Escape from Somalia?

So who do expect to fix the country? The women? While the males run to another man’s lair for safety? Lool. Khaniisin indeed.

the big difference between African and European males is that African ones normalise men running away (just look at all those boats that wash up on Italian shores)

European men are niman raag. They stay and fight to protect their country - observe Ukraine.

African “men” would rather cower behind another man’s civilisation, yet still expect respect :duck:
Unfortunately it's not only Africans, I mean just look at Arabs, South Americans, South Asians etc. Notice how the most misogynistic regions in the word have spineless nacasnimo of a men 👀
He left when it was in a state of active civil war , his family was directly targeted (his dad and two siblings got killed) yet he returned, got a house for us there and is actively contributing (something im sure your dad isn’t doing) - if these young men were in that position I wouldn’t blame them at all for leaving, but they aren’t, they’re just too lazy to help the rebuilding process and want an easy life off the backs of other men’s hard work and sacrifice. We can’t be a source of perpetual refugees, that window should’ve closed in the 90s

they also grew up in a state of anarchy, so who knows what kind of mental illnesses they’re bringing to peaceful countries. Ex, Germany stabbing spree by two psycho faraxs - really not helping our reputation

I'm sorry but its very hard for me to sympathise with this lot :bell:
So your dad left but your calling these poor youth who have no hope or future in Somalia all sorts of names? Come on you have to see how hypocritical that sounds.

Props for your father for reinvesting in Somalia as did my pops. I’m pretty sure a lot of these youths will do when they get a job in their new country. 90% of Fobs don’t commit crimes in their new country and just get to finding a job and working. Most crimes commited in west by Somali are youths that grew up here (ciyaal diaspora) not no FOB
So who do expect to fix the country? The women? While the males run to another man’s lair for safety? Lool. Khaniisin indeed.

the big difference between African and European males is that African ones normalise men running away (just look at all those boats that wash up on Italian shores)

European men are niman raag. They stay and fight to protect their country - observe Ukraine.

African “men” would rather cower behind another man’s civilisation, yet still expect respect :duck:
What the f*ck does "fix your country" mean to the average civilian? Stay in your same starving tuulo doing nothing while your wife and children received a proper western education and accomplish something with their lives? Lol
In my opinion it is very disingenuous to call African men who risk their lives to go to Europe or America cowards. The people that do this type of things are not going there to see Disney world or the Louvre. They do it to send money back home.

Can you imagine calling someone who has managed to cross the Sahara, Mediterranean while undergoing abuse and risking death, so that he can send money back home to his family a coward who doesn't want to build the motherland.

Even worse the person saying this is the daughter of a refugee who did the same thing. @HIBAQ123 why didn't your father stay in Somalia during the civil war and get revenge for his dead friends and family? By your definition isn't he a coward as well?
Canada becoming a third world country with mass third world inputs flooding your country.

The U.K. shut its borders around 2000s, yh there are some refugees here and there from Ukraine Syria, but overall Somalis especially are shut off from claiming asylum in the U.K., that ended late 2000s.
He left when it was in a state of active civil war , his family was directly targeted (his dad and two siblings got killed) yet he returned, got a house for us there and is actively contributing (something im sure your dad isn’t doing) - if these young men were in that position I wouldn’t blame them at all for leaving, but they aren’t, they’re just too lazy to help the rebuilding process and want an easy life off the backs of other men’s hard work and sacrifice. We can’t be a source of perpetual refugees, that window should’ve closed in the 90s

they also grew up in a state of anarchy, so who knows what kind of mental illnesses they’re bringing to peaceful countries. Ex, Germany stabbing spree by two psycho faraxs - really not helping our reputation

I'm sorry but its very hard for me to sympathise with this lot :bell:
If your father was a real man, you wouldn't be ex muslim :browtf:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
My dad’s literally in PL right now. Has a large business and is contributing to the local economy. Lol @ the deflect attempt

I would absolutely look down on him as cowardly trash if that wasn’t the case, but he has proven himself as a nin raag 🙃

He wouldn’t achieved that without fleeing to the West, though…

I don’t get this argument. You wouldn’t have the life you have right now if you didn’t have two parents providing for you and a cohesive family unit.


Refugees are good thing and Somalis are good people. Give them a chance to escape hell hole that is africa. If someone becomes criminal or a bum then deport them but don’t deny entry and say country will become slum because of mistakes of few wannabe gangsters
I just want to clarify something. People , especially able bodied men, who flee with the intention of never helping progress the country are the cowards. Not the people who intend to do so.

