EAC discourse blackpilled me on Somali IQ

Madax adeeg ciyaar maaha wallahi basic money making methods and pointing out that Somali culture encourages laziness = not Somali

@killerxsmoke tell me since you at least know that Somalia wasn’t paradise before the war, you also know how the MOD regime handled Somalias finances, right?

somalis are lazy and look down on hard labour, all pastoralist cultures are like this, it’s how aristocratic classes originated in history. Even here in xamar every hard labourer and shaqaalo is Madow or reewin, Somalis of the xoolo dhaqato stock prefer bajaaj it’s not rocket science

Bro, you really think you have us fooled with that google translated Somali? Ufff, these sheegato are weirdos.


Ride The Lightning
Bro, you really think you have us fooled with that google translated Somali? Ufff, these sheegato are weirdos.
lol nigga you’re the sheegad or you’re diaspora who never went back home or to kenya and such places. Keep denying reality whatever keeps you happy


Ride The Lightning
The bantus hate Somali guts would feel weird to be discriminated in my own country IMO
This is never going to happen, it will more likely be the opposite.
On the other hand not a single inch of coast line should ever be given to Ethiopia, that’s the end of us


Personally I'd rather Abiy invade Somalia for our ports then become a part of EAC. The bantus hate Somali guts would feel weird to be discriminated in my own country IMO
Bruh no one is hating on anyone lol, it's the somalis that hate the bantus for no reason at all

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
But but but all the 283 million bantus will leave their lands just to set shop in Somalia, which is in the middle of a war against AS.
Sad Matthew Mcconaughey GIF by Legendary Entertainment
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Somalia's admission to the EAC is, at best, premature and, at worst, dumb. The arguments for integration aren't as close as folks in this forum appear to believe. The cumulative disadvantages are so great that any rational economist would have to wonder if there are any hidden objectives driving Somalia's fast-tracked accession, especially considering that the block has previously rejected Somalia's application. The predicted economic and security gains of entering the EAC are speculative and long-term, but the negative effects are practically guaranteed and immediate.

Trading blocs are only effective if the member countries have comparable economic models and levels of development. Somalia is less competitive and resilient than its neighbours. It accounts for barely 2% of the bloc's economic output, and its economy is already reliant on imports, with the majority of the required goods arriving from abroad. Given the implicit removal of tariff barriers and free movement of products and persons within the Community, this will have consequences such as little advancement in industrial growth due to competition from cheaper manufactured goods from more industrialised EAC member states. Subsidies to help small firms stay competitive would be impossible for a government that barely has tentative control over its capital city. Increased importation will also have adverse effects on the country's budget.

Furthermore, because Somalia's primary economic industries are not well aligned with those of the block, the differential in the products and goods moving in either way is bound to result in a trade imbalance and a balance of payments deficit. Finally, Somalia's lack of strong export marketing and suitable infrastructure means that its businesses, maybe with the exception of a few heavyweights such as Hormuud, will be unable to capitalise on the opportunity.

Overall, Somalia is not developed enough to capitalise on the possible benefits of integration; hence, its entrance may be deemed premature; nevertheless, the benefits are not necessarily linked to Somalia's joining the block. It could achieve similar objectives through bilateral agreements with individual members rather than exposing itself to further exploitation by a group that stands to benefit more from its integration than it does and with which it has no social, cultural, or economic links.
All it invites is outside meddling, imported coercive, self-imposed exploitation for no broader return of that dis-leverage, economic compromise of unexplored levels, weakening by relying on an inter-dependent framework contradicting with any want for coherent and self-interested sovereignty, kissing the potential foreseeable future of self-sufficiency, a proper goodbye. Diffusive policy when you are the weakest, giving contractual stronghold of multinational companies access to set shop is doing nothing for Somalians. Look at DRC. Every demonstration says this is a bad deal. Intelligent people forge economic relationships independently unless they are dominant.

You can form economic trade agreements with the countries involved without the other nonsense. If you cannot establish effective commercial partnerships outside the EAC, what makes you think you can manage to protect yourself when getting dominated? A country unable to even construct basic beneficial exchange agreements infrastructure is ready to deal with the antagonistic dynamic forces of this proportion? What kind of shambolic economic class did you attend? Who thinks decentering yourself as a peripheral economic region without internal coherency will yield promise?

People on this forum are so extraordinary. They rightfully vehemently reject Ethiopian meddling of any kind, then turn around to the southeastern countries for a worse rape. An unneeded growing impatience of irrationality is brewing. Observing people in this space having a defeatist-- we cannot do it ourselves, thinking, so let's get raped by others, with maybe receiving a penny for it-- mindset, dressing impulsive low-spirit with irrational, low processed and formulated conceptualization, making the worst economic takes, as inevitable positive. What is that but destructive pessimism? It doesn't come off as competent. Look at the headline, for example. Does that inspire maturity or respect for your people?

