Erdogan Halts Motorcade To Convince A Man Not To Jump Off A Bridge

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Sad thing is that its not only diaspora and somali citizens that thinks like this. There is nothing called free food. There is nothing called free medicine and free hospital renovations. Governments do it to gain favourable influence. Who knows what somali government has had to give away in return for turkish aid. If it was real charity I am sure kurdish would be first in line.

Somalia's natural resources. There is nothing else they can offer Turkey, no trade deals, no arms deals, absolute nada!


Precisely! That's how ISIS recruited so many members. They're literally doing all their 'west hates Islam not dictatorship' propaganda for them. How stupid.


Sad thing is that its not only diaspora and somali citizens that thinks like this. The government thinks like this too. There is nothing called free food. There is nothing called free medicine and free hospital renovations. Governments do it to gain favourable influence. Who knows what somali government has had to give away in return for turkish aid. If it was real charity I am sure kurdish would be first in line.

Problem is somali see free food being donated and assume the nations and organizations have our best interest at heart.

It's always in exchange for something but why isn't @AbdiJohnson concerned about the Wests aid equally?
If he really wanted to bring his empire he could've done it with closer countries like Iraq or Libya. why is the point of spending more than $300m on a failed state in a corner of Africa that has no functioning government or even infrastructure? He did it because he stands in solidarity fellow Muslims.

$300m where :snoop:

A few hospital renovated and giving free food to idp's in mogadisho cost $300? they dont have to extract anything. They can be put themselves in position where in the likely event should oil be extracted in somalia, they could provide other services such as transporting the oil to gas stations. Maybe even hold manopoly on gas stations which. They could clog somalia up with their own work force to undertake construction which means me and you would be bystanders. Dont look at a few repainted hospitals or 0.5 road abit of food aid and assume its a good deal.

Let me ask you. How can a nation thats poor, instable, facing occupation. Do you honestly believe a nation thousands miles away will come, build them hospitals, schools. dig their oil for them, undertake construction work throughout the country for free? and they want nothing in return?

Even if they dig oil the average citizen wont see a penny from it. I think multinations will always take the lion share of the profits and they will give dowlada which exist on paper peanuts. That will go to military specially the owns that guard dowlada rest will end up in swiss bank accounts


@Shamis abdijohnson probably prefers westerners rip us off than muslims lol

He'll cry about homophobes in Senegal but not homophobic America pastors in Uganda. He'll be up in arms about Turkish pseudo aid but not British man playing president in Somalia in exchange for 3rd grade corn donations.

If Gaalo rip us off we must assume the best, if Muslims do it you must wage a secular jihad.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Turkey is a strong ally of the West. A friend of Israel, part of NATO, and a candidate for the EU. They will block any serious Neo-Caliphate from forming. ;)
Actions speak louder than words my friend.
Turkey are helping Somalia, I don't think that they're doing it for free but even so our country is desperate for help and inshallah once we get our country back we'll repay our debts to Turkey.

AbdiJohnson What's wrong with him is he a cuck with a fetish for whites or something?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Listen atheist fkkt, Erdogan is doing his best to appease both sites, the Caliph will reveal his true colours when he's in a position of strength. Turkey doesn't need the Great Satan the Great Satan needs Turkey
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