Egypt To Open Military Training Bases Like TurkSom


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
I don’t support this. I’m skeptical of Egypt, while they have been a great historical ally there’s no ignoring the conflict on interest here. Egypt may use this training base to cultivate operatives that can carry out sabotage against Ethiopia which would push us to war at their benefit and our demise. There’s defo a question of nefarious intentions we have enough foreign trained soldiers from Qatar to UAE to turkey to the US. All these rival factions with different sugar daddies were gonna end up like Sudan with foreign powers fighting over our resources with there trained troops. While on the other hand turkey just trained troops so they could prop up a client state the UAE is doing it to undermine Somali sovereignty and Qatar funds shabaab in part so they want to keep us in a perpetual state of disarray. And now Egypt is using us to undermine Ethiopia when we’re weaker than ever man wake up and smell the coffee this is gonna set the stage for a future civil war and then Somaliweyne will truly fall apart because world powers will ignore an arms embargo and back whatever client suits their needs like Sudan.
Take anything the clown Cali Balcad says with a grain of salt. Egypt will open military bases while Ethiopian army is now even deeper in the country ostensibly fighting shabaab. Makes zero sense. Also…where is the money going to come from for this? Even AUSSOM funding is in doubt.
for what reason does fgs still need others to train their own military? does 20 years of experience fighting AS mean nothing?
Most likely to ‘intercept’ foreign donor money intended for this ‘training’ as we all know Somalia can’t and won’t pay for it out of pocket
for what reason does fgs still need others to train their own military? does 20 years of experience fighting AS mean nothing?
It’s evident that the SNA has no understanding of military engineering, building fortifications/ trenches. They also lack credible offensive capabilities, so they certainly need more training.


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