East Africans Minnesota Ruining Their Lives


Plotting world domination
I've said it before Somalis in America do not assimilate into some African American underclass nor is there a poverty cycle, they move out into suburbs with other Somalis and the neighborhoods they live in operate more like self sustaining villages
The ones with felonies on their records might be cooked. Having any sort of criminal record could hurt you career wise. Especially when it comes to white collar jobs.

Blue collar work on the other hand is very felon friendly. Hopefully most of these guys enter the trades because if they don't they might end up having a tough life.

@The truth seeker is telling the truth. Unless our drug dealers, scammers, and felons fix up the children they raise will be stuck in an endless cycle of poverty.
The ones with felonies on their records might be cooked. Having any sort of criminal record could hurt you career wise. Especially when it comes to white collar jobs.

Blue collar work on the other hand is very felon friendly. Hopefully most of these guys enter the trades because if they don't they might end up having a tough life.

@The truth seeker is telling the truth. Unless our drug dealers, scammers, and felons fix up the children they raise will be stuck in an endless cycle of poverty.

If they get into fights like other Americans do , they deserve the consequences. Just like there is no exceptions made to other groups for punishments.

There is a reason why they introduced a bill to make school fighting a felony to deter others for participating in it and it had bi-partisan support from everyone. Like i explained here:
School fights happen all the time in America in all over the place , even amongst White students which are the most common thing . Thats why there is littered with videos on online and news stories on it. Somalis fighting at school barely make it.

It's gotten soo bad and become so common that they introduced a bill to make it into felony for kids to roll out harsher punishments.

Low bill would make fighting at school a felony for kids, parents​

Meanwhile other Somalis should let the law run its course to deal with it and not take what individuals do , on the collective. We don't need to feel responsible for what every few moron does or a reckless youth does. We can't save everyone.

Most Somali youth are not felons, druggies or scammers. Their law abiding citizens who work, attend school, participate even in civic duties and they generally have lower crime rate
The issue is that Somali goofy gang activity is sensationalized and they live in some relatively impoverished hotspot areas in Minneapolis that racist whites like to hyper-fixate on, magnifying the focus as if the Somalis are special problem people. Gangs are driven by youth, most people exit the lifestyle by their early 20s. So even those 15% of males, within an age range, eventually exit.

The incarceration rate of "Black" people in prisons is 34% while only 5.4% of them are Muslim - Somalis make up 7.3% of the Minnesotan immigrant population. This alone debunks the notion that Somalis are extremely overrepresented, as I have seen crazy numbers by racists. I can guarantee we're not the entire 5.4%:


The ones who commit the most crime in Minnesota are Native Americans by far. Yet you never hear about it. And you should not, to be honest. Those people usually live in miskeen conditions given lands that are not productive off in the margins where economic flow is very limited.

The big problem with African Americans from what i've seen is the high unemployment rates for males and lack of group economic practice in their community. That's what gets poverty cycle going.

It's rooted in a separate structural, systemic, historical problems. It's not comparable to Somalis in America who have high employment rates and practice group based economics and don't share that history like segregation.

I tried educating @The truth seeker on the Black historical experience in another thread on : You should read this
I have to agree with @ilmoweyn . Black poverty rate increased in the 50/60s mainly because of discrimination, although it was prevalent throughout the decades before it.

It began first through job-loss.

Just as black unemployment had increased in the South with the mechanization of cotton production, black unemployment in Northern cities soared as labor-saving technology eliminated many semiskilled and unskilled jobs that historically had provided many blacks with work.

In the 1950s and '60s, Black sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and agricultural laborers in the South — the poorest of the poor — were being replaced by machines and forced off the land by plantation owners determined to reduce Afro-American populations before they achieved voting majorities in Black Belt counties. Freedom Movement efforts such as the Mississippi Freedom Labor Union, Poor Peoples Corporations, and Co-Ops had little long-term success, and new streams of unskilled, rural poor flowed into the urban slums of the North and West.

Then through series of barring them from work, investments, loans/banking/insurances/mortgages, housing , political power and education

Segregation even acted as wealth extraction from where nonresidential whites would just suck the money out of Black communities, after barring them from everything basically.

Landlords would only rent apartments to tenants of the designated race, banks and federal agencies wouldn't give or insure mortgages to buyers of the wrong color, realtors steered their clients to the "correct" neighborhoods. In some instances, real estate ads and classified listings of available apartments explicitly stated racial restrictions. The deeds to many homes, apartment buildings, and developments contained restrictive covenants specifying who they could be sold or rented to. While most of these restrictions referred only to race, some also barred Jews, for example:

Some white suburbs were known as "sundown towns" where people of color had to be gone by sundown or face arrest on trumped-up charges, or vigilante violence, or both. In many cases, official signs were posted to make this policy explicit. In Hawthorne CA, for example, a sign read: ", Don't Let The Sun Set On YOU In Hawthorne." But most of the signs simply said: "Whites Only Within City Limits After Dark".

Within the ghetto, economic power was primarily held by businesses and institutions owned by non-resident whites who financially profited from segregated housing. They enriched themselves, and by so doing placed added burdens — often insurmountable ones — on people trying climb out poverty.

They would also force them to pay high prices and rents for slum rund down apartments significantly higher than what white people would pay significantly less for nice neat sanitary new apartments.

This gives you more or less a run down of it and goes through the laws enacted.

Ghettos, Segregation, & Poverty in the 1960s​

Read it

The first waves of Asian Americans were discriminated against and hated and formed apart of the lower rungs of society when they arrived. They even hate similar laws in place that restricted them and later they actually banned them. They made posters, exhibits with blatant racist caricatures of them.

