Ethiopia reddit raging on Somalis after deal with egypt


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
That whole sub is tweaking after egyptian troops landed in Somalia. After the past few months of playing big and breaking international law no they cry about how Somali have no right to open the border to egyptian bases.

These posts are just a few that keep popping up for me in the last few day s


♚Sargon of Adal♚
E-V12 Egypt coming in to help it's distant relative.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I dont think egypt will be good for us they will probably be the same as ethiopia but hey atleast we get to see ethiopians raging that their oppressive hegemony over our land is being replaced with another might be oppressive hegemony :russ:


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Egypt is a destabilising force in the horn alongside the UAE. Both should respect our sovereignty if not we should severe ties with them
What has Egypt done to destabilise the horn. You're "Harari" lmao ethiopians threatening every country around them, even breaking international law, and then crying when those countries play against them. Is always funny.

Ethiopians bully other countries but they can't back their shit up. At least other countries like America can bully other nations and have the capacity to act on their threats. Ethiopians only know how to throw rocks and then run away.

The Egyptians have never don't anything to Harm Somalis, and vice versa. In the ogaden war when the whole world was against us, the Egyptians were the handful of nations that supported us. Somalis never threatened Egypt and the opposite never happened also. We keep to our lanes. But the ethiopians don't know their place, they threaten everyone around them and then when those countries in the region decide it's time to ally against a common enemy. You cry.

What happened to being the lions of Africa? Recognising Somaliland? Stand on buisness nigga
What has Egypt done to destabilise the horn. You're "Harari" lmao ethiopians threatening every country around them, even breaking international law, and then crying when those countries play against them. Is always funny.

Ethiopians bully other countries but they can't back their shit up. At least other countries like America can bully other nations and have the capacity to act on their threats. Ethiopians only know how to throw rocks and then run away.
Ethiopia is your neighbor while Egypt which is far from us should worry about the Gaza situation in which the Jews want to remilitarize the border


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Ethiopia is your neighbor while Egypt which is far from us should worry about the Gaza situation in which the Jews want to remilitarize the border
Ethiopia is a wannabe millitary power That wants to enslave Somalis and all Muslims in the region. Egypt is a north-east African state that is sunni Muslim and also had it's own sovereignity threatened by Abiy's Ethiopia

