Am pretty sure you know about sacad his son cabdalle is buried in boondheere in a mosqueBe specific what number grandfather?
Am pretty sure you know about sacad his son cabdalle is buried in boondheere in a mosqueBe specific what number grandfather?
Lol. You inflated gibil cad numbers within the gibil madow confederations based on rough approximations. Almost like you're applying today's numbers.Actually Italian census proves gibil cads were majority, clearly you wouldn't be able to understand that without knowing the reer xamar clans.
Moorsho isn't a clan it's a confederacy of 8 groups, 2 gibil cad and 6 gibil madow, Moorsho is the name of a neighbourhood where all these groups are from ;
1-Ba Xamish(Gibil Cad)
2-Xaatimi(Gibil cad)
Following 6 are Gibil Madow:
3-Reer Maxamud Eebow
4-Reer Baatay Eebow
5-Reer Ibrahim Eebow
6-Reer khalafow
7-Reer Mahadow Amiin
8- Reer Aweys Nuurow(Silcis)
Reer Maxamuud Eebow, Baatay Eebow,Ibrahim Eebow and Khalafow only claim descent from ajuran waalamoge.
The Italian census was based on Afarta Xamarweyne and Shanta shingaani and the Culama :Reer Faqi. The 4 moeties of Xamarweyne was based on neighbourhood,And 5 of shingaani based on zones.
Four of Xamarweyne:
Five of Shingaani:
4-Reer Maanyo
5-Saddex Geedi
View attachment 277461
Starting with Shingaani I'll break up the clans it can be understood how gibil cad clans were more.
First one says Yacquub (Confederacy) and Ba Fadhal clan. All together 580
1-Faqi Cali (Shaanshi)
2-Abakarow (Hatimi)
4-Reer Cali Imaam (Abgaal Hawiye)
Those three gibil cad clans and Ba Fadhal were much more than Reer Cali Imaam
2nd group;
Ashraaf clans 600
3rd group;
Camuudi 670
4th group;
Saddax Geedi and Reer Shaykh(Gibil Cad)650
Saddex Geedi was initially an alliance of three hawiye families. Although in the division of Shanta Shingaani. Other families and groups were allied with them .
1-Reer Cawaale
2-Reer Aadan Dheere
3-Reer Abdulle
4-Ba Sadiq (Gibil Cad)
5-Alaa'uddin (Gibil Cad)
6-Reer Shaykh (Gibil Cad)
Reer Shaykh are the largest out of them and they're one of the old Arab tribes of xamar , Descendants of Shaykh Abdulaziz Al Makhzuumi. Let's say the population division between gibil cad and gibil madow in this group is 50/50 .
5th group is Reer Maanyo 555
Reer Maanyo is a confederacy of gibil cads and gibil madows
1-Ba Mukhtar (Also known as Reer Macow)
2-Shaawush (Gibil Cad)
3-Caafi (Gibil Madow)
4-Cumar (Gibil Madow)
Ba Mukhtar are by far the largest out of these 4 and they're a gibil cad clan, Shaawush is also a gibil cad clan.This would lead to Reer maanyo being majority gibil cad.
Reer Faqi (340)
Coming to Xamarweyne
1-Bandhawow and Guudmane (Gibil Cad)
Bandhawow is a confederacy of 7 clans and Families
1-Baxar Suufi (Gibil Cad)
2-Amiin Khalafow (M)
3-Oontirow (M)
4-Sheybow (M)
5-Qurawaaye (M)
6-Axmed Nuur (M)
7-Cali iyo Maxamed (M)
Baxar suufi are the largest clan in the group making up around a third of their numbers
2-Dhabarweyne & Shaanshi 1137
Dhabarweyne is a confederacy of:
1)Reer Aw Bakar
2)Reer Misgal
3)Reer Makaran
2)Mohamed Jibril(M)
3)Haaji Qarar(M)
1)Ba Qash(Gibil Cad)
2)Xaaji Ibrahim (M)
3) Xaaji Cabdi (M)
As it's known Shaanshi is a big clan and they would most likely be having a half in terms of population of this confederacy. From this we can assume it was 50/50
3-Iskaashato 920
Iskaashato is a mixed confederacy of 8 groups :
1-Reer Shaykh Muumin (Differed Origin)
2-Caydaruus (Gibil Cad)
3-Caskarey (Gibil Cad)
4-Shamsuddin (Gibil Cad)
5-Reer Munye (M)
6-Indhoweyn (Alliance of three families)
7-Reer Cali Musa (Gibil Cad)
8- Reer Maanyo (Ba Mukhtar)
This confederacy is clearly majority gibil cad
Moorsho 685 I've already clarified above they're majority gibil madow.
