Ethiopia to overtake Kenya as largest East African economy

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Suicidal men adore me.
Ethiopia is the worlds largest receiver of state aid in the history of mankind.

They receive $12 BILLION, every year just from the U.S alone, in order to pacify and control somalis.

90% of Kenya's foreign direct investment comes from China and NFD+Somalia has been put up as collateral.

As we've all witnessed, they are both puppets/slaves and when they stray too far from their overlords, "reminders" are put in place.

Ethiopia is experiencing all this trouble because they are far too close to china and subsequently dead set on expansionism via our ports (which they want to turn into naval bases,) That threatens all the arabs and what we are seeing is a result of the arabs being back into a corner.

Kenya is experiencing this because they won't support U.S + arabs against habashi due to their old defense pact, and again, also for being too financially close to the chinese.

I always knew their newfound relationship with China would come back biting them in the ass. The US is fixed on undermining Chinese presence in Africa. I wonder why they're not that concerned in Afghanistan or Sudan. The Chinese are writing million dollar copper contracts in Afghanistan while the US still have their troops there. Interesting. US foreign policy is very messy.
I always knew their newfound relationship with China would come back biting them in the ass. The US is fixed on undermining Chinese presence in Africa. I wonder why they're not that concerned in Afghanistan or Sudan. The Chinese are writing million dollar copper contracts in Afghanistan while the US still have their troops there. Interesting. US foreign policy is very messy.

It finally has.

The entire success rate of the Ethio-Kenyan expansionism lies in one man's hands, the Djibouti president Guelleh.

1. Ethiopia's financial progress and economic development depends on Guelleh, in order to steal and transport Ogaden oil and gas via Djibouti straight to India and China. The somali ports will also ve used for this purpose.

Guelleh is steadily merging Djibouti with Ethiopia for their miltary protection. The habashi are slowly annexing Djibouti under the guise of "bilateral-trade and security co-operation. Habasha soldiers now have unrestrcited access to enter Djibouti without any prior authorization as long as they keep him in power if a colour reveolution/arab spring should ever reach him.

Little does Guelleh know, that he has also become too big for his boots and is now in the crosshair of some heavy-weight neo-cons who .H.A.T.E. china more than anything (these are the military industrial complex / intelligence agency boys who are backing Trump, hence his rantings about China china china.)

2. Kenya has racked up so much debt due to the large infrastructure projects such as trains, energy, airport, ports, that it's absolutely impossible for them to repay that back within the next 150 years...Unless they pit all somalis against one another by using a combination of bribery and qabil. Case in point recently, the whole "rogue politician want's to recognize somaliland trick." Nothing happens by accident Politics and this was in fact engineered by Kenyatta himself to put pressure on HSM, but to further split and divide our people.

People must understand, that agitating one qabil against another, ALWAYS comes with a suitcase of money, setting up a relative of a sultan in the U.S than subsequently promising to drop charges if they go along etc.

Cadaans play dirty, and most of the elders and sultans mentally operate up to the year 1925.

Guelleh is handing out military bases left and right in order to curry favour with the superpowers, and to accrue income as him and his family aren't very good at state building. One family's corruption hinders the progress of almost a million people.

A few months after that letter was written (by some of Trump's most ardent backers who are also some of the most hawkish players in DC, Guelleh found himself very ill and was treated secretely in France. I have a suspicion, but can't confirm, that it's cancer, similar to hugo chavez, Ernesto Kirchner et al.

So if Guelleh passes away, the Chinese and soon to be Russian military base (insanity,) will all be rolled back. The Djibouti Ogaden-Djibouti natural gas and oil pipelines will be reversed, in the event of conflict, no more reer ciisse.

I don't wish death on anyone, but I wouldn't be sad when he goes.

Little do most know, that Guelleh is the very key to our peoples demise as he's STILL french intelligence...


  • Djibouti-letter-John-Kerry.pdf
    740.6 KB · Views: 198
I always knew their newfound relationship with China would come back biting them in the ass. The US is fixed on undermining Chinese presence in Africa. I wonder why they're not that concerned in Afghanistan or Sudan. The Chinese are writing million dollar copper contracts in Afghanistan while the US still have their troops there. Interesting. US foreign policy is very messy.

That PDF will tell you everything you need to know about the fate of Habashi/Djibouti.


Cultural revolution
Ethiopia is still miles and miles behind Kenya in every possible way.

You can live in peace vote democratically and own a large business without any disturbance in Kenya but not in Ethiopia.

Plus, I would live in Nairobi any day because it's the most developed city in the Eastern Half of Africa.


Shithole Ethiopia will never top this


Your superior
It finally has.

The entire success rate of the Ethio-Kenyan expansionism lies in one man's hands, the Djibouti president Guelleh.

1. Ethiopia's financial progress and economic development depends on Guelleh, in order to steal and transport Ogaden oil and gas via Djibouti straight to India and China. The somali ports will also ve used for this purpose.

Guelleh is steadily merging Djibouti with Ethiopia for their miltary protection. The habashi are slowly annexing Djibouti under the guise of "bilateral-trade and security co-operation. Habasha soldiers now have unrestrcited access to enter Djibouti without any prior authorization as long as they keep him in power if a colour reveolution/arab spring should ever reach him.

