Drop your most horrible dugsi incident


Do you mean a beating that someone may have received or like some other madness that went down?
Do you mean a beating that someone may have received or like some other madness that went down?

Beaten?!!? Unless you're referring to back home, does it happen in the west too?

Black Guy Shocked GIFs | Tenor


Beaten?!!? Unless you're referring to back home, does it happen in west too?
Black Guy Shocked GIFs | Tenor
Yeah it does happen my fat ass macalin sat on my chest once bcs i was talking too much. His weight & having my airways restricted had me black out.


Mine was that I once called my macalin `dad`:dead1:
So basically this story am about to share took place in kenya. So we had these 3 sisters in our dugsi that were rumoured to be giving 😺 to guys living near their area, so one guy in our dugsi did it with the younger sister. The other sister confronted the guy and said why did u F*cked my younger sister, she basically confronted him inside the dugsi 💀 and his aunt was also there in the dugsi she was hella confused. The macalin came and told the sisters and the guy to talk to him in an isolated area in the dugsi and to my surprise that macalin didnt hit neither of them but it all changed when it was after magarib cuz the macalib brought so many other macalin to from other dugsi to beat this guy in his own house, basically the macalin and his father agreed that they were gonna beat his son in his house. I was told by his cousin that the guy was beaten so ridiculous that he quite dugsi and he also went back to wajir where he originally came from. Dont know what happened to the girl tho she did come back to dugsi tho
Yeah it does happen my fat ass macalin sat on my chest once bcs i was talking too much. His weight & having my airways restricted had me black out.

Oh, sorry for your experience. Must have been been horrifying/traumatizing. :jcoleno:
I’ve gone to many different dugsi when i was a kid in the UK. I’d say like half of them do beatings :mjlol:

My parents wouldn't let that shit slide by. You touch my child and I'll handle you, type of attitude. Barely any of the Dugsi here beats people (that I'm aware of).
Niggas out here really make macalins seem like the incarnation of evil lol. I've never been beaten at dugsi at worst I'd have my fingers beat with a pencil lol


I grew up getting whipped with a wire on my hands. As i got older, one of my macalins realized that I was building pain tolerance and resorted to whipping me on the sole of my feets. :mjcry: the soles of the feet have the most nerve ends in a person's body. oh, the pain! :mjkkk: