Economical turmoil in Puntland continues (Protests in Qardho) All shops closed

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Banaan baxyo looga soo horjeedo diidmada lacagaha Shillin Soomaaliga oo Qardho ka dhacay

Goobaha Ganacsiga ee magaalada Qardho ee Gobolka Bari Ayaa Saakay Ahaa kuwo Gabi Ahaanba Albaabada U xirnaa, Shacabka Usoo Adeeg Tagi Jiray Suuqayada Lagu Iibsho Qudaarta Hilibka Iyo Goobaha kale Ee Ganacsiga Ayaa Ku Waabariistay Xirnaasaha Goobahaasi.

Abaara 9;00 Subaxnimo Ayaa Shacabka magaalada oo Cabiraya Dareenkooda ayaa Socdaal Dheer Kusoo Maray Waddooyinka Waaweyn Ee Degmada Qardho kuwaasi oo ka soo horjeeda diidmada ku aadan lacagaha Shillin Soomaaliga ah.

Barxada Suuqa Weyn Oo Markii Danbe Ay Isugu Tageen Dibadbaxayaasha Ayaa Ugu Horeynba Halkaasi waxaa Kula Hadlay Guddoomiyaha Degmada Qardho Cabdi Siciid Cismaan Dheere wuxuuna Sheegay In Shillin Soomaaliga La Socodsiiyo, Dowladuna Ay Isla Qaadateen In Dhamaan La Adkeeyo Koontaroolada Lacagaha Ay Kasoo Galayaan.

“Marka hore waxaa idinka codsanaynaa in aad is dejisaan,lacagaha Shillin Soomaaliga waa la socodsiinayaa, dadka diidan talaabo ayaa laga qaadayaa waana isla afgaranay maamulka,waxaana la xakamayndoonaan lacagaha been abuurka ah ee suuqyada la soo gelinayo”, Ayuu yiri guddoomiyah Qardho.

Xaliimo Jawaasi oo Ku Hadlaysay Afka Dibadbaxayaasha Ayaa Sheegtay In Ay Doonayaan Lacagtooda Isku Soo Baxooda Ayeey Ku Sheegtay In Uu Yahay Mid Dantooda Ay Uga Hadlayaan Waxayna Eedamo Ay U jeediyeen Sariflayaasha Iyo Shirkadaha Waaweyn, kuwaasi oo ay ku tilmaameen in ay ka shaqeynayaan wax buslhada dhib ku ah.
It is a problem everywhere even in Somaliland. The drought + high inflation rates fucked up the Somali economy.
It's especially bad in puntland due to widespread corruption and lack of thinking instigated by Mr. " fat f*ck" Gaas.Everyday I'm more suprised at how foreigners are the worst leaders, we need more local
Men and women otherwise the state won't survive.
el padrone as Duke said but in Puntland the situation is made worse by printing illegal shilling money. They only pay the government employees with new shiny bills and forced shop owners to accept it or face arrest as Somalia share economy and trade the old shilling Somali got mixed up with the new money printed in hidden location in Bosaso. In turn of events brcause Gaas was forcing the illegal printed money some shop owners refuse the old bills/notes. The old shilling Somali is used in Somalia so the poor people who trade with the south or have nites/bills that are old have nowhere to buy food or neccessities from. This is due to the greed and incompetencenof Gaas. He is no economist Puntland was not able to pay the salaries so they started illegally printing their own new fake currency only problem is that Puntland is not its own country and the old bills still arebin circulation with the general public.


This is true Ribo in islamic terms, where people can no longer afford living due to high inflation and business-men trading at a high profit beyond the means of the people capacity. RIBO isn't interest rates which is totally normal to recover your loan and profit untill those interest rates are beyond the means of the people!!!

But true RIBO is what's happening in Puntland right now, it's when people can't afford living anymore due to high prices!!!


el padrone as Duke said but in Puntland the situation is made worse by printing illegal shilling money. They only pay the government employees with new shiny bills and forced shop owners to accept it or face arrest as Somalia share economy and trade the old shilling Somali got mixed up with the new money printed in hidden location in Bosaso. In turn of events brcause Gaas was forcing the illegal printed money some shop owners refuse the old bills/notes. The old shilling Somali is used in Somalia so the poor people who trade with the south or have nites/bills that are old have nowhere to buy food or neccessities from. This is due to the greed and incompetencenof Gaas. He is no economist Puntland was not able to pay the salaries so they started illegally printing their own new fake currency only problem is that Puntland is not its own country and the old bills still arebin circulation with the general public.

This is total nonsense, PL can pay it's army salary, do you even know what the problem is there? all the salaries of civil servants and soldiers are paid for by the world bank, that's every regional govt in Somalia. How you think Jubaland pays for it's soldiers and has no problem? the issue is Gaas told the world bank, pass the money to the govt to manage and the world bank told them go to hell because they manage the funding. Why gaas asked for that is quite obvious, corruption purposes and the world bank knew!!!

