Erdogan’s main opposition is a KURD!


East Africa UNUKA LEH
A Kurd could become the next president of Turkey.

His main opposition is Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. He comes from a “Zaza” tribe who are Kurds. They speak their own language. He’s also married to his cousin. He said his people are “Turkmen” but it’s a lie. This nigga is a Kurd denying his Kurdness. This guy is also a Pseudo-Sunni Shia. Wtf!

Turks are funny people wallahi.



East Africa UNUKA LEH
Kılıçdaroğlu declared that he will pursue a more Western-oriented policy if he comes to power in the presidential and parliamentary elections. He also conveyed positive messages to the European Union.

A kurd asslicking Europeans, I’ve seen it all.

He said if he becomes president, he’s gonna install all the “democratic rules” the Europeans want. They’re gonna pass every liberal rule.

During a program at the John Hopkins University in Washington, Kılıçdaroğlu said, "The full membership to the EU is a common objective of all six opposition leaders. We are going to implement our democratic reforms without waiting for the EU to open negotiation chapters. We will bring all the democratic rules to our country."

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
He's also an Alevi which apparently is not the same thing as Alawites like Bashar Al-Assad.

Does anybody know anything about Alevis? I'm not sure if they're Muslim or kaffir but they don't sound like Muslims.
He's also an Alevi which apparently is not the same thing as Alawites like Bashar Al-Assad.

Does anybody know anything about Alevis? I'm not sure if they're Muslim or kaffir but they don't sound like Muslims.
They’re sufis who border on the edge of being shia.
He's also an Alevi which apparently is not the same thing as Alawites like Bashar Al-Assad.

Does anybody know anything about Alevis? I'm not sure if they're Muslim or kaffir but they don't sound like Muslims.
Straight up kafirs.

Alevites is a branch of Shia & even shias say they hardcore misguided people lol.


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Straight up kafirs.

Alevites is a branch of Shia & even shias say they hardcore misguided people lol.

They aren't even Sufi, they have roots in Christianity and Shamanism. Alcohol isn't prohibited.

"Over the past several years, various news articles have reported that Alevis take a more relaxed or moderate approach to religion and the interpretation of Islam than do Sunnis (BBC 19 Nov. 2004; AFP 15 Dec. 2004). Specifically, the BBC outlined that:

'[t]he man they worship, Ali, son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed, was slain in a mosque, so they don't pray in them. Alcohol is not prohibited, and Alawite women don't cover their heads.

In fact, Alawite women seem to lead a much more prominent place in Tunceli society than anywhere else in the east; they sit in cafes together or with other men, walk around dressed in smart business suits and generally behave in a, well, Western manner. It is a world away from the separate tables of the city of Konya (19 Nov. 2004; see also The Independent 2 Aug. 2002, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 1 Mar. 2005 and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1 Sept. 2004).' ",don't%20cover%20their%20heads.
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There are Alevi Turkmen and Alevi Kurd demographic in Turkey. Those are separate from what I conclude.

If that man is a Zaza, we can speculatively determine, on average, he is around 70% genetically Kurd, with the rest being Turkish. It's a Kurdish-derived ethnic group.

The non-Kurdish side should be elevated with something from peripheral Armenia as well. In a genetic-regional cluster, not necessarily Armenian ethnic proper.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Straight up kafirs.

Alevites is a branch of Shia & even shias say they hardcore misguided people lol.

they sound like kaffirs. all I've done is skim their wikipedia article and they don't sound like they're actually Muslim.

another thing is... they seem like they're one of those groups that is secretive about their beliefs. I think a lot of these groups that are secretive about their beliefs or have hidden beliefs or have this supposedly wonderful secret knowledge.... I don't think it's because they have this wonderful, great knowledge that is something beneficial... I think a lot of these groups that are like that... they're not hiding some sort of exalted and beneficial knowledge.... they're hiding their beliefs because their beliefs are horrible and they don't want to be exposed as to how sinister their hidden beliefs are. a lot of these supposed Muslim groups who are into supposed secret knowledge... I think it's because they have extreme kufr beliefs and they don't want the real Muslims to know... that way they can pretend to be Muslims and infiltrate amongst the real Muslims.
Türkiye's diversity and its 4 presidential candidates of 14 May:
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Sunni of Georgian roots
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: Alevi of Kurdish/Armenian roots
Sinan Oğan: Jaʽfari of Azeri roots
Muharrem Ince: Sunni of Turkmen roots
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Yes. For the most part, Kurds are just Sunni folks but sometimes have weird small sub-ethnic groups. For example the Yazidis. Straight up satan worshippers. I saw one many years ago.
I think they practice a mixture of their pre islamic faith and Shiasim as it has a lot in common with Zoroastrianism

