Egypt 's plan in Somalia

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You damn well know that Arab bullshit don't work on us. Unlike you folks who bootyclap for arabs we hustle them real hard

Kkkkk they butter your bread, tell uncle Faisal waraable who cried and insulted all SL women for sake of UAE (famous video)
Y'all do realise Somalis have been apart of the Arab identity for the last thousand years tho right? Considering the fact that all the powerful search
Somalis spoke Arabic too aswell as having had full on Arab names.

Somalis are a part of the Arab identity. Note : A PART OF
The Arabs (and Ottomans) have been our biggest allies throughout history. They've helped us fight of the Xabashis and Portuguese aswell as brought over many loan words and influenced our culture greatly. We have never been at war with them or been occupied by them. So stop the girly whining when Egypt offers to help and reestablish old and strong ties lost during the chaos of the last 20 years
Y'all do realise Somalis have been apart of the Arab identity for the last thousand years tho right? Considering the fact that all the powerful search
Somalis spoke Arabic too aswell as having had full on Arab names.

Somalis are a part of the Arab identity. Note : A PART OF
The Arabs (and Ottomans) have been our biggest allies throughout history. They've helped us fight of the Xabashis and Portuguese aswell as brought over many loan words and influenced our culture greatly. We have never been at war with them or been occupied by them. So stop the girly whining when Egypt offers to help and reestablish old and strong ties lost during the chaos of the last 20 years

These people literally do not know the different between friend and enemy


Southie pride
Egypt 70 years ago there were dark skinned, their skin only changed whe they intermarriage with Greece and Turkish. So they not an Arab too.


Southie pride
Ethiopia were completely dark skinned people, the European make a plan to change their skin color in order to claim their history later. That is why they saying now Ethiopia is a part of Semitic, which is nonsense.


Your superior
So you prefer Amisom who rape the children and Ethiopian who massacred the elders and live under occupation instead of living free with dignity. Is that your choice?
Stop begging after other people's identity. We are Somali not Arabs
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