Egyptian Farax GOES IN on Egyptian Xalimos

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I don't collectively judge people. If that means living under a rock, I am in a good spot.

Also, the foundation of brotherhood was not the subject. Just Egyptian youth engaged in typical sex wars online.
Dude the fact that you are defending extremist sexist men says a lot about you. How about you f*ck off.
Nacalaa ayeeydaa naasaha yareed read the title well. May your daughter have 20k followers on IG by the age of 17.
Habaar xumaa wecelku. War ayeeday naaskeedi hadaan udanledehe kac nuug. May you go through the trials and tribulations of raising a hojaabi daughter your wife you love conceived from an affair your whole neighborhood knows of. Garac garac daleey


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Habaar xumaa wecelku. War ayeeday naaskeedi hadaan udanledehe kac nuug. May you go through the trials and tribulations of raising a hojaabi daughter your wife you love conceived from an affair your whole neighborhood knows of. Garac garac daleey

May this be the coffin of your wife



「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
There never been a better and easier time to become a high quality man. Why doesn't he becomes the the guys he hates if he so jealous? It's not that complicated.
Yeah, they're getting their women snatched by White men. This is a global village and the dating market will just get tougher. Instead of joining weird gay sounding groups, men need to become competitive physically and financially.

I can see why though, other than Koreans Asian men let these foreigners abuse their women and they just stand there and watch. I remember watching this video about this white guy in Thailand harassing this young girl on the street and these guys were just watching and doing nothing, I don't blame their women for not wanting men who wont protect them. They also just let alot of these white guys verbally and physically abuse them and wont do shit. Alot of them are very unmanly


The level of salt emanating from his greasy face could sustain the whole of Egypt.

Why do guys from these types of videos act surprised that some women would f*ck for money like it’s a sudden discovery they just stumbled upon?
Wecelka una afuriye
The level of salt emanating from his greasy face could sustain the whole of Egypt.

Why do guys from these types of videos act surprised that some women would f*ck for money like it’s a sudden discovery they just stumbled upon?

I think it's more about how they act religious.


In East africa too. The niqaab plays more of a identity hiding feature in that work field.
Yeah, I actually almost became a Niqabi in that country bc the harassment on the streets was so rife and overbearing, only to have a guy attempt to pick me up by pulling over and flashing a cc. I later learned he thought I was a whole hooker walking the streets when really I just going to the market and trying to avoid men. I was in my early teens.

I just don’t get his rant, anyway. If he wants to f*ck em, why doesn’t he come up with the 2k guinay and call it a day. If anything, it’s a clear, reachable criteria compared to the requisites of a real relationship.
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