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Ethiopia was modernized by tplf, in the 90s Mogadishu and even hargeisa was better than Addis. It was literally a shithole.
good for thm, go there once a while.

Addis is still a xaar hole. It's cold, has really bad Internet and the people/ area is jaago.

The only nice place is the new airport.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Good for them I gues. But there is awfully a lot of People in that country and many are in abject poverty. While that building is nice I don’t think it is enough to elevate Ethiopians from being third world shit hole like us

We need to get our own shit going
I think more than 4 Million. The last official census was held in 2007 and the population of the city was 3.4 Million at that time.
Damn Mogadishu population is around 2.5 million while Addis Ababa is 4 million even though the populatoon 100 million :bell: seems like opportunity in somalia is only Mogadishu :ivers:
These are Ethiopian projects made by Ethiopian resources and man power. And 99% of the actual skilled persons in any projects are non TPLF. So it is all ours, TPLF suck!

Yeah, that's why a couple months ago you were all insulting Ethiopian Airlines for being a "Tigrayan" company:chrisfreshhah::ulyin:.

I can like TPLF if I want, shouldn't offend you:manny:.
Yeah, that's why a couple months ago you were all insulting Ethiopian Airlines for being a "Tigrayan" company:chrisfreshhah::ulyin:.

I can like TPLF if I want, shouldn't offend you:manny:.

Ethiopian Airlines being "Tigray" company is of course baloney made by ESAT propaganda. It is ethnically diverse while Tigreans make up I think 10% or so, Amhara around 50% etc. Here is the diversity index for 2018 posted by Jawar. It was Ethiopian and is Ethiopian for the last 70 years. No single ethnic group can claim it.

Ethiopian Airlines being "Tigray" company is of course baloney made by ESAT propaganda. It is ethnically diverse while Tigreans make up I think 10% or so, Amhara around 50% etc. Here is the diversity index for 2018 posted by Jawar. It was Ethiopian and is Ethiopian for the last 70 years. No single ethnic group can claim it.

It was your people that called it Tigrayan, no one else, as well as that stupid story about the Amhara co-pilot being fired.
It was your people that called it Tigrayan, no one else, as well as that stupid story about the Amhara co-pilot being fired.

That was all stupid propaganda which I didn't like because I have family members who work there and I knew the whole propaganda was dishonest.
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