Food for thought. Somalia has a sea dispute with its neighbor. Given the latter's dominance in the multinational organization, don't you think EAC is the mechanism for Kenya to assert influence? All those other countries side with Kenya easily, and the few Somalian elites that benefit from this unworthy contract will sell everything to maintain their self-interests at the cost of sabotaging a promising future. Do you want to give the corrupt people who are messing up the country today extra batteries on their backs to scale their damage, hold/influence? Fools who can't run their immediate backyards?

It seems all stupid to me.

You have to crawl before you walk, then run. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Etc., etc.
You do realize that the EAC means all members have access to our Ports and airfields free of charge including military. Plus The EAC have final jurisdiction over disputes between members ie. Kenya maritime case would go to the EAC not the ICJ where they would inevitability give it to Kenya.
A single comprehensive trade deal with Indonesia and Malaysia would have a bigger impact on Somalia’s economy than whatever the EAC could offer. The fact that nobody in the FGS looked at the massive impact a single country like Turkey has had on every metric of Somali progress, be it economics, healthcare, education and military and didn’t stop to think that maybe, just maybe we can emulate this lightening in the bottle with the other major industrialised countries of the world is just an example of the lack of creative thinking we suffer from as a people.

Somali entrepreneurs, traders and companies already enjoy all of the benefits of doing business in the EAC. Rwanda was already laying down the red carpet for Somali investors. The biggest skyscraper in the EAC is being constructed by a Somali company in Nairobi, the largest Truck companies active from Tanzania to the deepest parts of the Congo are Somali logistics companies, the biggest sugar factory in Uganda and the richest entrepreneur in that country is a Somali woman.

You already had all of the benefits to succeed in the EAC without being entangled in their legal frameworks, which I guarantee you will contradict Somalia’s interests down the road, especially if the question of the maritime borders are once again resurfaced by the Kenyans, who didn’t lick their wounds and accept defeat after the International court verdict.

Its interesting that despite Kenya opening the door for Somalia to join the East African Community as early as 1967, Somalia never actually joined them when it was at its most stable and powerful, yet we are being sold the idea that joining today will be good for the country, and anything less than supporting that position is a sign of having a low IQ.

All of the so-called benefits of joining this trade-bloc consisting mainly of countries with one supra-ethnicity, language and faith was already being covered by the legal frameworks of COMESA and AfCFTA. If economics was the main incentive then Somalia should have joined the $10 trillion CAEU trade bloc since its an eligible candidate, but with the legalities of the EAC’s future plans, this might no longer be the case.


Somalia in the EAC=we make more money

how hard is that for you to understand? Somalia is a BROKE country, explaining further might melt your brains so I won’t even bother I’ll stop here. many of you think like proper langaab peasants get your somalinimo straight
And how would we make more money? We do not manafacture or produce anything. Cheap products coming from Tanzania and Kenya will swarm Somalia and local businesses won’t be able to compete. It’s 2023 and we don’t even have a power grid. How can our businesses compete with Tanzanians when our energy costs are probably 50x theirs?

The only benefit to Somalia joining the EAC is that it will be easier for Somalis to leave their country.
And how would we make more money? We do not manafacture or produce anything. Cheap products coming from Tanzania and Kenya will swarm Somalia and local businesses won’t be able to compete. It’s 2023 and we don’t even have a power grid. How can our businesses compete with Tanzanians when our energy costs are probably 50x theirs?

The only benefit to Somalia joining the EAC is that it will be easier for Somalis to leave their country.
The ease of leaving the nation will only aggravate the human capital outflow. This deal is bad on every index.:axvmm9o:


Ride The Lightning
And how would we make more money?

ok so there's this concept called "supply and demand" you might not have heard of it....

the real meat and bones here is the import business, by the time were done with them somali traders in EAC will already have killed their industry with chinese and turkish products. we are going to LEECH off these suckers, our true financial dominance will start from here, in 50 years kenya will be entirely ours


Ride The Lightning
also all of you give these shitholes too much credit, last month kenyas government was callig mr beast racist because he drilled wells in their country

you think THAT is gonna change your society? caadi iska dhiga these guys are xoolo


Also, never in a million years will bantus move to Somalia, it will be opposite. They themselves are fearful of us, what makes some of us think they will come to Somalia.
More so than Bantus, I'm worried about these ruthless Jeets from KE/UG/TZ exploiting Somalis and Somalia. They'll have unfettered access to our (domestically) untapped fisheries and offshore oil.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
More so than Bantus, I'm worried about these ruthless Jeets from KE/UG/TZ exploiting Somalis and Somalia. They'll have unfettered access to our (domestically) untapped fisheries and offshore oil.

Forgot EA countries have competent timojileecs who are the most succesfull demographic.

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Much richer kulaha and successful lol, they had peace for 50+ yet they have nothing to show for it, Somalia was on the list of countries who were getting invaded and destabilised by America, if Somalia never had the civil war and wasn't on that list we would be 100% better these shithole country u call successful

Average Bantu country has a GDP per capita 3-4x Somalia's.
Somalia was not making any gains, at all, between 1960 and 1990.

