Eritrean strongman Afewerki says "Somalia no longer exists, it has disappeared from the African map"

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
He looks like odeyaasha who partake in 24/7 fadhi ku dirir at the local makhayad.

Eritrea is an abysmal place to live, the mass exodus of that country is down to Afewerki, but at least they have security and safety

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
did he just say banadirland,that is a future country of its own inshalah.

He spend a decade or so in babadir. He speaks Somali and must likely gabdha ( now islaamo) wu ku aasey.

So he knows us very well. Even how our female nile river is shaped


HOL lied yesterday about Kenyan airspace and today it lied again by taking a video some FOBs on Facebook dubbed into Somali and they're trying to make it real. The video/interview in question has been around for a long time but they're presenting it as news.


Eritrea produces the most refugees per capita at the moment after Syria.

Yeah, we should totally listen to a guy who caused his people to flee en masse.
Eritrea produces the most refugees per capita at the moment after Syria.

Yeah, we should totally listen to a guy who caused his people to flee en masse.
No they don’t actually,

Eritrea is truly a nation to admire, free and independent. The West has been trying for years to break and dismantle this country down for years. After they sanctioned, for some odd reasons (We all know why), the EU accepted automation ALL Eritrean asylum application to Europe without question. Somalis, Ethiopians and even Syrians today weren’t offered this luxury. But what has happened it numerous Africans, especially Chadians, Somalis, Sudanese, Ethiopians and even West Africans have been claiming to be Eritrea to get into Europe. Hence the inflated numbers of Eritreans seeking asylum. Any Eritrean that leaves Eritrea is an economic migrants, just like everyone else, yet only Eritrean government lambasted for a phenomenon that occurs throughout the world.


No they don’t actually,

Eritrea is truly a nation to admire, free and independent. The West has been trying for years to break and dismantle this country down for years. After they sanctioned, for some odd reasons (We all know why), the EU accepted automation ALL Eritrean asylum application to Europe without question. Somalis, Ethiopians and even Syrians today weren’t offered this luxury. But what has happened it numerous Africans, especially Chadians, Somalis, Sudanese, Ethiopians and even West Africans have been claiming to be Eritrea to get into Europe. Hence the inflated numbers of Eritreans seeking asylum. Any Eritrean that leaves Eritrea is an economic migrants, just like everyone else, yet only Eritrean government lambasted for a phenomenon that occurs throughout the world.

Dude are you serious? That's not possible. They have people who speak Tigrinya work for those asylum centres. You can't just willy nilly claim to be Eritrean.

You might have a point with people from the Arab world falsely claiming to be Syrian, but it's highly unlikely that people would get away with claiming to be Eritrean.
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