But if anyone think PL can't pay it's soldiers is just out of it's mind, why you think galmudug-koonfur galbeed-jubaland can all pay their soldiers which are much more newer administrations, it's because of the world bank and has nothing to do with the regional govt capacity!!! All the other admins in Somalia, simply followed the world bank rules, where-as PL refused to!!!

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
el padrone as Duke said but in Puntland the situation is made worse by printing illegal shilling money. They only pay the government employees with new shiny bills and forced shop owners to accept it or face arrest as Somalia share economy and trade the old shilling Somali got mixed up with the new money printed in hidden location in Bosaso. In turn of events brcause Gaas was forcing the illegal printed money some shop owners refuse the old bills/notes. The old shilling Somali is used in Somalia so the poor people who trade with the south or have nites/bills that are old have nowhere to buy food or neccessities from. This is due to the greed and incompetencenof Gaas. He is no economist Puntland was not able to pay the salaries so they started illegally printing their own new fake currency only problem is that Puntland is not its own country and the old bills still arebin circulation with the general public.
Agreed sxb 100 pct. gaas is utter failure. once you embezzel your soldiers salary it becames a matter of national security. very grave!
Puntland oo Go'aamo Cusub Ka Soo Saartay Diidmada Lacagta Shilin Soomaali-ga-Sawirro

Thursday September 07, 2017


Magaaladda Garoowe waxaa maanta shir isugu yimid masuuliyiinta wasaaradda maaliyadda Puntland iyo Bangiga Dhexe oo ay weheliyeen wasiiradda arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga Puntland, waxaana shirka lagu falanqeeyey diidmada lacagta Shilinka Soomaaliga, kala gurideeda iyo sarrifkeeda kala duwan.
Wasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland Cabdullaahi Siciid Caarshe ayaa warbaahinta u akhriyay qodobadii ka soo baxay shirka, wuxuuna sheegay inaysan jirin meel dowladu ku diiday qaadatashada shilinka Soomaaliga, wuxuuna ugu baaqay shacabka inay qaataan lacagta iyaga oo aan kala gurin.

Qodobadada shirka ka soo baxay.

  1. Lacagta shilinga Soomaaliga waa astaan qaran, dalk kastana astaantiisa qaran waa lacagtiisa, Puntland kama duwana, ciddii ka hor imaatana waxaa qaran dumis.
  2. Dowladda Puntland lacagta SH.So, waxay ku qaadaa cashuurta, waxayna ku bixisaa Mushaharooyinka ciidamada iyo shaqaalaha dawladda, meel ay ku diidayna ma jirto.
  3. Shacabka reer Puntland waxaa laga doonayaa in ay lacagta sh. so qaataan, iyaga oo aan kala gurin, sarrif kala duwanna looma samayn karo. arrintaas oo aan diin ahaan banaanayn (ribo).
  4. Hay’adaha dowladda ee fulinta shaqadan qaybaha ku leh waxaa laga doonayaa in ay waajibkooda shaqo ka gutaan.
Dhinac kale, Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Col Axmed Dowlad, Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Cabdilaahi Cali Xirsi (Timacade) iyo Guddoomiyaha bangiga dhexe PuntlandCabdiIsmaaciil Boos oo iyana la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa shacabka u diray fariin la mid ah mida wasiirka maaliyadda, waxayna sheegeen in dowladda Tallaabo sharci ah ka qaadi doontoo cidii lagu qabto iyagoo kala guraya lacagta shiling Soomaaliga.

Maalmihii u dambeeyay waxaa magaaladda waaweyne ee puntland dib uga soo cusboonaaday diidmada lacagta duuga ah ee shiling Soomaaliga, taasi oo sababtay in mudaharaadyo ay ka dhacaan magaalooyinka Qardho iyo Dhahar ee goboladda karkaar iyo Hayland.







El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
This is total nonsense, PL can pay it's army salary, do you even know what the problem is there? all the salaries of civil servants and soldiers are paid for by the world bank, that's every regional govt in Somalia. How you think Jubaland pays for it's soldiers and has no problem? the issue is Gaas told the world bank, pass the money to the govt to manage and the world bank told them go to hell because they manage the funding. Why gaas asked for that is quite obvious, corruption purposes and the world bank knew!!!

But if anyone think PL can't pay it's soldiers is just out of it's mind, why you think galmudug-koonfur galbeed-jubaland can all pay their soldiers which are much more newer administrations, it's because of the world bank and has nothing to do with the regional govt capacity!!! All the other admins in Somalia, simply followed the world bank rules, where-as PL refused to!!!
Actually they didnt refuse to pay but come short to pay them hemce the mutiny and deserted soldiers. also gaas has a personal machine to print currency under his bed. its a fact
elpadrone indeed the results are visible in Af Urur where soldiers have been infiltrated by Al Shabab. Af Urur is good example because in other regions the clan politics is strong.


