east africa ?

Should we forgo the East African term

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Garaad Awal

Former African
I dont live in a city, unlike the multicultural niggafied GTA jungle you're in. Dream on. No decent Canadian or person lives in the GTA, not a single one. You live in an evil, terrible place.
I haven’t lived in the GTA/Southern Ontario in the last 5 years. I know you are one of those who fled the Ottawa ghettos to Alberta. Only francophone réer Jabuuti are successful in Ottawa.
Im starting to notice the term "east africa" is becoming used by all african and it not just belonging to true East African.When you hear East Africa what comes to mind is Somalis Djibouti Eritreans and Ethiopians. We the Horners made the term so popular now bantus are claiming our identity was East African. If you don't identify as East African what do you use?
I always say Somali. For better or worse, that's exactly what I am so I find it the most fitting.

I've seen some people argue we aren't east african but "horners" which is even more stupid. East africa is a geographical location. The horn is a sub region within that.
To be very specific u can say the horn of africa. Then the other countries wont be included
Kenyans claim horn sometimes, we should go by Somali we have nothing to do with these other groups. Oromos kill and encroach on our land, habeshas are annoying imperialists, tigrayans have the tplf and their sins to bear and Afars collaborated with France to create the fake state of Djibouti.
Idk why folks would say East African. Most of these Americans don't even know what countries are East African.