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You're talking about cutting-edge renewable energy devices by first-world standards for a country that is several decades to a century from achieving industrialization? The country doesn't even have an electric grid, You won't even be able to raise the capital build these large scale products, let alone have the infrastructure to disperse all of that generated energy to the populace.

Ambition is good, but it should be tempered with realistic expectations.
You're talking about cutting-edge renewable energy devices by first-world standards for a country that is several decades to a century from achieving industrialization? The country doesn't even have an electric grid, You won't even be able to raise the capital build these large scale products, let alone have the infrastructure to disperse all of that generated energy to the populace.

Ambition is good, but it should be tempered with realistic expectations.

Work has already started in Berbera /North of Somalia the area is booming my friend give it 5 years

I have been back several times, the population is growing very fast each time I go back, there is a lot of development kicked off recently.

There is this old saying 'that you don't get hungry in Hobyo' from our grandfathers, I used to laugh at this until I went, it's weird, crazy but legit, there is something about the air, environment that literally wipes out your craving for food and satiates you, would have a single meal the entire day and feel strong.

That is amazing. I didn't take a trip back to Somalia. Both parents died one after another and we(me and my siblings) are spread out. So, that took the incentive for going back anytime soon. I don't own a land or a house in the country, a fact which gives me the freedom to start from scratch in anywhere conducive to growth and freedom of spirit without clan shenanigans. Foolish expectations from Somalia but with time I am hoping things will get better

I am too proud to listen to some ignorant elder with zero education, or to a corrupt clan bigot who uses the clan for his gain. So to me, finding a place that wouldn't irritate me due to clan issues is hard to come by.

Time is my ally Inshallah. With more people going back, and business booming, a younger generation with superficial loyalty to clan takes over hopefully and life will be good.
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