It’s clear you have an obsession with tplf and I highly suspect you are and amhaara raw meat eater.
Ethiopia was ruled by EPRDF which included amhaaras, Oromos, etc except Somalis.
The policies that they followed in the Somali region are still in effect, yet there is no tplf or eprdf just prosperity party which now includes Somali. Following the same projects from Meneliks time.
The Somali region was not conquered by Abyssinia, it was transferred from British rule to the newly formed Ethiopia without consent of the Somali. So you don’t know what you’re taking about!!!
And what does that have to do with the Somali region?
i don’t care wether they were 80% native Indians, they were serving Amhaara interests.
1. TPLF w CIA assets.
“The death of the TPLF will deprive the CIA, whose agents groomed and fed the TPLF mafia from the earliest days of its largest, longest-lived, and most successful project in Africa in the past 40 years.”
2. The Somali warlords who overthrew the Siad Barre Regime and later turn the guns on themselves and the innocent civilians were also CIA assets.
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3. America couldn’t allow for a nationalistic moderate Islamic state to develop in Somalia, knowing full well only Islam can unite Somalia like in past history.
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4. America forces Melez and the tplf to invade Somalia against their will, knowing full well how much they would suffer.
Which resulted in them losing around 50,000 + thousand men and begin Mogadishu resident to let them leave and later replaced by The African Union mission.
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So this idea that you keep peddling about Somalis being victims of the tplf is false
If the had the power to grant Somalis article 39 why didn’t they grant it to themselves when it was clear to them that their reign was coming to an end?
By the way it wasn’t tplf it was the national party eprdf that included all the nationalities of Ethiopia excluding only Somalis. So Amhaara, Oromo, Tigray and Anfar all signed off on this.
There is a United hatred of Somalis in Ethiopia that’s why the policies of eprdf as still alive an well and the expansion has now extended into the Somali republic under Abyes rule is he also tplf
News flash tplf is no more what was left of it was destroyed in the Tigray war, there is tdf now as it’s replacement.
but what does hijab ban in Tigray and an eradicated mafia called tplf have to do with Amhaara squatter jamming up the streets of Jigjigga in 2024, when tplf rule ended in 2018? Nothing.
I am now convinced that you are an am’xaar the way you keep taking taking attention and focus away from Amhaara to tplf a non existent entity.
The federal workers in all the important position in the Somali region = Amhaara
The workers in the Airport Amhaara
All the churches in the region Amhaara
yet you are here yapping about a dead tplf, we know who our eternal enemies you stupid am’xaar.
Stop using my peoples past suffering to push your misguided self interest, just because your not capable of coming up with interest topics worthy of discussion. doesn’t mean you get to bring up my peoples struggles for justice to get some browny points.
This wasn’t your first thread on the Somali region, your not a Somali and no one asked you to represent our cause.
We have our own organization that represent our interests.
respectfully mind your own business and f#ck off.
Shut up Laftinega larper go kiss Meles Zenawis dead grave
my people did more for Somalia and Galbeed then you couch warrior
we backed the icu gov of Somalia when Ethiopia and bush invaded Somalia and we backed the ONLF, cope nga
You are the ajnabi larper
I am a proud eritrawi
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