Ethiopian ATMIS Soldiers Want To Stay In Somalia After Their Mission Is Over Due Insecurity In Their Home Country


Jimco, Agoosto, 30, 2024 (HOL) - Iyadoo howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (ATMIS) uu gabagabo ku dhow yahay dhammaadka December 2024, waxaa soo baxday xaalad la yaab leh oo xasaasi ah oo ay ku lug leeyihiin dhowr askari oo Itoobiyaan ah oo hadda ku sugan Soomaaliya.

Sida uu sheegay sarkaal ka tirsan sirdoonka ciidanka qaranka Soomaaliya, tiro ka mid ah askartan ayaa muujiyay rabitaankooda ah in ay sii joogaan Soomaaliya qaxooti ahaan intii ay dib ugu laaban lahaayeen Itoobiya. Waxay rajaynayaan in ay magangelyo ku helaan waddan saddexaad ka dib marka ay hawshooda dhammaato.

Askartan oo inta badan fariisimo ku leh gobolada Bay, Bakool iyo Gedo ee dalka Soomaaliya, ayaa la sheegay in aysan dooneyn in ay dib ugu laabtaan dalka Itoobiya, sababo la xiriira colaado gudaha ah oo dalkoodii hooyo ragaadiyay tan iyo 2022-kii.

Qoysaska Itoobiya ayaa wajahaya rabshado, afduub iyo lacago madax furasho ah oo uga imaanaya dhinacyo kala duwan oo ku lug leh dagaalka.

Sida laga soo xigtay ilo wareedyo ka tirsan militariga Soomaaliya, qaar ka mid ah askarta Itoobiya ayaa si qarsoodi ah u sheegay dhiggooda Soomaaliya, taasoo muujineysa in kooxaha hubeysan ee Itoobiya ay beegsadaan qoysaskooda.

Waxa ay ku andacoonayaan in xaaladdu ay noqotay mid aad u adag oo ay askartan naftooda uga baqayaan haddii ay dib ugu laaban lahaayeen dalkooda. Taasi waxay keentay in ay Soomaaliya u arkaan mid ka badbaadsan, ugu yaraan inta ay magangelyo ka helayaan dal saddexaad oo ka ilaalinaya qaska Itoobiya.
All xabash are the same with the exception of Eritreans. There’s no difference between any of them re: Somalia. These groups just want to mold Ethiopia in their image and they’ll always be enemies truly of Somalia.
True but I take the lesser evil any day of the week. What Amhara did to the Somalis in galbeed in particular the Hawiye is recorded and unparalleled.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
May Allah keep Oromo in power and continue butchering the Amhara & Tigray.
Isn't an oromo leader overall worse for somalis?

off topic edit: Its been a minute since i been on hiraan .com, Does anyone know Amin arts is his cartoons are.. grim. reality


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
We should wlc our Tigray and Amhara brothers. They know how to rule Ethiopia and were leading that country to development and prosperity.
Meles zenawi and tplf used to be bastards to us too. They’re all the same, them becoming citizens of Somalis though, is not a bad idea
True but I take the lesser evil any day of the week. What Amhara did to the Somalis in galbeed in particular the Hawiye is recorded and unparalleled.
Idk if any of them are lesser evils tbh. Abiy probably has the strongest grip on Soomaali Galbeed out of all the leaders. None of them would’ve dared to build an Ethiopian military base in Galbeed but look at Abiy now lmao.
Idk if any of them are lesser evils tbh. Abiy probably has the strongest grip on Soomaali Galbeed out of all the leaders. None of them would’ve dared to build an Ethiopian military base in Galbeed but look at Abiy now lmao.
That’s because Cagjar is super submissive compared to the previous leader Abdi Iley


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I think their better cause oromos keep taking Land in galbeed. Im always supporting their division just like how those bastards support somaliland. Im doing it for the exact same reason cause i dont gas about either of them I just want them to all fail
May Allah keep Oromo in power and continue butchering the Amhara & Tigray.
If war happens I bet Oromo gonna be using Amhara and Tigray as cannon fodder so that there will be depopulation of Amhara and Tigray Habesha. If Oromo manage to depopulate Tigray and Amhara by the Millions the Habesha will remain as minorities until the day of judgement.

This explains why Oromo don't want to leave Ethiopia because if they do they would be double landlocked country and they wouldn't be able to use the other ethnicities as cannon fodder in war for Oromo interests and Oromo power centralization
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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Haabasha will claim bay,bakool, lower shabeele, gedo,hiiraan and middle shabeele like thay say dadka guuro dhulka ma guuro
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Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
They are more than welcome to stay in Gedo and join Marehan militias. We will use them as cannon fodder to liberate kismayu.