Early Cushites rode Oxen?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I saw something a long-time ago presented in the findings of Sada Mire that somewhat confused me. In her findings at Dhambalin she says:

One of the hunting scenes depicts two hunters together, one standing and another hunter sitting on an animal, perhaps a horse, and holding a bow and arrow in position to hit antelopes surrounding him Horses are still found/kept in Somaliland.

Yet this makes no sense at all because the Dhambalin site is pre-historic by Horn standards dating to around 5,000-3,000ybp. Horses seem to have come much later in the Horn similar to the camel and would not have been among the animals herded by the earliest pastoralists of the Horn. The original livestock of our ancestors were cattle, goats sheep and donkeys with shepherd/hunting dogs in tow. So how could these Cushitic pastoralists have been mounting horses? Well, if the depictions are not the people who made them just being fanciful then I think the answer is the following:


Footage of Baggara Arabs riding cattle

You see the Baggara folk of Chad and Sudan who actually seem very heavily influenced by Cushites and even use the same domed mat-tents of our ancestors are known for often riding oxen over horses or camels which is so peculiar to outsiders that it's where their name comes from. Baggara = Baqara/بقرة in Arabic which, as many of you likely know, means "cow". Interesting I'm sure but you maybe thinking "So what?" but here's the thing; there is another group of heavily Cushitic influenced people who actually got their pastoralism entirely from Cushites who were known for the same peculiar practice:



Long before horses became the premier riding animals, oxen had filled this need.14 At least 150 years previously there were Khoikhoi riders on cattle on the south coast, and on the lower Orange River by 1661. From them, the Xhosa had acquired riding skills by 1686. - source

As you can see in the depiction above and the quote, the Khoikhoi of South Africa whom we know got their nomadic pastoralist way of life from South-Cushitic pastoralists also practiced cattle riding before horses were ever introduced to them. It might be a stretch but I think the pre-historic rock-art in Somalia which I've heard on occasions other than Dhambalin has even more depictions of people mounting what Sada Mire keeps assuming are "horses" is in fact depicting people riding cattle (most likely oxen like with the Baggara and Khoikhoi).

It's honestly quite cool if true. That our ancestors might have been practicing mounted archery before it was even a thing on the homeland of horse-riding which is the steppes where, if I'm not mistaken, mounted archery only really developed as late as the Iron Age.
Is she refering to any cave paintings or pictures in particular? If there's any horses in Somalia in 3000BC, that's pretty impressive. Especially since the ancient Egyptians didn't even have them (they came into contact with them for the first time via the Hyksos, which is First Intermediate/Middle Kingdom).

Maybe she referring to domesticated donkeys?

Although, 3000ybp is certainly late enough for horses to show up in Somalia. Especially, since that's around the time the South Semites started to come into the Horn of Africa.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Is she refering to any cave paintings or pictures in particular? If there's any horses in Somalia in 3000BC, that's pretty impressive. Especially since the ancient Egyptians didn't even have them (they came into contact with them for the first time via the Hyksos, which is First Intermediate/Middle Kingdom).

It's not pretty impressive. It's pretty impossible, walaal. They had only been domesticated near this time on the Eurasian steppes and were not known, as far as we know in the archaeological record, to any Arabian or African societies at all like you pointed out with the Ancient Egyptians. So it would make zero sense for people in Somalia to somehow be familiar with their domestication and, from what I gather, such paintings do go back around that far.

Maybe she referring to domesticated donkeys?

It's certainly possible but I doubt it and think it's likely cattle based on the reasons I shared above.

Although, 3000ybp is certainly late enough for horses to show up in Somalia. Especially, since that's around the time the South Semites started to come into the Horn of Africa.

Except the introduction of domesticated horses seems later than even the camel based on linguistics. The Somali word for camel ("Geel") seems to have clear Old-South-Arabian roots and was probably introduced to the Horn from Yemen and camels seem to only appear in much later rock-art after 1000 BCE like, from what I remember, during the common era. Horses on the other hand seem introduced possibly even later during the Islamic period as the Somali word for horse ("Faras") is a straight loan from Arabic rather than OSA or Ethiosemitic but, wallahi, more archaeological work needs to be done for exact dating.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Finally made this into a post:

Will, insha'Allah, be the first among many. I have many, many more planned and will turn threads from here like the Dhow one and the Futuh one into detailed posts as well given time. Same goes for the fish taboo, the artisanal taboo and many other subjects I've rambled about on this forum, God willing.

But yeah, seems we wuzz literal cowboys and shiieeet!

@Idilinaa @The alchemist @Khaem @Xareen @Step a side
Finally made this into a post:

Will, insha'Allah, be the first among many. I have many, many more planned and will turn threads from here like the Dhow one and the Futuh one into detailed posts as well given time. Same goes for the fish taboo, the artisanal taboo and many other subjects I've rambled about on this forum, God willing.

But yeah, seems we wuzz literal cowboys and shiieeet!

