Ethiopia- The Land of Origins

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Do you think they saw my thread the other day and decided to emphasise Ethiopia as the cradle of mankind?

I see, it sounds good. Nice way to attract tourism.

Tell me are the skeletons excavated in Ethiopia like Lucy kept in the country or kept in foreign museums?

I'll have you know Lucy is sitting right in Addis:icon lol:.
Had the chance of meeting this lady and her other friends when I went back home again:dead:
Nice most western archeologists expect countries they excavate especially in Africa to be grateful and just hand over
their cultural assets.
I'll have you know Lucy is sitting right in Addis:icon lol:.
Had the chance of meeting this lady and her other friends when I went back home again:dead:

Lucy other history which is stolen from Somali/Afar. Lucy was found in Awash valley (hawash). According to Huntingford, in the 16th century the Awash river was called the great Dir river and lay in the country of the Muslims.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
View attachment 17312

Lucy other history which is stolen from Somali/Afar. Lucy was found in Awash valley (hawash). According to Huntingford, in the 16th century the Awash river was called the great Dir river and lay in the country of the Muslims. View attachment 17312
Canuck the xabashi slayer:salute:
Get lost:susp:, as if you care about Afar's.

@TheUnderTaker Thread derailed in a matter of 6 posts...
I dont see how it was derailed:what1: she just gave it to us from a different angle
Plus it was not even Afar according to Huntingford, it was Somali and river was called the great Dir river that lies in country of Muslim in the 16th century
It was found in the Mille Woreda in the Afar region.:camby:

The angle was a bit too Afar and forced:siilaanyosmile:.
Is the new Teddy Afro song "Ethiopia" a protest song against the TPLF?? Do you understand the song? And how do the Tigrayan people feel about the song?
Plus it was not even Afar according to Huntingford, it was Somali and river was called the great Dir river that lies in country of Muslim in the 16th century

Are you feeling okay? She was specifically found in Hadar in the Mille Woreda in Afar Region.
Why you moving from Hadar, to the greater Awash valley, next to the Awash river and then translating this word into the Dir River:ileycry:.
Is the new Teddy Afro song "Ethiopia" a protest song against the TPLF?? Do you understand the song? And how do the Tigrayan people feel about the song?
Kind of, and patriotic at the same time. The politically aggravated Tigrayans do not like it lol:pachah1:.
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