East London Muslim patrol

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's an Islamic medieval painting of Buraaq. If you really take offence at this then take your issue up with the dead Muslim who drew it.
So you put it up cause it's merely a painting of buraaq?

Don't insult my intelligence.
Let me guess they are south east asians and arabs? These idiots should be deported back to the hellholes they came from!
So you're a Qur'anist? Many Muslims would immediately consider you to have left to fold of Islam if that's the case.

No I am not quranist, they are just cult, true Muslim, prophet Mohamed said after I died you will hear lot of untrue saying about me, the sayings that do not go with your logic and reason. Stay away from them. Read more about Asharis ( school of philosophy in Islam)
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