That’s the 20th century lol, and America karbashed japan due to superior tech not outright war, if America currently only had 10 million people but the same amount of wealth yes they can defeat any country because they would have even more resources to allocate to the military lol, like I said before you don’t even need a single solider in active combat anymore, military has mostly been about a countries economy and who can last longer without starving your people or military, now it’s purely about money and who can afford the latest tech and weopanry, with oil money we can do that (saudi model) you don’t need a high population to be the strongest military in Africa just the best techif america had 10 million people i dont think they could with stand the soviets and hitler and japan
hitler had 13 million man soldiers, america had 22 million and karbashed japan with her hands tight in eruope so to speak and supplied the british and russians with aid,
numbers count, also the more people usually the more GDP if you do it right,