'dudes who marry back home got no game'......... thoughts?


Highly Respected
i dont study psychology as it is a field that has little to no financial yield, im studying to either become a dental assistant or work in the dental field somehow, and if allah swt wills it maybe even a dentist, but carry on moving the mark and strawmanning.

A guy I know picked Psychology cause it was a course full of women :mjlol:

He did get a girlfriend from it so I guess it worked out for him
majortiy of educated somalis are female, and somali dudes disproportionately make up crime stat numbers. so its no suprise this mismatch exists. issue is the non-acceptance and rectifiying of our problems in our community, and instead calling one another insecure instead of dealing with it.

this is not the guys falt tho, its the family. women are more often than not made to live stricter lives, staying home, culturally reserved etc. whilst the men are babied by hooyos and aabos dont care too much about them, so they look to gang life and crime etc. so the girl ends up graduating and earning early whilst some of the men are still engaging in youthful time wasting crime activities. fix the latter then we'll become more compatible
Men don’t care how educated a woman is. I still don’t get why women with education think they are more desirable to men when choosing mate.

I can’t find the video. But I was watching awoman who is a matchmaker in dating site. She said so many educated women come to her struggling to find partner on their level. She said when a woman reach certain l level, she only wants a man on her income level or above. But men don’t care how educated or rich a woman is

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
A guy I know picked Psychology cause it was a course full of women :mjlol:

He did get a girlfriend from it so I guess it worked out for him

studying that is for the rich, along with liberal arts, gender studies etc. as generational wealth will come in handy for them, and they will work for their rich family anyway. immigrants in a new country cant afford to do this, so need high earning and job secure degrees. i learnt this early on and kept my dental focal lens on ever since, no matter how hard.

i hate seeing somali women (and men too, but i see more girls do this) choose random degrees and end up in debt, but have aspirations to become hosuewives anyway so dont care too much. might aswell not have gone college


Men don’t care how educated a woman is. I still don’t get why women with education think they are more desirable to men when choosing mate.

I can’t find the video. But I was watching awoman who is a matchmaker in dating site. She said so many educated women come to her struggling to find partner on their level. She said when a woman reach certain l level, she only wants a man on her income level or above. But men don’t care how educated or rich a woman is
women marry their level and above
men marry their level and below

that's how society is a farax would marry a poor girl from back home but would a xalimo marry a geeljire?


Been there, done that
trying to change the conversation to western halimas apparently attacking the ones back home by pointing this out is a straw man, moving the goalposts instead of adressing the facts:

somali man wants a wife - he does not have the capabalities to start a family yet and fund a western family - he finds the solution in importing cheaper women who will serve him, or at least thats what he thinks - she acquires passport - divorce.

tale as old as time
I never claimed you were attacking the ones back home, I just see no point in attacking any western man who approaches them, are you saying they should only stick to their continent? This is gatekeeping, we should not intervene on the love life of two consenting adults no matter the geographical location

And there's a significant chance of divorce in any marriage, it doesn't matter where the wife hails from.


Nothing wrong with a little bit of healthy competition. If you don't want to compete for high value Somali men then we don't want you. Stop trying to shame men and become a good women yourself. Because nobody likes a sore loser
Do these women understand the meaning
of what "having game" is. I don't think that they actually do. The concept of having game means to come up with sleazy pick up lines and other deceitful tactics in order to seduce a girl into sleeping with them either by lying or being manipulative to them. It's how these pick up artists, players and f*ckbois in the west manage to have sex with so many different women without actually marrying or getting into a long term committed relationship with them.

