Erdogan’s main opposition is a KURD!

I think they practice a mixture of their pre islamic faith and Shiasim as it has a lot in common with Zoroastrianism
The Alivism? Yes. I believe the Kurds synchronized it a lot with many different things.
Are alawi heretics? Are they considered heretical to mainstream shias like ismailis ?
I have heard the Alawites from Syria had an affinity for divergent Shia elements. I believe they are heretics from what I have read about them.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Yes. For the most part, Kurds are Sunni folks but have weird minor sub-ethnic groups, for example, the Yazidis -- people who worship satan. I saw one many years ago.

oh okay, I thought Kurds were one thing. I didn't realize they have different sub groups. Yazidi-ism sounds terrifying. I don't want them to be genocided but I wish something could be done to convert them.... I can accept Christians.... honestly Christians would be easier for me to deal with then the godless atheists I come across in the West.... but satanism..... I think it's crazy to tolerate a satanism religion

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The Alivism? Yes. I believe the Kurds synchronized it a lot with many different things.

I have heard the Alawites from Syria had an affinity for divergent Shia elements. I believe they are heretics from what I have read about them.

the Alawites from Syria like Assad and them... they are kuffar

when I first heard this Turkish candidate was Alevi, I thought it was the same thing but apparently they're.... not the same thing.... maybe similar or related somehow???.... I'm not sure

anyways the Syria Alawites are definitely kaffir, Sheikh Luhaydan explained it:

the Alawites from Syria like Assad and them... they are kuffar

when I first heard this Turkish candidate was Alevi, I thought it was the same thing but apparently they're.... not the same thing.... maybe similar or related somehow???.... I'm not sure

anyways the Syria Alawites are definitely kaffir, Sheikh Luhaydan explained it:

They are different things. There are Turkmen Alawi too, who I believe differs from the Kurd ones. I heard maybe the Shia Arabs are trying to make the Syrian Alawites more Shia-like. I heard that maybe the king of that country was sympathetic to that to strike legitimacy of some kind and accordance with the rest of the Arabs around. I'm unsure.

Shias always have these groups that veer off from the fold of Islam. You have those Bab and the Bahai who originated from Shias that started claiming they had secret knowledge and esoteric wisdom and enlightenment. Later their leader claimed to be Mahdi and bab (access to doors or something, mystical nonsense), a hidden imam, even a messenger if I remember correctly and it later that movement turned into Bahai. It's frankly bizarre.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
They are different things. There are Turkmen Alawi too, who I believe differs from the Kurd ones. I heard maybe the Shia Arabs are trying to make the Syrian Alawites more Shia-like. I heard that maybe the king of that country was sympathetic to that to strike legitimacy of some kind and accordance with the rest of the Arabs around. I'm unsure.

Shias always have these groups that veer off from the fold of Islam. You have those Bab and the Bahai who originated from Shias that started claiming they had secret knowledge and esoteric wisdom and enlightenment. Later their leader claimed to be Mahdi and bab (access to doors or something, mystical nonsense), a hidden imam, even a messenger if I remember correctly and it later that movement turned into Bahai. It's frankly bizarre.

I didn't know the Bahai came from them. I used to have a Bahai neighbor. He wanted to convert me. I really do not like the Bahai thing, those people have extremely strange views. I think they even call for a one world government if I remember correctly.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Türkiye's diversity and its 4 presidential candidates of 14 May:
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Sunni of Georgian roots
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: Alevi of Kurdish/Armenian roots
Sinan Oğan: Jaʽfari of Azeri roots
Muharrem Ince: Sunni of Turkmen roots
Who tf names a child Muharrem? Kemalist named Muharrem.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Yes. For the most part, Kurds are Sunni folks but have weird minor sub-ethnic groups, for example, the Yazidis -- people who worship satan. I saw one many years ago.
Isn’t this false? They don’t worship satan.


Türkiye's diversity and its 4 presidential candidates of 14 May:
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Sunni of Georgian roots
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: Alevi of Kurdish/Armenian roots
Sinan Oğan: Jaʽfari of Azeri roots
Muharrem Ince: Sunni of Turkmen roots
Greeks were right, Turkey is a confederation. “Turkish” people are even faker than Oromo.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
oh okay, I thought Kurds were one thing. I didn't realize they have different sub groups. Yazidi-ism sounds terrifying. I don't want them to be genocided but I wish something could be done to convert them.... I can accept Christians.... honestly Christians would be easier for me to deal with then the godless atheists I come across in the West.... but satanism..... I think it's crazy to tolerate a satanism religion
I just did research on them and I honestly think the “devil worship” claim is a misunderstanding from Muslims and Christians. They’re an absurd religion but at least they aren’t satan worshippers.