@Idilinaa @The alchemist @Khaem @Xareen @Step a side
Damn this was your blog? That's wild


Finally made this into a post:

Will, insha'Allah, be the first among many. I have many, many more planned and will turn threads from here like the Dhow one and the Futuh one into detailed posts as well given time. Same goes for the fish taboo, the artisanal taboo and many other subjects I've rambled about on this forum, God willing.

But yeah, seems we wuzz literal cowboys and shiieeet!

@Idilinaa @The alchemist @Khaem @Xareen @Step a side


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Damn this was your blog? That's wild

Yeah, it's been an open secret among the older members on here. I've been hesitant to fully come out. Normally I never use pseudonyms on the internet. Always use my real name and face but I originally joined Somspot in 2015 as a complete troll. I'd come on once a year for years, say the most outlandish and f*cked up shit sometimes then just disappear until the next year. Was a neurotic blowing off steam ritual.

Then I wound up in a rough spot life wise around 2020 and found the hilarity that goes on here a bit therapeutic so I began more regularly posting and, ngl, this place helped me polish my Af Soomaali a bit as well whilst helping remain clued into the goings on of the community despite the mostly trolling that goes on. Was a useful outlet for me.

Nevertheless, being the dork I am, I couldn't resist eventually just posting about anthropology related stuff but didn't feel ready to fully go back to Anthromadness for various reasons. I'm in a better place in life now and have accumulated A LOT of new info over the years so I wanna try to get back into Anthromadness and maybe branch out into YouTube videos as well in time.

To be honest, 99% of what I say on this site is pretty innocuous and wouldn't get me into trouble and anything that would I could chalk up to being like 21 and trolling about.

Finally made this into a post:

Will, insha'Allah, be the first among many. I have many, many more planned and will turn threads from here like the Dhow one and the Futuh one into detailed posts as well given time. Same goes for the fish taboo, the artisanal taboo and many other subjects I've rambled about on this forum, God willing.

But yeah, seems we wuzz literal cowboys and shiieeet!

@Idilinaa @The alchemist @Khaem @Xareen @Step a side
Is that you Awale Abdi
Yeah, it's been an open secret among the older members on here. I've been hesitant to fully come out. Normally I never use pseudonyms on the internet. Always use my real name and face but I originally joined Somspot in 2015 as a complete troll. I'd come on once a year for years, say the most outlandish and f*cked up shit sometimes then just disappear until the next year. Was a neurotic blowing off steam ritual.

Then I wound up in a rough spot life wise around 2020 and found the hilarity that goes on here a bit therapeutic so I began more regularly posting and, ngl, this place helped me polish my Af Soomaali a bit as well whilst helping remain clued into the goings on of the community despite the mostly trolling that goes on. Was a useful outlet for me.

Nevertheless, being the dork I am, I couldn't resist eventually just posting about anthropology related stuff but didn't feel ready to fully go back to Anthromadness for various reasons. I'm in a better place in life now and have accumulated A LOT of new info over the years so I wanna try to get back into Anthromadness and maybe branch out into YouTube videos as well in time.

To be honest, 99% of what I say on this site is pretty innocuous and wouldn't get me into trouble and anything that would I could chalk up to being like 21 and trolling about.

I alao stumbled on this forum years ago right after I came back from a year in somalia. And I developed an intrest in all things somali/somali history which inevitably leads to somalispot. Finally created my account after several years of lurking.

The crazy things is how pouplar this fourn is. basically any Somali person under 30 who's the slightest bit intellectually inclined is aware of this forum. This forum is basically the somali equivalent of the Vienna circle and in some sense a spiritual successor to lafoole university.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

Wallahi, it's a little touching how some of you know of me. I really did start Anthromadness in the hopes of helping young Somalis and other Horners who were confused about their ancient origins, history and identity so it touches me to realize the blog has become something of a cult hit. God willing, I'll be returning to it in earnest and share lots of interesting new info (good chunk of it shared on this site) that can reshape Somali and Horn discourse around anthropological subjects going forward.
I’ve one Tutsi friend here in Tanzania,he speaks highly of you that you helped him go into genetics and ancient dna, he’s the one who showed me your blog discussing about the ancestry of Tutsis
Kind of mind boggling to think that all the genetics discourse online by Africans was started by Somalis and is downstream of discussions somalis are having.
Wallahi, it's a little touching how some of you know of me. I really did start Anthromadness in the hopes of helping young Somalis and other Horners who were confused about their ancient origins, history and identity so it touches me to realize the blog has become something of a cult hit. God willing, I'll be returning to it in earnest and share lots of interesting new info (good chunk of it shared on this site) that can reshape Somali and Horn discourse around anthropological subjects going forward.
Walahi dude you are a legend, I used to read your blogs very informative and well researched, I live in Tanzania we have South Cushitic tribes like iraqw,gorwaa,barunge,alagwa,datooga although phenotype wise they lost their Cushitic features some look Nilotic some look Bantu but they have retained their South Cushitic languages