East african somali beef

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
How does a people with such a small population globally manage to hold their ground against multiple nationalities?? :mjlol: Imagine if all our people had access to the internet it wouldn't even be fair wallahi :lolbron:
Wasn't this nigga banned yesterday?


He instantly made a new account. He was also already canceled by arab tiktok but he is like duc tape annoyingly hard to remove.


He must be, I have never seen an ethnic Somali who has those features put together.
Handsome mashallah but deffo not pure Geeljire.
he's just east african (Kenyan and Tanzanian) he tags arabs and muslims too.


He's handsome but also weird, why is not tagging his own ethnic group. This is misleading because people will start thinking he's Somali.

Seems like he's fishing for Somali women.
i don't think so. people use tags unrelated to the topic and them for more attention. somalis are the largest black muslim group and the most religious. so it's understandable
i don't think so. people use tags unrelated to the topic and them for more attention. somalis are the largest black muslim group and the most religious. so it's understandable
Lol were not the largest black muslim group walaalπŸ˜…the Hausa, Fulani, Oromo are far more then us. But they dont have the same hive mind mentality as somalisπŸ˜… how many artists in the UK have used somali words just to boost their numbers.


Lol were not the largest black muslim group walaalπŸ˜…the Hausa, Fulani, Oromo are far more then us. But they dont have the same hive mind mentality as somalisπŸ˜… how many artists in the UK have used somali words just to boost their numbers.
i thought we were. well somalis are def more dedicated to islam and religious than the arabs who think they are the chosen ones.
i thought we were. well somalis are def more dedicated to islam and religious than the arabs who think they are the chosen ones.
Nah but we will surpass them in numbers in the near futureπŸ˜… i want to agree and say yes but that would be hybris of me to do. Cause every city or community i've been to were somalis live, you will Always find mosques and brotherhood, people that will take you to the masjid, feed you and entertain you in their maqaayad πŸ’― and even arabs have told me that somalis carry the deen with them and uphold it were ever they are in the world, while they mostly blend in with their host nations.

