i’ve been noticing less sjw somali girls lately good, but we still have girls who look bashaal cooning for ajnabis because they don’t fit in the somali beauty standards and want to compensate i do feel for ugly somali girls even though your rare but it is a hard life
i’ve been noticing less sjw somali girls lately good, but we still have girls who look bashaal cooning for ajnabis because they don’t fit in the somali beauty standards and want to compensate i do feel for ugly somali girls even though your rare but it is a hard life

I've seen all sorts of Somali ladies get married, it's all about confidence and not falling for Madow manipulation and bullshit.

I have no issue with normal Madow people, but the ones that are xenophobes, fetishisers and creeps, I can't stomach them.
You should’ve screenshotted it. It’s gone now
I can't see the tweets, but it's true. They love lusting after Somali women, and even when they post other East African women, they always look admixed with Cushitic.

lol I expected this xabesh to retreat and delete as always but it’s just funny how they hate on Somalis one minute for clout and the next want to profit and monopolize the β€œsomali girl look” to trade it as East African when it benefits them
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lol I expected this xabesh to retreat and delete as always but it’s just funny how they hate on Somalis one minute for clout and the next want to profit and monopolize the β€œsomali girl look” to trade it as East African when it benefits them
Habashis have the entirety of Africa tap dancing for them and still have an inferiority complex in regards to us.

Absolute clowns.
View attachment 349949View attachment 349950
lol I expected this xabesh to retreat and delete as always but it’s just funny how they hate on Somalis one minute for clout and the next want to profit and monopolize the β€œsomali girl look” to trade it as East African when it benefits them
choosing the most lightest habesha when i know they are all dark as hell and bleach on the downlow fucking idiots hate them so much, the shaqalah in the middle east is the average habesha and they are dark as hell
i’ve been noticing less sjw somali girls lately good, but we still have girls who look bashaal cooning for ajnabis because they don’t fit in the somali beauty standards and want to compensate i do feel for ugly somali girls even though your rare but it is a hard life
Lots of sjw for palestine tho
They never go for the most antiblack people that have lead to the decimation of madows Lol. Also why do they care so much if people don't want to refer themselves as black. Like I will say I'm madow skinned but otherwise I'm Somali. And my history and culture is different. When I was a kid they all thought we had the same history and they would randomly ask me about slavery...
choosing the most lightest habesha when i know they are all dark as hell and bleach on the downlow fucking idiots hate them so much, the shaqalah in the middle east is the average habesha and they are dark as hell
They love portraying themselves as middle eastern looking but the habeshas I've seen in real life consistently look like low caste Indians :dead:
We can undo this easily. We just need to spread the word to our friends and relatives, to rebuke the use of 'East African' when it comes to us.

Qasil is as Somali as Argan Oil is Morrocan.
Dirac is as Somali as the Saari is Indian.

I don't care if people cry about it. Don't allow them, and stop being too nice.
Those words are Somali words. If it wasn’t for us they would be pronouncing the c in Dirac. Even the way they say it…should be an indicator to them it’s not their stuff but alas…


Why? I do think somalis should advocate for palestinians (and othersk) who are impacted by imperialism
I think we should always support the oppressed but some Somali women take it a bit too far. They ignore their own people’s issues and go on and on about people outside our community who would not do the same. That’s my issue with it.