1. Please don’t compare the old crop of refugees who legitimately needed safety in the 90s due to an ACTIVE civil war to this lot who are simply lazy and lived off remittences. There is no civil war now so why are they fleeing? What do they fear? No jobs? Then what does simply running away do? 9/10 they’re just gonna end up as uber drives or blue collar workers if they get to the west (the same jobs they turn their noses up at back home, that yemenis and madows are snatching up). These men are just avoiding their responsibilities and expect to live easy peasy off the fruits of other men’s blood sweat and tears. You CANNOT tell me to respect that :susp:

2. We can’t be a perpetual source of refugees. That should have been a temporary window. If nobody steps up to help our homeland - we might as well just get annexed by Kenya and Ethiopia. There will be a time where people will just get tired of us (they already are and i can HARDLY blame them) . Lets not become the new gypsies :ohlord:

3. Our reputation and stats are barely starting to improve because of the diaspora generation coming of age and becomming professionals. If we keep getting new fobs (who grew up almost entirely in anarchy) - progress for us will be like trying to climb up an escalator going downwards . They’re embarrassing and have backwards beliefs (often a combo of ignorant qabiilism and extremist islam) - the same ones that destroy and are continuing to destroy Somalia.
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Are you Somali? Isn't it your country as well. Why didn't your parents stayed and made it great?

We have alot of larpers in here who are not Somali and are here to sow seeds of doubt.
It's the new era for internet manipulation.

On another note, I'm all for Somali's claiming asylum in Canada. We need more of us in the West :)
I just want to clarify something. People , especially able bodied men, who flee with the intention of never helping progress the country are the cowards. Not the people who intend to do so.

1. Please don’t compare the old crop of refugees who legitimately needed safety in the 90s due to an ACTIVE civil war to this lot who are simply lazy and lived off remittences. There is no civil war now so why are they fleeing? What do they fear? No jobs? Then what does simply running away do? 9/10 they’re just gonna end up as uber drives or blue collar workers if they get to the west (the same jobs they turn their noses up at back home, that yemenis and madows are snatching up). These men are just avoiding their responsibilities and expect to live easy peasy off the fruits of other men’s blood sweat and tears. You CANNOT tell me to respect that :susp:

The new crop of Somali's are dealing with unprecedented levels of drought due to climate change, other nations pirating our waters, and political instability. The first two alone is enough to be considered an environmental refugee.

We need more Somali's to come abroad, especially to the west. Some of the hardest working Somali people are fresh and new to the country. Especially compared to those born in the west. Their work ethic is amazing and they send money back to their families.

2. We can’t be a perpetual source of refugees. That should have been a temporary window. If nobody steps up to help our homeland - we might as well just get annexed by Kenya and Ethiopia. There will be a time where people will just get tired of us (they already are and i can HARDLY blame them) . Lets not become the new gypsies :ohlord:

Why not? Economic refugee has always been a thing. Look at Latin Americans hemorrhaging the southern border of the U.S and illegally immigrating. They have no issues with it and have even developed a population large enough to make noise and get representation in the U.S

3. Our reputation and stats are barely starting to improve because of the diaspora generation coming of age and becomming professionals. If we keep getting new fobs (who grew up almost entirely in anarchy) - progress for us will be like trying to climb up an escalator going downwards . They’re embarrassing and have backwards beliefs (often a combo of ignorant qabiilism and extremist islam) - the same ones that destroy and are continuing to destroy Somalia.

The only people ruining our reputation are youth who get caught up in gang banging liftestyles, and they're usually born in the countries they're committing crime in. They might be more Qaabilist, but that's something they can unlearn.

Extremist Islam is also something that's dying within our people, but also present in the diaspora.
The new crop of Somali's are dealing with unprecedented levels of drought due to climate change, other nations pirating our waters, and political instability. The first two alone is enough to be considered an environmental refugee.

We need more Somali's to come abroad, especially to the west. Some of the hardest working Somali people are fresh and new to the country. Especially compared to those born in the west. Their work ethic is amazing and they send money back to their families.

Why not? Economic refugee has always been a thing. Look at Latin Americans hemorrhaging the southern border of the U.S and illegally immigrating. They have no issues with it and have even developed a population large enough to make noise and get representation in the U.S

The only people ruining our reputation are youth who get caught up in gang banging liftestyles, and they're usually born in the countries they're committing crime in. They might be more Qaabilist, but that's something they can unlearn.

Extremist Islam is also something that's dying within our people, but also present in the diaspora.
lol say wallahi you of all people are advocating backwards men from backwards societies coming over? they will f*ck UP the place once they gain too much footing. The same dudes who think its normal to hound a random woman for wearing trousers while their country looks like a giant dump? you can kiss your precious bikini beaches goodbye

these prosperous societies you enjoy your high quality of life in wasn't built by these scum. So encouraging their takeover is not in your interest, remember that.
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Your father got abused and ran away. He didn't even get revenge for his own kin, and you consider him "nin raag" :damn:
My dad is too smart to play that stupid back and forth game - nothing he does will bring his siblings and abo back, yet he still realises its his duty as a man to build his homeland, he's not like your tim hortons calool weyne dads sulking in the west for the rest of their lives, only going back for 2nd and 3rd wives


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