Little does Guelleh know, that he has also become too big for his boots and is now in the crosshair of some heavy-weight neo-cons who .H.A.T.E. china more than anything (these are the military industrial complex / intelligence agency boys who are backing Trump, hence his rantings about China china china.)

2. Kenya has racked up so much debt due to the large infrastructure projects such as trains, energy, airport, ports, that it's absolutely impossible for them to repay that back within the next 150 years...Unless they pit all somalis against one another by using a combination of bribery and qabil. Case in point recently, the whole "rogue politician want's to recognize somaliland trick." Nothing happens by accident Politics and this was in fact engineered by Kenyatta himself to put pressure on HSM, but to further split and divide our people.

People must understand, that agitating one qabil against another, ALWAYS comes with a suitcase of money, setting up a relative of a sultan in the U.S than subsequently promising to drop charges if they go along etc.

Cadaans play dirty, and most of the elders and sultans mentally operate up to the year 1925.

Guelleh is handing out military bases left and right in order to curry favour with the superpowers, and to accrue income as him and his family aren't very good at state building. One family's corruption hinders the progress of almost a million people.

A few months after that letter was written (by some of Trump's most ardent backers who are also some of the most hawkish players in DC, Guelleh found himself very ill and was treated secretely in France. I have a suspicion, but can't confirm, that it's cancer, similar to hugo chavez, Ernesto Kirchner et al.

So if Guelleh passes away, the Chinese and soon to be Russian military base (insanity,) will all be rolled back. The Djibouti Ogaden-Djibouti natural gas and oil pipelines will be reversed, in the event of conflict, no more reer ciisse.

I don't wish death on anyone, but I wouldn't be sad when he goes.

Little do most know, that Guelleh is the very key to our peoples demise as he's STILL french intelligence...
So it is djabouti fault. Typical. When will you take responsibility?
So it is djabouti fault. Typical. When will you take responsibility?

Responsibilty for what bud?

I don't recall being elected to any office.

We're discussing economics from a geo-politcal standpoint.

Geo-politics 101. Politics is business, and business is Politics.

Don't derail the thread with emotion please.
Ethiopia is still miles and miles behind Kenya in every possible way.

You can live in peace vote democratically and own a large business without any disturbance in Kenya but not in Ethiopia.

Plus, I would live in Nairobi any day because it's the most developed city in the Eastern Half of Africa.

View attachment 7674 View attachment 7675 View attachment 7676

Shithole Ethiopia will never top this

Looking at this, I agree that it's much better and more developed than Ethiopia, but here's where I disagree.

1. It's not a democracy but a Kleptocracy. (I know this from personal experience with Ruto.)

2. You cannot live there in peace as Somali, unless you're connected at the highest level. Kenyans hate Somalis. Everyone know's this.Policemen make more from extorting somalis than 4x their annual salary.

3. 3/4th's of all the major businesses are owned by foreigners (usually cadaan but mre and more eschewed towards Asia.)

4. The Kenyan Economy, only survives due to the influx of foreign dollars that somalis are exclusively the majority in bringing in to the country. Since the somalis are responsible, for such a large influx, of the very modicum of exchange that is at the heart of the economy, it goes without saying, that the dollar supply in Kenya would grind to a halt if Somalis stopped their remittances.

Case in point when Kenyatta last year (I believe,) made grand statements about banning hawala's, only to realise that the economy contracted by over 20% and local kenyans were up in arms as the small bantu traders were the ones that were relying on somalis dollars.
I always knew their newfound relationship with China would come back biting them in the ass. The US is fixed on undermining Chinese presence in Africa. I wonder why they're not that concerned in Afghanistan or Sudan. The Chinese are writing million dollar copper contracts in Afghanistan while the US still have their troops there. Interesting. US foreign policy is very messy.

They are concerned about those countries, and in fact, big things are already ongoin in both places.

Afghanistan: They are slowly being inducted in to BRICS One-Belt-One-Road new economic silk road. The chinese gov have mediated personally between the different taliban factions in order to pacify the country, than going from the conomically (which is better than being killed.)

Sudan: They have the patronage of Egypt, as they are within their sphere of influence and vital to Egypt's economic and security interests. Egypt is vital to Saudi security militarily, as the U.S are slowly plotting the internal coup of the Saudi monarchy, hence the free oil for 5-years deal they made in return for protection of the Saudi gov/monarch + participation in the Yemen war. Saudi therefore becomes the unwilling patron (support and defender) of Sudan by proxy. Plus, Sudan is also involved and protected by the entire Gulf Co-operation council due to their involvment in Yemen. Same goes for Eritrea. This is how you play the game on the international state. You pit superpower against one another. If only HSM knew this.

Also, the breaking apart of South Sudan, thereby robbing Sudan of 90% of their oil dollars, came about via George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Don Cheadle, but the mastermind was John Prendergast from the State Department!

"Ethiopia’s anticipated invasion marks scramble for territory with Kenyan rival."

The woman who has been in charge of the Horn of Africa since the 80's is Gayle Smith.

Gayle Smith was Bush and Obama's top advisor on the Horn, and she used to be a MISTRESS of Meles Zenawi's top general in the early 80's.

Same period, as the highest death toll of Somalis in our entire history.....
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