Elon Musk wants to build a Tunnel to connect Europe and America!


♚Sargon of Adal♚

The 1953 book "Mars Project" by famous rocket scientist Werner Von Braun says the leader of Mars shall be called "Elon". Someone pulled the original German manuscript out of archives to debunk this myth, only to confirm that Von Braun did indeed predict he would be called "Elon".​


Elon Musk's grandfather reportedly joined a cult in the early 1930s inspired by Technocracy, a movement that advocated governance by technical experts. A book written by a former Nazi rocket engineer Werner Von Braun influenced Elon's grandfather, and these ideas eventually trickled down to Elon's father. The concept of a Mars colony run by technocrats aligns with this ideology, which may explain Elon’s fascination with Mars.

It’s possible that Elon was groomed from a young age to pursue these goals and turn them into reality. While he may not be bright, he is undoubtedly a skilled opportunist who excels at surrounding himself with the right talent to bring his vision to life.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
This great video discusses these occultists and their Demon Worship and Link to Dajjal/AntiChrist. Much of the AI you see is linked to this.

Everyone should watch severance, it goes into these brain chips, I'm a few episodes in and it's giving me breaking bad level.
Boring company was a flop of a company and it went bankrupt on the nonsense idea called the hyperloop

He basically took credit for a bygone idea from 1799 , which was thrown out because it would create traffic jam under ground. You can see it one demonstration only one car can pass through a narrow tunnel before it collides with the car infront of it, at a slow place

And it's completely useless when you think about the fact that we have underground subway system.
This great video discusses these occultists and their Demon Worship and Link to Dajjal/AntiChrist. Much of the AI you see is linked to this.

Neuralink is science fiction nonsense, you can't connect the human brain to an AI Interface and then be able to download stuff from and into your brain and be endowed with superhuman powers. It also copies outdated research and present technology that existed decades ago as groundbreaking.

This dude is the biggest welfare queen in the world, the amount of subsidies he has received is abnormal, there would be no Tesla or Space X without this, and whatever little he gained through Paypal would have been lost, he takes credit for things he has never done.

Even at Paypal he was doing the same + running the company into the ground until they fired him for incompetence, with twitter he has already run that into the ground, literally just Bots and Neo Nazi's, and his whole 'free speech' mantra was exposed, silencing Zionist critics and critics of H1B Visa's.

With his new role he is going to run the American government into the ground along with that Hindu Cow Worshipper Vivek who also obtained his wealth through scamming the public.

Yet everyone regards him as some type of genius, biggest welfare recipient in history
This dude is the biggest welfare queen in the world, the amount of subsidies he has received is abnormal, there would be no Tesla or Space X without this, and whatever little he gained through Paypal would have been lost, he takes credit for things he has never done.

Even at Paypal he was doing the same + running the company into the ground until they fired him for incompetence, with twitter he has already run that into the ground, literally just Bots and Neo Nazi's, and his whole 'free speech' mantra was exposed, silencing Zionist critics and critics of H1B Visa's.

With his new role he is going to run the American government into the ground along with that Hindu Cow Worshipper Vivek who also obtained his wealth through scamming the public.

Yet everyone regards him as some type of genius, biggest welfare recipient in history

He was also an illegal immigrant as well, his brother shared that story.

He is not actually rich in the real sense. His companies don't produce real revenue. Compare the production capacity of other famous automakers to Tesla and you'll see Tesla doesn't sell or produce nearly enough cars in comparison. Yet it is somehow worth more. Musk wealth is solely based on inflated stocks driven by the promise of self driving cars which he has yet to deliver on, he is not actually a real billionaire.

I wouldn't be suprised if he goes bankrupt in a few years, it's only so far empty promises can be tolerated.

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