Ethiopia ha burburto.


Why do y’all wish that on another country and it’s citizens that don’t mind Somalis? Wallahi you lot are a nuisance because Somalis are more obsessed about Ethiopians then vice versa. And I can guarantee to that the 100 million refugees will come to Somalia and we can’t deny them since Ethiopia opened its border to us when the civil war erupted in 1991.
Why do y’all wish that on another country and it’s citizens that don’t mind Somalis? Wallahi you lot are a nuisance because Somalis are more obsessed about Ethiopians then vice versa. And I can guarantee to that the 100 million refugees will come to Somalia and we can’t deny them since Ethiopia opened its border to us when the civil war erupted in 1991.
There will no dirty raw meat eating filth that will come to somalia we will deport any filth that comes to somalia.


abiye isnt strong enough to maintain the terroristic stance of meles. so hes forced to refrain from an amhara rampage. i have no doubt he would be another meles if he was strong enough.
Meles's sudden death was a massive break for Somalis. Another decade of his rule would have been catastrophic. He completely understood the dynamics of every ethnic group in Ethiopia
You confused me earlier.


1.Are Dinkas and Nuers like Oromo & Somalis share 40% of language?
2.Do Nuer or Dinka live in Central public or Congo?

The Dinka and Nuer languages are closer than 40%; I would put it at 60% at the very least. Nuer and Shilluk are closer and their mutual intelligibility could be at 70% or more.

There are no Dinka or Nuer people in Central African Republic or Congo; we are confined to South Sudan, Sudan (Abyei) and Ethiopia.


There will he dirty raw meat eating filth that will come to somalia we will deport any filth that comes to somalia.
No you won’t. Do you wanna know why? Ethiopia has opened their border TO US when the civil war erupted and other major more powerful countries will force Somalia to do the same. If we opened the borders for oromos and Yemenis to get it then we will for sure open the borders for Ethiopians.

despite the fact, these Ethiopians who will become refugees are innocent and it’s disgusting that you would let innocent people perish in a civil war they didn’t cause.
No you won’t. Do you wanna know why? Ethiopia has opened their border TO US when the civil war erupted and other major more powerful countries will force Somalia to do the same. If we opened the borders for oromos and Yemenis to get it then we will for sure open the borders for Ethiopians.

despite the fact, these Ethiopians who will become refugees are innocent and it’s disgusting that you would let innocent people perish in a civil war they didn’t cause.
Not my problem with these raw meat eater who have been killing Somalis for centuries.They will ne deported out of somali land like the oromos are also deported in the thousands.They can starve in their country.Inshallah it will collapse just like the soviet union did.


Not my problem with these raw meat eater who have been killing Somalis for centuries.They will ne deported out of somali land like the oromos are also deported in the thousands.They can starve in their country.Inshallah it will collapse just like the soviet union did.
Raw eat beaters? Killing who?

you mean their government because your average Ethiopian doesn’t even know why Somalis have this huge hate against other Ethiopians.

btw Ethiopian is a nationality, so you are also insulting Somalis born there and calling them raw meat eaters. Be ashamed of yourself and do me a favour and log out of your account because you are living in a reality where Somalia is supposedly stable enough to decide any shit


Meles's sudden death was a massive break for Somalis. Another decade of his rule would have been catastrophic. He completely understood the dynamics of every ethnic group in Ethiopia
meles knew his stuff. :eminemdamn:

Meles knew Somalia very well, as he lived in Mogadishu when he was a liberation leader in the 1980s. Meles and Eritrean leader Isayas Afewerki “lived together in a villa behind Tawfiq Hotel, north Mogadishu, and were handled by the National Security Service, provided with travel documents and Somali passports, trained and given a Tigrayan radio frequency”, a former senior Somali government official told IRIN.
Raw eat beaters? Killing who?

you mean their government because your average Ethiopian doesn’t even know why Somalis have this huge hate against other Ethiopians.

btw Ethiopian is a nationality, so you are also insulting Somalis born there and calling them raw meat eaters. Be ashamed of yourself and do me a favour and log out of your account because you are living in a reality where Somalia is supposedly stable enough to decide any shit
Which somali would ever degrade themselves and call themselves raw meat eaters🤣💀. You think raw meat eaters will he welcomed in Somalia never.Oromos the closet somalis are hated if any tiguary or amhara comes they will be deported immediately.
Not my problem with these raw meat eater who have been killing Somalis for centuries.They will ne deported out of somali land like the oromos are also deported in the thousands.They can starve in their country.Inshallah it will collapse just like the soviet union did.

Wait, didn't you guys also kill them?

I could have sworn that Somalis have boasted that Ethiopians started eating raw meat after Somali warriors terrified them into not revealing their positions.


No you won’t. Do you wanna know why? Ethiopia has opened their border TO US when the civil war erupted and other major more powerful countries will force Somalia to do the same. If we opened the borders for oromos and Yemenis to get it then we will for sure open the borders for Ethiopians.

despite the fact, these Ethiopians who will become refugees are innocent and it’s disgusting that you would let innocent people perish in a civil war they didn’t cause.
nigga hush.



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Man, I thought I was bitter toward the North but your bitterness is in a league of its own, mate; even I don't want to destroy my former adversaries -- even if I had the power to do so.

All I want is to return Kafia Kingi and reach a mutually beneficial arrangement on Abyei.

selassie. from horses mouth. amhara mindset plain to see.
“Prior to the race of European powers to divide up the continent of Africa, Ethiopia included an extensive coastline along the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It was only the last 15 years of the 19th century that Ethiopia had been deprived of access to the sea by the loss of the Somali Peninsula and Eritrea. The first step in this direction was the Italian conquest of Massawa in 1885, followed by their seizure of the Benaadir and the rest of southern Somalia.



Which somali would ever degrade themselves and call themselves raw meat eaters🤣💀. You think raw meat eaters will he welcomed in Somalia never.Oromos the closet somalis are hated if any tiguary or amhara comes they will be deported immediately.
Then go back to Somalia then! Obviously you only got accepted in the west because your ass is a refugee like the rest of us so sit your dog ass looking face down. You won’t get what you want either way lmaooo
Ethipioan whether muslim or not have been killing somalis for centuries abusing them treating them like 16th class citizens.there no reason why they should he given refuge the same is with yemen.The only ones that should be given refuge is those that treated somalis with respect honour it times of need such as syrians.


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