Emotionally detached/scaredy cat men

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What's up with that?

Always trying to look cool and detached. Scared to actually pursue because of fear of getting hurt. Da hell is wrong with them? I want my faraax to climb up the Ferris Wheel and threaten to kill himself if I don't get to know him:jcoleno:

I need to find the Nuh to my Aliyah:mjcry::kendrickcry:


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What's up with that?

Always trying to look cool and detached. Scared to actually pursue because of fear of getting hurt. Da hell is wrong with them? I want my faraax to climb up the Ferris Wheel and threaten to kill himself if I don't get to know him:jcoleno:

I need to find the Nuh to my Aliyah:mjcry::kendrickcry:
That's one committed guy and I appreciate that :banderas:Love makes you go crazy


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How can you love someone you don't know? You mean lust right?
Call it whatever....love or lust draws you to a certain individual. What you do with it is up to you. Most faraxs shy away and don't take any action which is those that @ChickenOriental was referring to. We like them daredevils who would take risks to get your attention. The bigger the risk the better :mjswag:
You have a weird idea where if a guy is not head over heels obsessed with you he's a dayuus

Nah u just too needy/crazy
Call it whatever....love or lust draws you to a certain individual. What you do with it is up to you. Most faraxs shy away and don't take any action which is those that @ChickenOriental was referring to. We like them daredevils who would take risks to get your attention. The bigger the risk the better :mjswag:

Faarax's just want to talk mess about Abu Tyrone cos they mad that he got better game :drakelaugh:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
When a Somali brother approaches you :camby:"Haram akhi, i don't speak without my Wali present"

When an Arab brother approaches you:banderas: yalla ya habibi ya hayati


Call it whatever....love or lust draws you to a certain individual. What you do with it is up to you. Most faraxs shy away and don't take any action which is those that @ChickenOriental was referring to. We like them daredevils who would take risks to get your attention. The bigger the risk the better :mjswag:

really now :russsmug:
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