No ideawho killed the engineer?
No ideawho killed the engineer?
Wrong. Abiy said the dam will take over 10 years to complete around 3 days before the engineer was murdered (I wonder why), and now recently he said it is near completion. No restructuring turns 10 years into less than a year lol.
good for them but that was still funny@arawelo 2.0
When the Ethiopian hydro electricity dam becomes operational, it will not only supply Ethiopia’s electricity needs, but they will be capable in selling excess power to neighboring countries. When the Dam becomes operational, economic growth will increase too as every town and village will have access to cheap power.
who killed the engineer?
Right. Ethiopian airport is just big pxs of metal. Looks like OHare. Very old fashiones. Hargeysa Airport is the worst in Somalia. So small. 60 dollar visas and 5dollar baggage collectorsgood for them but that was still funny
i was laughing until we landed at hargeisa's international airport. the arrivals section was literally a room with 3 cubicles to collect visa money![]()
You can't go from 10 years to 1 year. This country has resorted to blaming TPLF for everything, even recently blaming us for inciting animosity between Amhara's and Eritreans although it wasn't us waving the old map of Ethiopia with Eritrea.He was simply shocked by the lie and incompetency of METEC. They were telling us lies while they never were capable of producing turbines et al. Now Germans and Chinese companies are to deliver the turbines and with that the dam will be completed I think by next year.
German firm to install six turbines in Ethiopia’s GERD dam
looool i had no idea the baggage collectors weren't airport employees. they took my bags to the car and just stood thereRight. Ethiopian airport is just big pxs of metal. Looks like OHare. Very old fashiones. Hargeysa Airport is the worst in Somalia. So small. 60 dollar visas and 5dollar baggage collectors
You can't go from 10 years to 1 year. This country has resorted to blaming TPLF for everything, even recently blaming us for inciting animosity between Amhara's and Eritreans although it wasn't us waving the old map of Ethiopia with Eritrea.
What were they blamed for?Hmmm Let me remember, your story seem familiar to me. Wait... Amhara (the people) were blamed for everything under the sun the last 27 years and for that the people were displaced and killed. Now it is your turn. You started this shitty game. I always think why TPLF hates the Amhara people more than Derg who bombed them to the ground. The last 27 we have witnessed no hate towards the criminal derg but only against the ordinary Amhara who have done nothing against Tigreans. But we are in the game which you started. Hopefully after some years of TPLF absence this dirty game will have an end.
What were they blamed for?
You want us to hate TPLF, those that liberated us but you guys are allowed to carry on obsessing over Haile Selassie (allied with the British and bombed Tigray heavily killing many citizens in our first uprising).![]()
not bad at all. No wonder you don't see them spending their time making enemies all over social media they are busy building their nation. somalis should take a page from these people.
Qashin qashin dhalay. What have you done for somali people. Get off your knees and do something for Musliminta.
Qashin qashin dhalay. What have you done for somali people. Get off your knees and do something for Musliminta.
Who said you should hate TPLF? I am just saying you guys are reaping what you sow. That is all. As I said you can have TPLF forever in Tigray. But don't even try to bring that shit to us![]()
Wrong. They've just always been taken care of and supported by their western masters.@Suldaanka
Call me qashiin or any other insults, but please leave my parents out of this. Qashiin ima dhallin. Ethiopians are smarter than us, that is a fact.
Definitely not those who wanted to stop the dam. No construction project will be stoped just because an engineer is killed. A technical person can be easily be replaced. So that doesn't make sense. Either he really committed suicide or those were forcing him to sign their looting sub contracts killed him to hide their crime.
You are forgetting the current PM was corrupt himself under EPRDF.
The looters came from more than one ethnic group, not my fault if you only watched the evil documentary they released.You don't get it. The most important thing is not what someone or organization did in the past but that he/it has repented and does what is good now and in the future. We are now free to speak our mind, no more jailing for every little crap like holding a flag and what not. No more torture. We are finally free. No more a one ethnic apartheid rule of looters. If TPLF repents and supports the change and transformation to a democracy believe me Ethiopians will forgive their crimes fast. The problem is it is still telling us what we are experiencing is not good at all. Give me a break! Ethiopians have shown whether you are EPRDF, ANDM, OPDO or whatever, as long as you don't harm us and don't want to bring us into slavery again, we will support you but the current blind TPLF is still trying to preach to us the old days were better. That is crap!
Qashin qashin dhalay. What have you done for somali people. Get off your knees and do something for Musliminta.