While these cultural values are positive, it is worth remembering that less than a century ago, Asians were described as illiterate, undesirable, and unassimilable immigrants, full of “filth and disease.” As “marginal members of the human race,” they were denied the right to naturalize, denied the right to intermarry, and were residentially segregated in crowded ethnic enclaves. They were even, in the case of Japanese immigrants, forced into internment camps.

These Asian immigrants are not only more highly educated than U.S. citizens, they’re more highly educated than their own countrymen. This reflects high selectivity among those who chose to immigrate. For example, 53% of Korean immigrants to the U.S. have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to only 36% of adults in South Korea.

Among Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants, the selectivity is far greater: 51% of Chinese immigrants and 26% of Vietnamese immigrants have at least a bachelor’s degree, compared to only 5% of adults in China and Vietnam. This is where we see “hyper-selectivity.”

It's only later on the migration pattern changed with self selectiveness, its only the rich affluent educated Asians and Chinese that migrate to America from their homeland, not the average person.

Also they benefit a lot from government sponsored grants start businesses when they arrive.
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Nomadic lord

Simply better.
Blaming African American culture is dumb. Let’s not ignore the fact that people are responsible for their own actions; you just don't come into a new country with no plans and no goals. This kid's parents failed him, and he failed himself. Everything starts at home. It’s time to take accountability.

Yusuf M

Blaming African American culture is dumb. Let’s not ignore the fact that people are responsible for their own actions; you just don't come into a new country with no plans and no goals. This kid's parents failed him, and he failed himself. Everything starts at home. It’s time to take accountability.
You can't deny the ghetto madow culture.
We pu
It's over.
I wouldn't be surprised if in 30-50 years there will be a permanent subgroup of underclass Somalis in high-density areas like minneshithole that assimilate to African-American "culture"
My only hope is in the smaller tight-knit communities like Seattle or Dallas that will ascend
We put eachother on, this will prevent the formation of a permanent underclass

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Somalis are a failed immigrant group don’t know why our youth are obsessed with African American ghetto culture we’re refuges from one of the poorest nations in the world you’d think we would have more ambition and a drive to succeed

I honesty blame Somali parents these kids need to understand how poor and deprived East Africa is and how much opportunity there is in America no excuse for failure if you don’t want college go to trade school don’t squander the chance at having a better life than you parents
Somalis are a failed immigrant group don’t know why our youth are obsessed with African American ghetto culture we’re refuges from one of the poorest nations in the world you’d think we would have more ambition and a drive to succeed

I honesty blame Somali parents these kids need to understand how poor and deprived East Africa is and how much opportunity there is in America no excuse for failure if you don’t want college go to trade school don’t squander the chance at having a better life than you parents
The vast majority of Somalis are doing well. We aren’t failed.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
The vast majority of Somalis are doing well. We aren’t failed.
After being in the west for 20-30 years we should be doing way better than we are now Asians who came from war torn Vietnam and Laos in the 70s opened up small shops and through hard work and business savvy saved up enough money for there kids to go to a state university and bought huge homes in the suburbs

If you go to a ghetto anywhere in america what do you see an Arab gas station and liquor store we need to adopt this ambitious mentality of being willing to make money in any environment and stop looking down on manual Labour nothing good in life comes easy

The ultimate goal in life for any refuge or immigrant is to achieve the American dream if your happy living in low income subsided housing for the rest of your life might as well go back to Somalia
After being in the west for 20-30 years we should be doing way better than we are now Asians who came from war torn Vietnam and Laos in the 70s opened up small shops and through hard work and business savvy saved up enough money for there kids to go to a state university and bought huge homes in the suburbs

If you go to a ghetto anywhere in america what do you see an Arab gas station and liquor store we need to adopt this ambitious mentality of being willing to make money in any environment and stop looking down on manual Labour nothing good in life comes easy

The ultimate goal in life for any refuge or immigrant is to achieve the American dream if your happy living in low income subsided housing for the rest of your life might as well go back to Somalia
Oh you’re talking about America. I was thinking about Canada. We are on the same level as majority of these immigrant groups. Though I would say the Somali families I know who moved to Western Canada are living better because it is a lot cheaper education, transport, food and housing wise compared to Ontario.


Dursa and yahya don't look Somali. And Dursa is apparently a ethiopian name. It's annoying if other horners does a crime ajanabis will just label them as somali.
Blaming African American culture is dumb. Let’s not ignore the fact that people are responsible for their own actions; you just don't come into a new country with no plans and no goals. This kid's parents failed him, and he failed himself. Everything starts at home. It’s time to take accountability.
Exactly. They arent raised in a home with typical AA so i dont get this narative. They are raised with 100% somali parents and became like this. It happens back home 2.


Reer guri
Somalis under the age of 18 are finished, if you spend some time around them you will see what I’m talking about.
Somalis under the age of 18 are finished, if you spend some time around them you will see what I’m talking about.
These kids are far more miskeen then we were as kids. Like as a kid I was madaax adeeg and would argue all the time but these kids are just more softer.


Reer guri
These kids are far more miskeen then we were as kids. Like as a kid I was madaax adeeg and would argue all the time but these kids are just more softer.
Where are you from? I’m not sure about kids in Europe, but in America, they’re a lost cause. Back in the day, kids had hoop dreams, Dugsi was much stricter, and parents were far more disciplined in raising their children. Today, kids look up to rappers and drug dealers, religion isn’t as central to their lives, and many parents have essentially retired from parenting, leaving the responsibility to older siblings.