Actually they didnt refuse to pay but come short to pay them hemce the mutiny and deserted soldiers. also gaas has a personal machine to print currency under his bed. its a fact

You need to go read how much the world bank pays for the regional administration!!! The idea that soldiers get pay from the port revenues is total nonsense!!! PL gets 2-3 million in revenues from the port. There is like 10-000 police/army/etc, it simply won't cover them let alone civil servants which is in the thousand range!!! World bank pays for this stuff kiddo, and the issue in PL is well known to ppl from that area!!!

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
You need to go read how much the world bank pays for the regional administration!!! The idea that soldiers get pay from the port revenues is total nonsense!!! PL gets 2-3 million in revenues from the port. There is like 10-000 police/army/etc, it simply won't cover them let alone civil servants which is in the thousand range!!! World bank pays for this stuff kiddo, and the issue in PL is well known to ppl from that area!!!
Who mentioned anythin about port? we know they get assistamce to pay their army but like everybody knows gaas embezzled this money and pays them with fake printed money which they refused.
The new minister holds meeting with the Bank of Puntland because he as a non diaspora knows that the situation is critical.

He states in Garowe:

Shilling is legal tender thus cannot be refused and anyone refusing old notes/bills coming from southern Somalia is a destroyer of the union of the country.

He says that Gaas administration is not refusing old Shilling Somali.

This is a catch 22 situation, Gaas will not stop printing new money. This fake money is distributed to governnent employees who have purchasing power in turn shop owners want new money because Bank of Puntland was only accepting the illegally printed money.

A vicious domino effect which has no solution because if Gaas stopped printing fake money there would be no salaries zilch not even for 7-8 months but forever.

This would result in total collapse therefore he has to artificially keep the economy alive by printing fake money.

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
The new minister holds meeting with the Bank of Puntland because he as a non diaspora knows that the situation is critical.

He states in Garowe:

Shilling is legal tender thus cannot be refused and anyone refusing old notes/bills coming from southern Somalia is a destroyer of the union of the country.

He says that Gaas administration is not refusing old Shilling Somali.

This is a catch 22 situation, Gaas will not stop printing new money. This fake money is distributed to governnent employees who have purchasing power in turn shop owners want new money because Bank of Puntland was only accepting the illegally printed money.

A vicious domino effect which has no solution because if Gaas stopped printing fake money there would be no salaries zilch not even for 7-8 months but forever.

This would result in total collapse therefore he has to artificially keep the economy alive by printing fake money.
Afkaaga caano geel lagu qabay! this is the truth ppl try to sweep under the carpet.

by printing fake money this creates inflation and puts their banana economy in vicious cycle. rinse and repeat.

I think gaas should be impeached and camay should take over.


Saahid, Fake money doesn't exist. Currency is all printed, it's a piece of paper, what gives it value is people honoring it. The gold standard your thinking of died back in the early quarter of the century because there simply isn't that much gold around to justify the amount of transactions occurring, currency is now a honor based system that the govt enforces on the market-place as the legal tender for transaction!!! The business community is totally wrong for rejecting the new currency, they are not the govt and have no influence over what is legal tender!!! Infact this is the central bank job in mogadishu but since their not functioning, PL has created a currency system that functions, it just needs the participants in the market-place to honor it and use it as legal tender.

In my view, there seems to be external hands involved in this who want to destabilize Puntland over nonsense!!! If PL decided today to print a currency that said punt kingdom, it would be exactly the same. As long as people honor it and allow people to purchase things with it in the market-place, it would form as the legal tender. The only problem would occur outside of your borders which can quickly be solved by having your business community have a reserve of universal currency which locals would trade one note for the other when going outside it's border and the business community would do this because it knows the punt kingdom note holds value within PL so it wouldn't lose anything by trading it to other puntites who need foreign currency in order to conduct transactions with non puntites.


There seems to be some vicious ignorance about currency in Somalia. I hope this garbage is resolved and the business community get's it's act together because it is clear they are wrong, what they need to tell the PL people is what their 'motives' are for causing instability over nonsense!!! currency will always be a piece of paper, it is the people in the market place who have to honor it and if someone doesn't honor it, that's when it turns into 'fake money'.

There seems to be a honor problem occurring here and it is solely coming from the business community, what we need to do is ask what their 'motives' behind this are because it clearly isn't the currency because currency is just a piece of paper that stores a certain value to it to purchase goods or services in a country. People can't go back to trading one camel for one TV or one TV for two phones. What if I don't want a TV or a Camel, that's the purpose of currency is to store the value for something I do want!!!

Infact somalia is demonstrating it is going paper-less, see how it's about 'honor' system and how quick you can switch currencies. Their using sahal, evc, etc, currencies can be created in a second as long as people honor it thats the important part 'the honor' which comes from guess where

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