah one day my dream will come true but does anyone else experience the same?
Doug every day I dream of it to huh

Garaad diinle

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I found out myself that a good number of eritreans speak the sudanese dialect of arabic which is not a big surprise especially since sudan is but a stone throw away from eritrea.


Society has evolved and the idea of what a marriage is and what it should look like has not yet caught up. The last 100 years has seen a huge societal transformation played in large part by relentless economic growth. People in advanced economies are also more divided, narcissistic and individualistic. Women are now part of the workforce, can make their own money and have the backing of the state to facilitate their security needs. Marriage in the past was a contract that guaranteed extension of lineage for the man, security for the fairer sex and a harmonious structural order. But what do you when there are a combination of new factors that are at play which are vastly different from the needs that the institute of marriage was designed to cater to, in addition to our innate design as human beings that long for the maintenance of this continuous process? There are hardly any answers. If you're living in a liberal social democracy or something close, then the idea of marriage has to be somewhat devalued in your life for you to maintain a healthy existence. Due to the aforementioned, marriage is a much more risky affair today than any other time in recent memory. Go forth at your own peril. Having children is the only worthwhile gain in a marriage and even that could go wrong due to the pressures of the dominant culture.

If you can learn to tolerate being in your own company then half of your problems are solved. Ultimately marriage will be a huge risk and whether you wish to continue in that pursuit in this society is something that you should think deeply about.