Egypt Deserves it's role in Africa and Mid East back even tho truthfully it stretches to Mediterranean and as far as Persia. All these people invaded and looted that place. They didn't seem to like Nubians either and had great wars with them. I don't think they had an issue with Kush or else they wouldn't of built Pyramids in Kush but Kush got sacked by Nubia too. As for us no issues no wars ever and they weren't called foreigners or depicted differently like Asiatics or Nubians. Infact they said it's their gods land.
I feel for Egypt what a volatile location, every direction is ready to explode. We should help them at least crack ancient egyptian as it's base language is closest to ours. Some hilarious shit they say like we in the belly of the hyskos meaning Syrians(Jewish region as one) it's identical to when we say calool shaqayste. Ancient egyptian is sadly lost due to so many foreign influences but bits n piece exist, the words will have dimension or if it doesn't it's foreign rendering.
I feel for Egypt what a volatile location, every direction is ready to explode. We should help them at least crack ancient egyptian as it's base language is closest to ours. Some hilarious shit they say like we in the belly of the hyskos meaning Syrians(Jewish region as one) it's identical to when we say calool shaqayste. Ancient egyptian is sadly lost due to so many foreign influences but bits n piece exist, the words will have dimension or if it doesn't it's foreign rendering.
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