If these are types of men that women in the west deem to be worthy mating partners then it's no surprise as to why these second generation western born and raised so called "loser men" as you correctly put it, pack up their stuff and go back home to their parents country to marry a more pious and religious female who doesn't have like 30 bodycounts to their name.
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lol,aaaaaaand.Why the f*ck do we care about what some somali girls think, nothing wrong with being lazy and wanting a raaliyo to take care of shit on the domestic end
Who cares. Let them go back. Somali Women in the west have many options other settling for cheap dusty farax. Please.
All u have are other muslim men and to be fair, muslim men from other cultures rarely marry out.When talking about who has more options,faaraxs have way more options than xalimos.:manny:
InshAllah I will marry back home one of my cousins. Who needs game when you have clan:trumpsmirk:
I'll give u a little advice kiddo,dont marry from ur sub sub clan, and dont marry a clan that is in direct conflict with your clan.For example as an mj from bari,its best if I marry a warsangeli or dishishe,just my 2 cents :manny:


♤Humble Beast♤
This whole post is out of insecurity. A lot of western Somali women resent Somali men for marrying back home because deep down inside they know they can’t compete with the women back home. The naago in Somalia are more religious, cultural, feminine, much less likely to be promiscuous etc etc etc.

Why do you assume that if someone marries back home it’s because they can’t bag shordies in the west? That’s makes it seem like you’re forcing/pressuring western Somali men to be with you (western Somali women) instead of Somali women back home.

Another thing I noticed about your flawed argument is that you implicated Somali men always expect their parents to help them find a spouse which is obviously not reality.

Since it obviously gets under your skin that Somali women back home are more of the ideal spouse, why don’t Western Somali women emulate them instead of continuing the behavioral patterns/traits that get them cancelled in the first place?


Flying over your heads
i love how this sudani chick made a generic opinion and the only men angry are the somali ones lol. if the shoe fits, gisho!

personally wallahi i lowkey agree, it shows laziness, mammys boy type behavior, expecting hooyo to have a woman ready for you instead of putting in the manly work to court one. they are also less expensive to maintain, so appeals to the brokeboy who is experiencing high levels of kacsi but no halal outlet.

the girls back home will agree cause they see your passport as a golden ticket.

ps. save it with the whole 'women are more pious and less SJW and blm back home she has more daqan' the girls back home have just as much tho.ttish antics as the ones abroad, which is evident by the countless upon countless of qurbo joog whose halimas back home have asked for divorce and moved on to other niman once abroad.

the way i see it is you want the easy way out and to manipulate girls back home who have differnt standards that are lower and thus easier to be met. im not hating on the women back home either, its pathetic to see this rebuttal, if anything halimas saying things like this are looking out for their sisters back home by worrying about all the insecurities and issues a western man will project onto them, unbeknownst to them.

its not like there is a shortage of pious western halimos, some of yall just dont got game and are intimidated and so want the easier route

if you disagree, please explain why without mentioning the typical inceI buzzwords of rebuttal, including but not limited to : BLM, SJW, madow-Lover etc. etc. Only grown up discourse.
To each his own, however you're not wrong. You're just not all the way right. Some niggas sees their future in Somalia and they want someone they dont really need to teach about being a housewife.

A western somali chick can be a housewife and all that but she wont conform for any Farax or Jamal. It takes a certain type to get that compliance.
It's game but also sound leadership qualities of a man who has his shit together. He also needs to lay the pipe good.

Just having a degree and a job dont mean you're a complete man or woman. Just like being born in the west makes a woman a badder bit-ch.

Emotional maturity, masculinity and being well rounded physically and psychologically is the thing that makes western xalimos wanna follow.
That takes time to cultivate and also being honest with oneself is important aswell building that self esteem.

Back in the days I would disagree with you. People get riled up when someone points out a problem without offering ways to solve it.
Do these women understand the meaning
of what "having game" is. I don't think that they actually do. The concept of having game means to come up with sleazy pick up lines and other deceitful tactics in order to seduce a girl into sleeping with them either by lying or being manipulative to them. It's how these pick up artists, players and f*ckbois in the west manage to have sex with so many different women without actually marrying or getting into a long term committed relationship with them.

If these are types of men that women in the west deem to be worthy mating partners then it's no surprise why these so called second generation western born and raised "loser men" as you correctly put it, pack up their stuff and go back home to their parents motherland to marry a more pious and religious female who doesn't have like 30 bodycounts to their name.
You can't a
All u have are other muslim men and to be fair, muslim men from other cultures rarely marry out.When talking about who has more options,faaraxs have way more options than xalimos.:manny:
We'll take 1k cats than insecure farax anyday. We always have options no matter what.go back marry upto 4 yall. Lol


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