From this it's evident that gibil cads were more than Gibil madows as out of 10 groups,3 are gibil cad clans, 3 are majority gibil cad confederacies , 2 are majority gibil madow confederacies and 2 being 50/50
Total number of population of Reer xamar groups is 7387
The three gibil cad clans are 1610 together
If we assume that the gibil cads are 2/3 of each of the groups that are majority gibil cad: (Yacquub,Reer Maanyo, Iskaashato)
Then they would be
Total gibil cad of those would be 1,370
Total gibil madow of these would be 685
The two groups that are 50/50 (Dhabarweyne+Shaanshi, Saddex geedi+Reer Shaykh)
(569/1137), (325/650)
Total gibil cad of those would be 894
Total gibil madow would be 894
The two groups that are majority gibil madow (Moorsho and Bandhawow+Guudmane)
(514/685),(833/1250) Assuming 3/4 are gibil madow in moorsho and 2/3 are gibil madow in Bandhawow+Guudmane
Total gibil madow of those would be 1347
Total gibil cad of those would be 588
All together total of gibil cads would be
While total of gibil madows would be 2926/7387
With gibil cads being approximately 60% and gibil madows being approximately 40%.
I've been told that his bones were brought there and into the masjid . How's his father buried in galbeed and the rest of the sons in central?Am pretty sure you know about sacad his son cabdalle is buried in boondheere in a mosque
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You're not banadiri so clearly you wouldn't know about the nuance of these confederacies,when they were formed etc.There isn't a single standalone gibil madow confederacy other than dhabarweyne when you exclude qalinshuba from them as they're traditionally silversmiths as opposed to dhabarweyne who were porters .Lol. You inflated gibil cad numbers within the gibil madow confederations based on rough approximations. Almost like you're applying today's numbers.
bro stop talking bullshitI've been told that his bones were brought there and into the masjid . How's his father buried in galbeed and the rest of the sons in central?
In the Italian census Reer Shaykh are noted to be small. How can they be divided 50/50 with others?You're not banadiri so clearly you wouldn't know about the nuance of these confederacies,when they were formed etc.There isn't a single standalone gibil madow confederacy other than dhabarweyne when you exclude qalinshuba from them as they're traditionally silversmiths as opposed to dhabarweyne who were porters .
In the census big clan numbers and confederacy numbers that were part of the same moiety were added together. It's not hard to assume numbers based on how many generations they've been in xamar and area they occupied. For example Shaanshi live in koodka,sacaada,buul shaanshiyo neighbourhoods whilst dhabarweyne confederacy (Reer Wabaas,Maxamed Jibril and Xaaji Qaraar) lived in Cadeyga mostly whilst Qalinshuba in Raqeyga.
Cabdale & Cawareere are buried everywhere their mooryaan descendants want to expand. We have seen many instances of this shameless way of land grabbing in Mudug region. This shouldn't be taken seriously.I've been told that his bones were brought there and into the masjid . How's his father buried in galbeed and the rest of the sons in central?
Atleast learn the reer xamar clans to avoid embarrassment, Reer Shaykh Al Makhzuumi are a gibil cad clan that live in shingaani.In the Italian census Reer Shaykh are noted to be small. How can they be divided 50/50 with others?
According to your benaderi folk Reer Shaykh are gibil madow in origin belonging to rahanweyn.
Assumptions don't make compelling evidence. You need to provide concrete numbers not made up ones.
Your jealousy is reeking my guy, its not my fault your ancestors were rotting in the desertCabdale & Cawareere are buried everywhere their mooryaan descendants want to expand. We have seen many instances of this shameless way of land grabbing in Mudug region. This shouldn't be taken seriously.
so your telling me that there were so many cad cads in mogadishu and yet they were taking orders from abgaalAtleast learn the reer xamar clans to avoid embarrassment, Reer Shaykh Al Makhzuumi are a gibil cad clan that live in shingaani.
Not reer shaykh muumin, one of the iskaashato clans ,their origin isn't agreed upon wether it's from one of the eelay clans or isaaq.
View attachment 277573
In this census they're referred to as mogazzuni which is a misspell of makhzuumi.
dont see nothing?@Banadiri Warrior here they are doing the Siyaaro of Cabdale & Cawareere somewhere in the desert near Hobyo
How can someone be buried in different places
It's gibil cad* Yacquubis were driven out at one point and then later they were allowed to resettle .They had advantage of the large numbers of nomadsso your telling me that there were so many cad cads in mogadishu and yet they were taking orders from abgaal
Yes, I was referring to the Reer Shaykh part of the sadeex geedi confederacy. If they are gibil cad thats fine but are they not described as small?Atleast learn the reer xamar clans to avoid embarrassment, Reer Shaykh Al Makhzuumi are a gibil cad clan that live in shingaani.
Not reer shaykh muumin, one of the iskaashato clans ,their origin isn't agreed upon wether it's from one of the eelay clans or isaaq.
View attachment 277573
In this census they're referred to as mogazzuni which is a misspell of makhzuumi.
I can't post Facebook posts for some reason. Here is screenshotdont see nothing?
I've seen that thread and there's countless mistakes on there and even the book they're using as a source not surprising since they're not banadiri.Yes, I was referring to the Reer Shaykh part of the sadeex geedi confederacy. If they are gibil cad thats fine but are they not described as small?
Here's the thread.
Explains alot , how come it wasn't documented in any book as the main graves in modern day boondheere are documented@Banadiri Warrior here they are doing the Siyaaro of Cabdale & Cawareere somewhere in the desert near Hobyo
How can someone be buried in different places
It's just a celebrationI can't post Facebook posts for some reason. Here is screenshot
View attachment 277580
Do you read Somali?It's just a celebration![]()