Envy is killing me (TW: I sound like a piece of shit)


I put Books to the Test of Life
It is not Bad trait to have since you try to avert evil eye from them, but have this same competitive side for the Deen.

I recall an Islamic story about two brothers who were extremely close. They would compete in performing good deeds, fasting, and various other acts of devotion. However, their strong bond faced a significant test when the call for Jihad, or holy war, arose. Both brothers eagerly raced to answer the call, and in one particular battle, one of the brothers was captured by the enemy. During the interrogation, he continuously inquired about his brother's fate. Upon learning that his brother had fallen in battle, he couldn't help but weep, not out of sorrow, but due to a sense of jealousy. When questioned about his tears, he explained that his brother had achieved martyrdom before him and had attained the highest rank in paradise, surpassing him in this competition they had maintained throughout their lives.

Interestingly, when he faced execution, he too achieved martyrdom and joined his brother in the same elevated place they had strived for during their lifelong competition.
Luck has given those people their good fortune. The harsh truth is talent and hard work only go so far. You are not in complete control of your destiny. No one is. That doesn't mean hard work is pointless. Just don't beat yourself up when you fail and have worked hard. I won't give wanky preachy feel-good advice, but this is what helps me cope.

1. What you look like you can do is more important than what you actually can do. Deception plays a big role in success.

2. Knowing everything is relative. Celebrate small wins.

3. Setting realistic goals. Highly motivated people with not-so-bright minds are targets for scammers and fake gurus.

4. Death is the great equalizer.

5. Life can get worse. There is no such thing as rock bottom. If you let these thoughts get to you now, you will have much bigger problems down the line.

6. Complaining in moderation is OK.

7. Avoid oversharing. A lot of 'friends' don't care or can't relate. Not really. By telling them about every little thing that goes wrong in your life, you will only make people feel good about their own situation.

8. Religion. We need meaning in our lives.
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Aside from the problems with your j*******, the reason you're not getting the grades that you want has more to do with your studying technique and methods than with your intelligence.

There's a lot of good reading material online and youtube videos online on how to improve your studying technique and your grades. Also do what the indhoyars and timojileecs do and ask your parents to pay for tutors in areas you struggle in.

Learning itself is a skill you can improve. A lot of the people getting better grades than you are often times studying more efficiently than you are.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
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Its OK. welcome to human club. It is good that you articulated yourself and spoke it out, it will be the beginning of healing for u. and yes u need to heal from jealousy. I found out that jeaolous people are very far from the connection with Allaah swt. They prize everything over Allaah swt- and so our center core instead of being balanced- we get lost and into the jealous rabbit hole.

Your # 1 problem is u have a female brain 100%.

Strengthen your connection with Allaah swt- the rest will fix itself
Thank you to everyone who replied to this thread (except @NomadicWarlord). I truly appreciate the kind advice given by you walaalyaals and I’ll make sure to implement it. May Allah give you all the best of the best and I wish you success in whatever your journey is 🥹🫶🏾


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Edo I was agreeing with you until you said this I’m actually so dead :dead:thank you for the advice tho, strengthening my relationship with Allah should 100% be a priority ❤️

I know looool And walaahi it is the truth. The female brain has prone to jealousy. The male brain is confident and go getter. They dont sit around and prune woe is me woe is me like the head of the female. loool

Aisha ra--wife of our prophet pbuh had major jealous issues. Another wife of prophet pbuh also told him she wont marry him because she was old and also she was a jealous type. So he prayed to God to cure her jealousy- i forgot the name of the wife ra

But honestly the female brain is weak.
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Love for your brother what you love for yourself.

the more you envy others blessings the more blessings you block from yourself. If you want good things to come your way think positive and join in the joy of others blessings. Fight the Shaydaan whispers and remind yourself not to envy. Envy is one of the weapons of shaytaan and brings down your vibrations leaving you depressed and pitiful.

if social media is the main culprit then get rid of it. I don’t browse instagram or TikTok just brings alot of negativity to me as well as waste of time.

There are many qualities you have that others don’t, focus on those. University and careers is not important in the grand scheme of things. Build your deen an ultimately everything else will follow.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
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This is called a winning mentality. It’s something unique to a select few. In a way your story reminds me of Julius Ceaser.

At 32 Caesar supposedly wept upon learning the accomplishments of Alexander the Great: 'Do you think I have not just cause to weep when I consider that Alexander at my age had conquered so many nations, and I have all this time done nothing that is memorable’

Had you been born, a couple hundred years earlier and male, I could envision you becoming a great conquerer.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Love for your brother what you love for yourself.

the more you envy others blessings the more blessings you block from yourself. If you want good things to come your way think positive and join in the joy of others blessings. Fight the Shaydaan whispers and remind yourself not to envy. Envy is one of the weapons of shaytaan and brings down your vibrations leaving you depressed and pitiful.

if social media is the main culprit then get rid of it. I don’t browse instagram or TikTok just brings alot of negativity to me as well as waste of time.

There are many qualities you have that others don’t, focus on those. University and careers is not important in the grand scheme of things. Build your deen an ultimately everything else will follow.

"Love for your brother what you love for yourself."

Lets not push it huuno! ONLY The power of ALLAAH SWT can do that miracle in me to reach that level.

How u doin'

Oh My God Wow GIF by Lifetime
You sound like a teenager, by your mid twenties youll be too wrapped up in your own life to be thinking like this unless you peak in highschool than youll be an angry vengeful adult


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You sound like a teenager, by your mid twenties youll be too wrapped up in your own life to be thinking like this unless you peak in highschool than youll be an angry vengeful adult

No huuno.... @HafM has deeper issues. He is the gay brother in the family. His older brother is the tuff one. The ni.g.ga. Haf has a female brain trapped in a slender male body. I think a prayers will help.