Edmonton Somali guy ALLEGEDLY called the n-word and DEMANDS to see the Mayor

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I don't believe him. Hes a troll. No one called him a . This is what he did a few years ago

Former refugee arrested at Kenney BBQ

Bashir Mohamed dragged away as he tried to ask question


A protester who made it into a Conservative party barbecue in Edmonton says he was dragged out of the event and arrested by police when he tried to ask Immigration Minister Jason Kenney a question.

Bashir Mohamed, 17, planned to confront Kenney about the federal government's cuts to refugee health care.

Mohamed says he was born in a refugee camp in Kenya and came to Canada with his parents when he was three.

He said he stood up and began to ask a question while Kenney was speaking, but was quickly grabbed by four men who pulled him outside.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I wanna see why they called him to begin with cause right now it looks like he was blocking the road on a green light
The obsession is real.

I can post a picture of a tree and it'll be turned back to me.

I put fear in your heart


John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Going through his tl this bashir dude writes just like you AJ.


If it isn't you, you should befriend bashir you two would get on like a house on fire.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
He looks like he is seeking his 15 mins at the expense of Somali race. I have never experienced racism in my life and I have travel a lot through out Europe
Your experience isn't universal, so don't go tell other people what they've experienced or not, fucking Uncle Faarax.
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