“I think you're asking about Tawusê Melek, also known as the Peacock Angel. Yazidis do not view Tawusê Melekas as God but they believe him to be the most important angel (the Yazidis call themselves Miletê Tawûsê Melek, the nation of Tawusê Melekas).

Some Muslims and Christians see parallels between Tawusê Melekas and Christian or Muslim figures of the devil. In Yazidi creation mythology, Tawusê Melekas defies an order from God to bow to the first human being. Muslims and Christians believe Iblis/Satan did the same thing, except they believe that Iblis/Satan was wrong to do so and the Yazidis believe that Tawusê Melekas passed a test from God by refusing to bow to a mortal.

To the best of my highly limited knowledge, scholars have not explored or affirmed any idea that Jewish, Christian or Muslim ideas about the devil are based on Tawusê Melekas.

Here's a brief article explaining what we know here and why it matters:

The Yezidis of Kurdistan have been called many things, most notoriously ‘devil-worshippers,’ a term used both by unsympathetic neighbours and fascinated Westerners. This sensational epithet is not only deeply offensive to the Yezidis themselves, but quite simply wrong. Yezidism is not devil-worship, but something far more elusive, and interesting.”


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I didn't know the Bahai came from them. I used to have a Bahai neighbor. He wanted to convert me. I really do not like the Bahai thing, those people have extremely strange views. I think they even call for a one world government if I remember correctly.
What do you think? Sounds like when liberal “Muslims” think they can interpret the religion themselves.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Some Muslims and Christians see parallels between Tawusê Melekas and Christian or Muslim figures of the devil. In Yazidi creation mythology, Tawusê Melekas defies an order from God to bow to the first human being. Muslims and Christians believe Iblis/Satan did the same thing, except they believe that Iblis/Satan was wrong to do so and the Yazidis believe that Tawusê Melekas passed a test from God by refusing to bow to a mortal.

I don't know if people here are familiar with "Luciferianism". Obviously I am extremely opposed to such a doctrine but I think it's worth mentioning the doctrine here because what's being described reminds me of Luciferianism.

Something that's very big with some people is New Age philosophy.

New Age tries to seem very wholesome and innocent but beneath this facade it isn't remotely wholesome or innocent. Its followers are into "manifesting," paganism, astrology and various other misguided practices.

Anyways, the lead person of the New Age movement is Helena Blavatsky. New Age all goes back to Blavatsky.

And she taught that the devil in the garden of Eden was actually the good guy. The viewpoint she promoted is basically that God is an evil oppressor (audubillah) and Satan is actually the good guy who is just trying to free us from God who her doctrine would have us believe is an evil tyrant. This is the "Luciferian" doctrine.

If I understand correctly, the Yazidi belief seems similar to this.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
What do you think? Sounds like when liberal “Muslims” think they can interpret the religion themselves.

It's how I described it in my previous post- what's being described sounds very similar to me to Luciferianism (which is a form of satanism). If all what's being described as their beliefs is accurate.... they do seem like satanists to me.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
Hes beating Erdogan this sunday, one of candidates in the election that was opposing dropped out of the race yesterday. His supporters want to see Erdogan get kicked out now they'll be voting for Kemal instead on sunday. Its gameover for turkeyboos, Erdogan to be dethroned


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Turkey will never get accepted into the EU
This was under my tweet about a turk nationalist


Forza Somalia!
A Kurd could become the next president of Turkey.

His main opposition is Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. He comes from a “Zaza” tribe who are Kurds. They speak their own language. He’s also married to his cousin. He said his people are “Turkmen” but it’s a lie. This nigga is a Kurd denying his Kurdness. This guy is also a Pseudo-Sunni Shia. Wtf!

Turks are funny people wallahi.

Turkish ppl will love to claim Turkish Ancestry if you are from Anatolia. There are large portions of Turkish who are Armenian and Greek in origin, but Turks are so nationalistic that they prefer these ppl to claim Turkish identity. Already Greek portion is turkified Anatolians who think they are actually Turk


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Turkish ppl will love to claim Turkish Ancestry if you are from Anatolia. There are large portions of Turkish who are Armenian and Greek in origin, but Turks are so nationalistic that they prefer these ppl to claim Turkish identity. Already Greek portion is turkified Anatolians who think they are actually Turk
The Turkish are a mish mash of different anatolians who think they are fully turks.
No matter how funny it is, I'm actually glad some of these people are hell bent of being pure Turkish Muslims. Imagine if the greeks still held onto Anatolia, you would have a massive Christian Greek nation of over 100 million in the middle east, Walahi Muslims in the middle east would be finished if the greeks still ruled that land.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Kurds are strange. From my experience, they are either gaal or very practicing. They are no in between.

