We need Egypt because of Ethiopia goal
In destroying us
In destroying us
No thanks, the last thing we need is a chimp out in the north, we have enough problems without foreign armies coming in to hold the peace.Somaliland needs to be put down. There needs to be a big insurgency in somaliland by reer awdal
I didn't say there should be foreign involvementNo thanks, the last thing we need is a chimp out in the north, we have enough problems without foreign armies coming in to hold the peace.
Somalis need to sort this shit out amongst ourselves, without bringing foreigners into our scuffles.
That's not a "wasiir" but a nacas retired general pundit
Seems like Egypt will destroy Itoobiya’s vassal state
Egypt is important to America because of Israel, that’s why trump is pro Egypt vs EthiopiaEygot is the most powerful arab country and it's not even close. I'm let you guys in on a little secret. They could have easily destroyed the dam if they wanted because if it came down to ethiopia or eygot america woukd choose eygot everything because they're that much more important. These guys are even able to capture cia agents in their country .